The enrollment is available from
This is the process you have to follow to enroll for the first time at the University of Navarra:
You have to fill in the form de enrollment
Visualize the subjects you are going to take
If you access by validation, you will have to wait for the result of the validation study to know your subjects.
The system will calculate the amount of your enrollment
You will have to indicate how to pay the total amount of the enrollment before proceeding to signature and sending the form. You can choose one or several payment methods indicating the amount you prefer for each of them. Please note that if the chosen method is not financed, you will have to fill in the payment procedure at that moment.
If you have to pay the minimum payment (in the portal you will see the amount reflected if you have it pending) this amount is made by transfer, card of credit /debit or direct debit bank (national students).
signature the report and click on the Send button
When your enrollment is processed, we will send you a message confirming that it has been formalised. From that moment you will be able to download in myUNAV the report of the enrollment that accredits that you have already done it.
The required signature is done through a secure signature website (Docusign).
Enrollment period
Students accessing a Degree:
From April 17 to May 17*.
*Except for the Foundation Program which starts enrollment on June 3 and Medicine which ends on May 31.
Students accessing a Degree:
Documentation you have to upload to your portal miUNAV:
National Identity Card or passport (non-Spanish).
Passport-size photograph.
This is the documentation you need to upload according to your modality access
card accreditation of having passed the EVAU/EBAU (EVAU/EBAU):
You have to upload it before July 1.
If you have not passed the EVAU/EBAU, you have until September 20, except for those Degrees that require you to pass in the first call (Medicine, Nursing and Psychology).
receipt from application of the transfer of the academic transcript . You have to apply for it at the University where you have taken the EVAU/EBAU. To obtain this receipt you will have to present a copy of the admission letter that we have sent you from the University of Navarra.
You have to upload it before July 12, except if you have studied in Navarra, in which case you have until July 31. high school diploma in Navarra, in which case you have until July 31.
receipt from application of degree scroll of high school program.
You will have to upload it before 17 June.
- For students who have completed the programs of study of high school diploma following the system educational of a country of the European Union.
- Students in possession of an degree scroll of high school diploma International Baccalaureate (IB), issued by the International Organization. high school diploma International.
accreditation UNEDassis
In this link you will find more information. This video will show you the steps you need to follow to get the accreditation.
If you do not have the accreditation of UNEDassis, your enrollment will be provisional, and it will be conditional on you providing it before 31 October.
- For those who have studied the last years of high school through a system educational external to the European Union: you will find more information in this link you will find more information. Here is a video that will show you how you can apply for the homologation of your degree scroll.
Flyer from application of the homologation of high school program.
If you do not have the application flyer from high school program, your enrollment will be provisional and will be conditioned to provide it before October 31.
- For students who have completed a Higher Degree course from training Professional.
receipt from application of degree scroll of training Professional.
You will have to upload it before 5 July.
Documentation if they come from another Spanish university:
certificate of the previous university programs of study (original or certified).
degree scroll from high school diploma (issued)
receipt at application from transfer of academic transcript.
Documentation if you come from another university outside Spain:
certificate of the previous university programs of study (original or certified).
Methods of payment
Indicate how to pay the full amount of the enrollment before proceeding to signature and sending the form. You can choose one or several payment methods indicating the amount you prefer for each one of them. If the chosen method is a one-time payment, you will have to fill in the payment procedure at that moment.
If you have to pay the minimum payment (in the portal you will see reflected the amount if you have it pending) that amount is made by transfer, card of credit /debit or direct debit bank (national students).
direct debit banking
You must provide the IBAN of a bank account in the SEPA area.
The position will be sent two days after sending enrollment.
You can make the payment in these University accounts and attach the corresponding receipts (more information here) within 24 hours:
Santander Bank
Students with residency program in Spain
Financed payment
CaixaBank Consumer
Financing offer available to students with residency program in Spain.
It can be requested from portal miUNAV and it is not essential to be a CaixaBank customer.
It cannot be applied to pay the minimum amount required to make the first payment of enrollment.
Fractioned with bank interest
loan bank for students with residency program in Spain. Allows payment of the enrollment in up to 10 equal monthly installments.
Cannot be applied to pay the minimum amount required to make the first payment of enrollment
Other bank loans
Compare the conditions of the different financing offers and apply for the one that best suits your preferences, directly with the corresponding entity. More information here.
Students with residency program outside Spain
Payment in 4 instalments by card of credit
The outstanding amount of the enrollment is payable in 4 interest-free installments:
25% at the time of making the enrollment
25% on October 10, 2024
25% on December 10, 2024
25% on February 10, 2025
Download information on payment methods:
Insurance policies

This insurance policy is designed to guarantee the university programs of study in the event of death/absolute permanent disability of the insured parents.