What are you going to learn?

The programs of study of Philosophy is characterized by a broad general training in History of the Philosophy. All areas and all authors are cultivated, from the classics, through the medieval and modern to the contemporary Philosophy . In this way, our students acquire sufficient conditions and perspective to evaluate the currents of contemporary Philosophy with intellectual rigor and in depth, and to understand in depth the problems of the various disciplines.
They will be able to engage in dialogue, have the capacity for abstraction and analysis and will be able to find rich solutions to the challenges of social and professional life in its different aspects.
You will acquire skills such as:
Organise the complex philosophical knowledge in a coherent way in its interrelation with specialised areas within philosophy itself and with other sciences: natural, human and social.
Possess habits of rigorous thinking, capacity for synthesis, order and clarity, reasoned discussion and critical reflection.
Appropriate use of sources of information, resources, methods and terminology specific to philosophy.
Analyse, comment on and interpret philosophical texts competently.
Maintain an ethical commitment to one's profession as a service to society.
You will be able to work in...
The professional careers of those who have studied Philosophy at the University of Navarra are very varied: many have preferred to devote themselves to teaching (university and university) and research. high school diploma) and research.
Others have opted for the world of culture, both in its creative aspect (writers, poets and musicians) and in the institutional sphere (critics, magazines, publishing houses, cultural management).
Some have decided to complement their humanistic studies with business or management training (such as that acquired in a Master's degree) and are now working as managers in companies, in banks or at Departments in human resources.
On the other hand, it is not uncommon to find journalists and opinion-makers among the graduates; others have taken competitive examinations and hold various positions in the public administration; there are also those who have been involved in diplomacy and politics ... The list is endless. The list is endless.

We help you

From the very first day, we focus on training in skills and tools for finding internships and jobs. Individual counselling is also available at core topic. At the end of their studies, our graduates work in various sectors and different profiles in the humanistic field: from education, museums and art, marketing and communication, human resources, the world of publishing house to the management of business and consultancy.