When you receive your expected letter from Admissions Office, you will be able to start the process of enrollment. We recommend that you carefully read the information provided below:

I have been admitted to commence first-year studies
The deadline for enrollment for all centers is April 9 through May 31, 2025 for all degrees, except for the Foundation Program, which opens on June 2.
Between these dates you must make the application of enrollment in the Portal miUNAV, indicating the payment methods and attaching all the necessary documentation as it becomes available.
Those admitted after this deadline of enrollment will formalize the enrollment on the date that will be indicated in its resolution.
To prepare the enrollment it is necessary to read the information on this website. If you have any questions enquiry, you can call the University's Admissions Office Service (telephone 948 42 56 14 / admision@unav.es), from Monday to Friday, from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm and from 3.30 pm to 5 pm.
*From June 15 to August 31 the schedule is from 9.30 am to 2 pm.
National students must formalize the enrollment through the Portal miUNAV even if the result of the EvAU/EBAU is not yet available.
Those admitted in Medicine, Nursing and Psychology must pass the EvAU/EBAU at 1st . For the rest of Degrees, those who have not passed the EvAU/EBAU in the 1st call and take the extraordinary call, will have until September 20, 2024 to prove that they have passed the EvAU/EBAU C.
International students should go to enrollment even if they do not yet have the high school program or the accreditation of the UNED for access to the University; in these cases, the enrollment will be provisional and will be conditioned to provide one of these documents before October 31.
All students must fill in the form of enrollment with their personal and family data . Then they will see the subjects they are going to take and finally they will see the amount of the enrollment. They must choose the form or forms of payment of the total amount of the enrollment (until the pending amount is "0"). enquiry If you have any questions about the form of payment, you can indicate it in the section "Observations".
IMPORTANT: If the minimum amount has not yet been paid, the Portal miUNAV will first request it with specific payment methods. Then, you must indicate how the remaining amount is to be paid with your available payment methods.
Finally, the summary of the enrollment must be digitally signed on screen and the "Send" button must be clicked. When the enrollment is processed, you will receive a message confirming that it has been formalized; from that moment on you will be able to download in myUNAV at report of the enrollment.
The documents should be uploaded to the miUNAV portal .
National students
1. Photocopy of both sides of the student’s National Identity Document.
2. Photocopy of the receipt to obtain the high school diploma.
3. card that accredits having passed the assessment for University Access (EvAU/EBAU) attach it before July 1st.
4. The receipt of the transfer of the academic transcript must be attached before July 12, except for students who have taken the EvAU in Navarra, who have until July 31. This document is requested at the University where the EvAU/EBAU was taken. To obtain this receipt you must present the admission resolution.
5. One passport photo.
International students
1. Photocopy of passport.
2. One passport photo.
One of these documents must be submitted:
If you have completed programs of study from high school diploma following the system educational of any member country of the European Union (British, German, French schools...) and meet the academic requirements to access the universities of those countries (IB, A Levels, Abitur, Baccalauréat) you must apply for the accreditation of the UNED for access to the University (UNEDasiss) ( see video tutorial on the process) with grade for admission.
Students who have studied in countries outside of the EU should apply for . homologation of degree scroll from high school program(see video tutorial on the process). It is necessary to present the original document when enrolling and if it has not yet been obtained, they must upload to portal miUNAV the flyer certifying that they have applied for it, stamped by the Spanish Government office where it has been presented.
In the case of the homologation of high school program, it will be necessary to present the Homologation before 1 April of the following year at Office of the Registrar of the University. If this document is not provided before that date, or if the homologation is denied, the enrollment will be invalidated, and no academic certification will be issued for the programs of study, nor will you be entitled to apply for the refund of the amount paid for the enrollment.
If you have taken the test de assessment for University Access (EvAU/EBAU) at the UNED, you must present the same documents required for national students, but, instead of n. 3, you must present the Homologation of the degree scroll of high school program, or the receipt accrediting that you have applied for it.
Those who have done university studies and have had some subjects transferred must submit the original certificate for these studies to the Office of the Registrar:
- if they have been validated at least 30 ECTS credit, they only have to present this document, they do not need any other.
- if they have been validated less than 30 ECTS credit, they must also provide the Homologation of the high school program or the accreditation of the UNED of access to the University (UNEDasiss).
In most of the Degrees, in the first year students only register for the compulsory subjects listed in their Study program. However, in some Degrees it is also necessary to enroll in some subject elective subject , which must be selected when registering at enrollment.
The enrollment is made only once each academic year and once it has been made, it is irrevocable. However, in the deadline of 10 days from its formalization or in the first week of classes of the second semester, students who allege a just and proportionate cause may make any change.
Canceling enrollment does not entail a refund of any amounts paid; not even the administrative fees.
The enrollment is final when the transfer is received from the transcript of the home university, provided that it accredits that the student meets the conditions for access to the programs of study that it carries out; or when the credential of homologation of the high school program, or the accreditation UNEDassis presented before the end of the academic period of the course, in the case of students who access by these routes; until that moment, the enrollment is provisional.
The validity of the enrollment depends upon payment of the registration fees on the date of formalization.
Prices: you can check the prices of the degrees.
Discounts and bonuses: you can check the bonuses you are eligible.
Payment methods: it is possible to choose several payment methods at the same time (e.g. pay a part of the enrollment by direct debit and another part by card of credit or by installments with interest). The chosen payment methods must add up to the total amount of the enrollment. As a guideline, you can consult the payment methods for the last academic year; those corresponding to the 2025-2026 academic year will be available soon.
Financing: the Student Finance Office has a wide range of bank loans and credits with special conditions. For more financing information.
Continuity Insurance from programs of studyto guarantee the university programs of studyin case of death/absolute permanent disability of the insured parents. See here for details of the insurance policy(Allianz).
Students of the University have a school insurance but there is also the possibility of contracting additional coverage. enquiry here all the information.

I am continuing my studies
Students who have passed all subjects between December and May
They must formalize the enrollment from the day and time that will be indicated in an e-mail that will be sent to them at the beginning of June; the deadline is from June 9 to 13, 24 and 25, 2025. For Tecnun, June 18 and 19.
The enrollment program will be open until June 30, and any enrollment changes must be made by that date.
Enrollment changes after June 30:
The program will be reopened from July 15 to August 5, both for students who have not registered before and to make any changes to enrollment previously made.
Students from Schools of Medicine, Science, Pharmacy and Nursing can do so from July 22 to August 5.
Students who have not passed all subjects between December and May
They must formalize the enrollment, starting on the day and time that will be indicated in an e-mail message at the beginning of July; the deadline is from July 15 to July 28.
- for Tecnun students, from July 16 to July 18.
- for Medicine students, from July 22 to 24
- for Science, Pharmacy and Nursing students, from July 22 to 25.
The enrollment program will remain open until August 5 and until then any necessary changes can be made to the enrollment.
When accessing self-enrollment, students must select the subjects they wish to take, in accordance with the pre-prepared plan.
Wherever possible, problems arising during the self-enrollment process will be resolved by the staff at the Office of the Registrar. In any case, students may choose to put enrollment on hold and exit the program, at which point the subjects chosen will be held for three working days; the problem may be resolved during this time.
It is important to enroll on the date and at the time indicated in the self-enrollment appointment. This will ensure availability of elective subjects.
If, for any reason, enrollment cannot be completed, the program may be closed once the subjects that are definitely going to be taken are selected. No payment needs to be made at this time.
This way, those subjects will be reserved for three days, during which time any outstanding issues must be resolved. The program must then be reopened to finalize the enrollment process and make any changes to the previously selected subjects. Once this is done, payment of the registration fee can be made.
If any issue cannot be resolved within those three days, the enrollment should be finalized and the registration fee paid while the issue is being resolved. The enrollment may then be modified at a later date.
Self-enrollment should be done by students themselves. In the exceptional case that a third party is authorized to do it, it is assumed that the formalized enrollment has been fully approved by the student; the enrollment will therefore be just as valid as if it were personally formalized by the student.
Telephone: 948 425 611(oogg@unav.es)
- from June 15 to August 31, from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
- from September 1, from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (Monday to Friday)
Enrollment takes place just once per academic year and, once completed, is irrevocable. Nonetheless, during periods when the self-enrollment program is open (indicated in the section titled “Registration Deadline”), or during the first week of classes in the second semester, students may make changes to their enrollment.
After choosing subjects, the program calculates the amount due, including registration fees (See the “Cost” tab). Afterwards, the method of payment must be chosen. It is possible to indicate several payment methods (for example, pay part of the registration fee via a direct debit and another part via an installment plan). The chosen payment methods must, of course, add up to the total cost of enrollment.
In any case, it is necessary to pay at least 95€ (through card of credit , direct debit or bank transfer).
The registration fee must be paid within three days of enrollment, via one of the methods listed in the section titled “Forms of Payment".
Canceling enrollment does not entail a refund of any amounts paid. The validity of the enrollment depends upon payment of the registration fees on the date of formalization.
Once the self-enrolment has been completed, students who pay by bank transfer can upload the receipt to portal when they complete the self-enrolment or in the following days. They can also upload the ID card of large family, which must be presented.
Students who request to pay in installments must send the original application form (and copies of the parents' ID cards and of the passbook or account for payments by direct bank debit) by mail to the University's Office of the Registrar, University of Navarra Campus, 31009 Pamplona. Spain). These documents cannot be sent scanned or by email.
They can also be submitted at the University's Office of the Registrar, Monday through Friday from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. (and, starting on September, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).
If payment is made in full by direct bank debit (only for accounts open in Spain with an ES IBAN), it is not necessary to send any receipts to the University.
The position will be held
July 6, for those enrolled in June.
August 10, for those enrolled until August 4.
and on September 9, for those enrolled after August 4.
If, for any reason, payment is not made within three days, enrollment may be canceled, and the student may lose his or her elective subject choices.
The University hereby informs you (and students accept this on enrollment) that, pursuant to regulations issued by the competent authorities and by recommendation of its own experts, the academic content, methods of instruction and assessment of knowledge may be adapted for reasons of health safety, always within the general regulations applicable to official university instruction in Spain.
Prices: you can check the prices of the degrees.
Discounts and bonuses: you can check the bonuses you are eligible.
Payment methods: it is possible to choose several payment methods at the same time (for example, pay a part of the tuition fee by direct debit and another part by credit card or payment in installments). The chosen payment methods must add up to the total amount of the registration fee. More information on payment methods.
Financing: the Student Finance Office has a wide range of bank loans and credits with special conditions. For more financing information.
Continuity Insurance from programs of studyto guarantee the university programs of studyin case of death/absolute permanent disability of the insured parents. See here for details of the insurance policy(Allianz).
Students of the University have a school insurance but there is also the possibility of contracting additional coverage. enquiry here all the information.

I am a transfer student
The deadline to formalize the enrollment is from April 9 to September 8, 2025 and must be done through portal miUNAV(miportal.unav.edu).
When the Admissions Service sends and notifies the student that the final validation study is approved, together with the "enrollment plan", it will be uploaded to the miUNAV portal. At that moment, if it is within the enrollment period, the student can access miUNAV and pay the minimum payment if he/she has not already done so. He/she must then digitally sign the enrollment report.
Shortly, the system will register you as student of the University and you will receive an e-mail notifying you that from the following day you will be able to access from myUNAV to the button management Academic to make the self-enrollment.
When you go to section , you will see the subjects that have already been validated and you must select the new subjects that appear in the "plan of enrollment" together with the Validation Study uploaded to miUNAV. Once you have chosen the corresponding subjects, you will proceed to pay the amount of the enrollment according to the available payment methods.
National students
Through the portal miUNAV you must complete the form of enrollment and upload these documents:
Photocopy of ID card (both sides).
Photograph by ID card.
certificate Academic Transcript (copy of the original) of the programs of study previously completed. The original must be submitted to Office of the Registrar of the University of Navarra (the enrollment will be provisional until receipt of the original transcript or certified copy).
Receipt of the transfer of the academic transcript, issued by the Secretary's Office of the Faculty or School of origin. In order to obtain this receipt, a copy of the notification of admission to the University of Navarra must be presented at the University of Navarra.
International students (they are studying at university outside Spain)
Through the portal miUNAV you must complete the form of enrollment and upload these documents:
Photocopy of ID card (both sides), passport or identity card.
Photograph by ID card.
certificate Academic Transcript (copy of the original) of the programs of study previously completed. The original must be submitted to Office of the Registrar of the University of Navarra (the enrollment will be provisional until receipt of the original transcript or certified copy).
In case they have not been validated at least 30 ECTS credit, they must present the Homologation of the high school program, issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education or the access credential of the UNEDassis.
To avoid delays, students must submit all required documentation at the time enrollment is formalized. Enrollment takes place just once per academic year and, once completed, is irrevocable.
Canceling enrollment does not entail a refund of any amounts paid. Nonetheless, students may make changes to their enrollment, with due cause, within 10 days of formalizing enrollment.
The validity of the enrollment depends upon payment of the registration fees on the date of formalization.
Prices: you can check the prices of the degrees.
Discounts and bonuses: you can check the bonuses you are eligible.
Payment methods: it is possible to choose several payment methods at the same time (for example, pay a part of the tuition fee by direct debit and another part by credit card or payment in installments). The chosen payment methods must add up to the total amount of the registration fee. More information on payment methods.
Financing: the Student Finance Office has a wide range of bank loans and credits with special conditions. For more financing information.
Continuity Insurance from programs of studyto guarantee the university programs of studyin case of death/absolute permanent disability of the insured parents. See here for details of the insurance policy(Allianz).
Students of the University have a school insurance but there is also the possibility of contracting additional coverage. enquiry here all the information.