Work professor and research focused on culture and
culture and audiovisual creation
Since its constitution in 1988, the department of Culture and Audiovisual Communication (DCCA) of the School of Communication has been carrying out research work focused on culture and audiovisual creation, as expressed in different media (cinema, television, internet) and narratives (fiction, documentary, entertainment). professor and research work focused on culture and audiovisual creation, as expressed in different media (cinema, television, internet) and narratives (fiction, documentary, entertainment).
The professors and doctoral students of the DCCA work along the lines of research specific to this area of knowledge: theory, aesthetics and audiovisual communication; literary and audiovisual creativity, with emphasis on fiction scripts for film and series; standardization of audiovisual production processes; and the history of the media.
The DCCA is committed to the comprehensivetraining of the various professional profiles of audiovisual communication, with special emphasis on screenwriters, producers and directors. In order to achieve an adequate training, the DCCA bets on a training in the creative and technical dimensions, but also reflective and humanistic. In addition, the DCCA aims to generate new knowledge and debates on audiovisual communication and its cultural and social dimension.
Research activity

Departmental management committee
Pablo Echart
Culture and Audiovisual Communication
Antonio Martínez Illán
Deputy Director
Culture and Audiovisual Communication
Maria Noguera
administrative assistant academic
Culture and Audiovisual Communication
Boarding students

A student intern is a student who joins department to collaborate in tasks of teaching and/or research, performing tasks that are compatible with their dedication to study and that contribute to their academic and professional training . Therefore, being student intern means participating in the university work , collaborating in the professor and research activity of the professors of the School of Communication.
Being student intern is an opportunity to acquire a solid and complete university training , as it provides an experience that allows acquiring or developing some of the skills, aptitudes and attitudes necessary to work with skill professionally. At the same time, having contact with the teaching and research tasks of the Departments is an opportunity to get to know from the inside the work that is carried out in the School and can be the entrance gateway to the degree program academic .