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  • Despite Appearances, Film Causality is no Coincidence in A Perfect Day (Fernando León de Aranoa, 2015). LFQ. RG Delgado. 2024

  • Hero and Transcendence: The Intolerable Image of Being Free. knowledge and Action, 33-56. RG Delgado. 2024

  • RUBA MUSTAFA MOHD. News engagement patterns in Jordan and Saudi Arabia: a comparative study of news repertoires. Director: Javier Serrano Puche. Read: 7/09/2023. 

  • LUCÍA GASTON LORENTE. Journalism and series based on real events: opportunities and risks of fiction. Directors: Beatriz Gómez Baceiredo and Antonio Martínez Illán. Read: 1/09/2023.

  • JULIETA KELDJIAN ETCHESSARRY. Home and amateur cinema: file, medium, and modes. Director: Efrén Cuevas Álvarez Read: 4/07/2023.

  • LUISA ZOZAYA DURAZO. Minors and Influencer Marketing: Advertising Literacy in the Face of New Persuasive Formats in Social Networks. Directors: Charo Sádaba Chalezquer and Beatriz Feijoo Fernández. Read: 4/07/2023.

  • SANTIAGO FERNÁNDEZ-GUBIEDA LACALLE. framework of reputation. Implications for university governance. Directors: Elena Gutiérrez García and Alfonso Sánchez Tabernero. Read: 2/03/2023.

  • TATIANA PEREIRA VILLAZÓN. The management of the corporate brand in the Spanish audiovisual sector. Directors: Idoia Portilla Manjón and Natalia Rodríguez Salcedo. Read: 21/12/2022.

  • Mª CRISTINA MARTÍNEZ BRAVO. Digital literacy: a multidimensional view of digital competencies in 21st century skills frameworks. Directors: Charo Sádaba Chalezquer and Javier Serrano Puche. Read: 20/12/2022.

  • AURKEN SIERRA ISO. The polarization of public space in Spain. The speech of the elites and their press coverage between 2000 and 2020. Director: Jordi Rodríguez Virgili. Read: 19/12/2022. 

  • GABRIEL DE PABLO CONTRERAS. Marx, communicator: a response to the problem of the epistemological status of Karl Marx (1818-1883). Directors: Alejandro Navas and Mónica Codina Blasco. Read: 15/12/2022. 

  • JOSLAY POLANCO MEDINA. Electoral Communication, the Internet and Citizenship: The Case of Venezuela's First "Connected" Elections. Director: Jordi Rodríguez Virgili. Read: 9/12/2022. 

  • CLARA GONZALEZ TOSAT. Globalised Online News: The Role of Digital Intermediaries in the average Value Chain. Directors: Charo Sádaba Chalezquer and Andreas Veglis. Read: 11/23/2022

  • SILVIA MARÍA CORZO ARCHILA. Latin America's Digital Native Media and Web Analytics: How Metrics Affect News Production. Director: Ramón Salaverría Aliaga. Read: 16/11/2022.

  • ELANA NICHOLS. The Human Factor in Climate Change Imagery on Twitter. Directors: Bienvenido León Anguiano and Samuel Negredo Bruna. Read: 27/09/2022.

  • JOSÉ ANTONIO PÉREZ AGUIRRE. The Origins of the Spanish Literary Parliamentary Chronicle (1810-1859). Director: Fernando López Pan. Read: 27/09/2022.

  • ÚRBEZ FERNÁNDEZ, PABLO. Film Biography in Spanish Cinema (1939-1953): Contextualization, Historical-Cultural Study and Critical Analysis. Directors: Ruth Gutiérrez Delgado and Onésimo Díaz. Read: 30/06/2022.

  • PABLO ÚRBEZ FERNÁNDEZ. Film Biography in Spanish Cinema (1939-1953): Contextualization, Historical-Cultural Study and Critical Analysis. Directors: Ruth Gutiérrez Delgado and Onésimo Díaz . Read: 30/06/2022.

  • MAYRA PAOLA GONZÁLES CORDOVA. Digital Native Media of the Andean Community: Typology, Characteristics and Trends. Directors: Ramón Salaverría Aliaga and Diana Rivera Rogel. Read: 27/06/2022.

  • Mª JESÚS YÁÑEZ GALDAMES. Open Communication and Innovation: An Internal Business Perspective. Director: Elena Gutiérrez García. Read: 20/06/2022.

  • SILVIA BLAS RISK. The consumption side of sustainable fashion: Understanding the attitude-behavior gap among Spanish consumers. Directors: Mónica Codina Blasco and Teresa Sádaba. Read: 10/06/2022.

  • CARMEN BEATRIZ FERNÁNDEZ PÉREZ. Cyberpolitics in Latin America: A model to measure its influence on critical instability. Directors: Jordi Rodríguez Virgili and Charo Sádaba. Read: 9/12/2021

  • QUIÑONERO PERTUSA, PABLO. Theory of film music: a proposal from Aristotle's Poetics. The case of the Dollar Trilogy (Leone and Morricone, 1964, 1965, 1966). Read November 22, 2021.

  • PABLO QUIÑONERO PERTUDA. Film Music Theory: A proposal from Aristotle's Poetics. The case of the Dollar Trilogy (Leone and Morricone, 1964, 1965, 1966). Director: Ruth Gutiérrez. Read: 22/11/2021

  • MATHIAS FELIPE DE LIMA SANTOS. Branding Data Journalism. Giving a Soul to Data Storytelling. Directors: Ramón Salaverría Aliaga and Jane Suiter. Read: 8/10/2021.

  • Mª ÁNGELES BURGUERA PÉREZ. Dimensions of management Of the journalistic brand from the perspective of audiences: a comparative analysis. Directors: Alfonso Vara and Miguel Ángel Arrese Reca. Read: 22/09/2021.

  • MARÍA FERNANDA NOVOA JASO. The influence of workplace TV drama series on social and professional expectations about the work of television journalists. The case of The Newsroom (HBO, 2012-2014). Directors: José Javier Sánchez Aranda and Javier Serrano Puche. Read: 5/07/2021.

  • KETTY DANIELA CALVA CABRERA. Contribution of public and institutional policies to the research developed in Ecuadorian universities with programs of study in communication. Directors: Idoia Portilla Manjón and Francisco Campos Freire. Read: 25/06/202.

  • FRANCISCO JAVIER ZAMBONINO VÁZQUEZ. proposal of a model Comprehensive Accommodative Leadership (ALF) for the development of equipment high performing Multicultural. Director: Alfonso Vara Miguel. Read: 21/12/2020

  • ALLEN JAVIER PANCHANA MACAY. Ecuador TV and other public media as propaganda instruments in the Correa era (2007-2017). Directors: Carlos Barrera del Barrio and Mercedes Muñoz Saldaña. Read: 15/12/2020.

  • HILDA PAOLA MUÑOZ PICO. The popularity of online video on climate change. Analysis of the factors that affect the propagation of content on YouTube. Directors: Bienvenido León Anguiano and Alberto Nahum García Martín. Read: 15/12/2020.

  • PABLO FONCILLAS DÍAZ-PLAJA. The Impact of Digital Transformation on Companies: A Study of Managers and Employees. Directors: Fco. Javier Pérez Latre and Mónica Herrero Subías. Read: 10/12/2020.

  • LUIS SANGIL SANTAMARIA. Adaptation as a way of survival in a market in which training. The case of 1996-2020. Directors: Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero and Fco. Javier Pérez Latre. Read: 2/11/2020.

  • ALEJANDRO MOTTA GIACOMO. The populism of Hugo Chávez and its effects on the political values of Venezuelans. Directors: Jorge Rodríguez Virgili and César Mauricio Velásquez Ossa. Read: 9/10/2020.

  • MICHAEL OKOLO. Strategic Importance of Internal Communication in Nigerian Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Companies Management. Director:Fco. Javier Pérez Latre. Read: 18/09/2020.

  • JAVIER ROBLES IZU. The journalistic and business initiatives of Juan Pablo de Villanueva.Director: Carlos Barrera del Barrio. Read: 4/09/2020.

  • ANYA STIGLITZ. Mis-and Disinformation online: a Taxonomy of Solutions. Director: Ángel Arrese Reca. Read: 16/07/2020.

  • ESTEBAN LÓPEZ-ESCOBAR FERNÁNDEZ. Charles H. Cooley: An Approximation (instructions for a communicative theory of the social). Directors: Manuel Martín Algarra and Maxwell McCombs. Read: 7/07/2020.

  • PABLO PARO NAREDO. The role of Thinks Tanks as average diary Setters: The Spanish Case at U.S. Press (1999-2013).Director: Alfonso Vara Miguel. Read: 2/07/2020.

  • ANTONIO MARÍA FERNÁNDEZ TORREGROSA. The influences of Environment on the decision process of pre-university students: the case of the University of Navarra. Director: Ángel Arrese Reca. Read: 25/06/2020.

  • ANTONIO TORMO EDERRA. Freedom at the center. Letter from Josemaría Escrivá to José Solís Ruiz in response to the Falangist press campaign against Opus Dei (1966). Directors: Jaime Nubiola Aguilar and Mercedes Montero Díaz. Read: 24/06/2020.

  • CARMEN RODRIGO JORDÁN. Audiovisual one-to-many communication in the care market: historical review and qualitative study of repertoires in Spain. Directors: Bienvenido León Anguiano and Samuel Negredo Bruna. Read: 27/04/2020.

  • JAIME BENGURÍA AGUIRRECHE. The use of social media for management of brand reputation: The case of Antena 3 Noticias. Director: Alfonso Sánchez Tabernero. Co-director: Mónica Herrero Subías. Read: 27/02/2020.

  • ADRIÁN BALLESTER ESPINOSA. The communication of Spanish public administrations in the 21st century.Director: Jordi Rodríguez Virgili. Read: 31/01/2020.


  • DAVID SANCHIS CANO. teaching and learning from the essay Journalism at the Spanish University. Directors: Beatriz Gómez Baceiredo and Antonio Martínez Illán. Read: 18/12/2019.

  • JUAN PABLO COLMENAREJO PÉREZ. The sound images of the euro crisis. Case study: The economic team of La Linterna, Cadena COPE (May 2010-July 2012).Director: Mª Pilar Martínez-Costa. Read: 22/11/2019.

  • GARNICA MUÑOZ, MIGUEL. The image of the family in the filmography of Hirokazu Koreeda. A dialogue with the history of Japanese cinema. Director Pablo Echart Orús. Director: María Noguera Tajadura. Read 25 June 2019.   

  • RONCESVALLES LABIANO JUAN GARCÍA. The victims of ETA in cinema and literature. Reality and Representation of Victims of Terrorism (1968-2018). Director: María del Mar Larraza Micheltorena. Co-director: Javier Marrodán Ciordia. Read: 14/06/2019

  • MIGUEL MUÑOZ GARNICA. The image of the family in Hirokazu Koreeda's filmography. A dialogue with the history of Japanese cinema. Directors: Pablo Echart Orús and María Noguera Tajadura. Read: 25/06/2019.

  • DAVID ISRAEL KIMBER CAMUSSETTI. development and validation of a scale to measure the quality of television products. Director: Mercedes Medina Laverón. Co-director: Teresa Nozal Cantarero . Read: 22/02/2019.

  • RIVERA BETANCUR, JERÓNIMO LEÓN. The journey of the protagonist in Colombian cinema: context, government and industry in an anti-heroic narrative. Director: Ruth Gutiérrez Delgado and Co-director Maritza Elizabeth Ceballos Saavedra. Read on 17 December 2018.

  • MITRA NAEIMI. A Theoretical Modeling of the Relations between Political Society & Civic Society: A Relational Appproach to Political Marketing Practices of the 2013 Iranian Presidential Election. Director: Mercedes Montero Díaz. Co-director: Darren Lilleker. Read: 17/12/2018.

  • JERÓNIMO LEÓN RIVERA BETANCUR. The Protagonist's Journey in Colombian Cinema: Context, Government and Industry in an Anti-Heroic Narrative. Director: Ruth Gutiérrez Delgado. Co-director: Maritza Elizabeth Ceballos Saavedra. Read: 17/12/2018.

  • NAVAS LEORO, MARÍA ALBERTINA.model of performance and impact variables on Twitter. A communicational analysis. Director: José Luis Orihuela. Read:16/11/2018.doctorate International.

  • MARIA JIMENEZ RAMOS. The value of testimony. Contributions of the victims of ETA to the story and to the awareness of society. Directors: Pablo Pérez López and Javier Marrodán Ciordia. Read: 16/11/2018.

  • MARÍA ALBERTINA NAVAS LEORO. model of performance and impact variables on Twitter. A communicational analysis. Director: José Luis Orihuela. Read: 16/11/2018.

  • ALFONSO MUERZA FERRER. Longitudinal study of journalistic convergence in the framework of specialized radio: the Radio Marca case (2014-2018). Directors: José Javier Sánchez Aranda and Avelino Amoedo. Read: 4/09/2018.

  • PEDRO FIERRO ZAMORA. Campaigns and disaffection. instructions for a conceptual reconstruction and rules and regulations of the advertising by virtue of its democratic effects. Directors: Ana Azurmendi Adarraga and Alberto Pedro López-Hermida Russo. Read: 21/06/2018.

  • JORGE JUAN SANZ LLOPIS. Innovation and Commercial Communication: An Integrative Conceptual Approach. Director: Xavier Bringué conference room. Co-director: Cristina Sánchez Blanco. Read: 3/10/2017.

  • PILAR DOBÓN ROUX. History of Antena 3 Radio (1982-1994).Director: Carlos Barrera del Barrio. Read: 25/09/2017.

  • URGELLÉS MOLINA, ALICIA. The Engagement Relationship in On-Demand TV. The case of Netflix Spain. Director: Mónica Herrero Subías. Co-director: Ruth Gutiérrez Delgado. Read: 8/09/2017

  • CASTRILLO MAORTUA, PABLO. The Hollywood Political Thriller Film. Conceptualization, Dramatic Conventios, and Historical Evolution. Director: Pablo Echart Orús. Read: 21/06/2017. 

  • MORELA SCULL BAPTISTA. The book, the "masses" average" and the Republic of Technology according to the thought of Daniel J. Boorstin: a new perspective on Communication Theory. Director: José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read: 12/05/2017.

  • VICTORINO GÓMEZ-IGLESIAS ROSÓN. From self-regulation to co-regulation. Study of its application in the main European countries. The Spanish case. Director: Mercedes Muñoz Saldaña. Read: 20/12/2016.

  • MARZIYEH EBRAHIMI. Iranians on Facebook: Digital Behaviour Analysis. Director: Ramón Salaverría Aliaga. Read: 19/12/2016.

  • LEONARDO LUIS DESIDERI FREITAS. Time in digital journalism. Director: Ramón Salaverría Aliaga. Read: 16/12/2016.

  • MANUEL IGNACIO GONZÁLEZ BERNAL. Engagement and TV audiences in Colombia: proposal of a model qualitative analysis. Director: Xavier Bringué conference room. Read: 12/12/2016.

  • GARCÍA AVIS, ISADORA. The adaptation of television formats: Cross-cultural remakes of fiction series. The cases of Life on Mars and The Office. Director: Ruth Gutiérrez Delgado. Read: 21 October 2016.

  • CAROLINA DÍAZ ESPINA. Business models for the internet press. The case of The Wall Street Journal. Director: Alfonso Vara. Co-director: Robert Picard. Read: 19/09/2016.

  • MARTA REBOLLEDO DE LA CALLE. The personalization of electoral campaigns in Spain and France: a comparative study of television advertisements in the 21st century. Director: Jordi Rodriguez Virgili. Co-director: Philippe Maarek. Read: 17/09/2016.

  • DEL RINCON YOHN, MARÍA. La representación cinematográfica de la report staff in fiction and documentary. Director Director: Efrén Cuevas Álvarez. Co-director: Marta Torregrosa Puig. Read: 2 September 2016.

  • ESQUEDA VERANO, LOURDES. Cinema as access to the world. André Bazin's theory of cinematographic realism. Director By Efrén Cuevas Álvarez. Read: 5 July 2016.  

  • Mª JOSÉ VIDALES BOLAÑOS. The impact of mobile-mediated communication on adolescents' social relationships. Director: Charo Sádaba Chalezquer. Read: 29/06/2016.

  • JOYCE BAPTISTA SERNA. Public diplomacy of European city networks. Analysis of the quality of internal relations. Director: Mª Teresa la Porte Fernández-Alfaro Read: 27/06/2016.

  • JÜRG KAUFMANN ARGUETA. The digital transformation of the advertising. Analysis of the Spanish case. Director: Ángel Arrese Reca. Read: 13/06/2016.

  • RAQUEL RAMOS RUGEL. Pedro J. Ramírez, from Diario 16 to La Fundación de El Mundo. Director: Carlos Barrera del Barrio. Read: 5/02/2016.

  • IGNACIO DE LORENZO RODRÍGUEZ. Evolution of Journalism in Spain: descriptive and thematic study of books (1889-2012) and articles in Spanish communication magazines (1980-2012).Director: Fernando López Pan. Read: 4/02/2016.

  • ZURIÑE LAFÓN LOS ARCOS. Francisco Calvo Serraller, art critic. Director: Jorge Latorre Izquierdo. Read: 3/02/2016.

  • MIGUEL ANGEL IRIARTE FRANCO. José Javier Uranga Santesteban: profile biographical (1925 -) and analysis of his articles (1953-2015). Director: Fernando López Pan. Read: 29/01/2016.

  • REYNALDO GUSTAVO BAIOCCHI. Relational segmentation. Director: Francisco Javier Pérez Latre. Read: 22/01/2016.

  • JOSÉ GABRIEL VERA BEORLEGUII. The process of Institutional Communication in the Catholic Church. Content analysis of the messages in press during WYD Madrid 2011. Director: Natalia Rodríguez Salcedo. Read: 18/01/2016.

  • LÓPEZ SANZ, Mª EUGENIA. The affinity index as a measure of quality in television news. Directors: Mercedes Medina Laverón and Enrique Guerrero Pérez. Read: 17 December 2015. 

  • CAMILA DE OLIVEIRA. Communication and risk perception: Journalism in Spain on the anniversary of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. Director: Alejandro Navas. Read: 17/12/2015.

  • ROBERTA BUESO TORRES. Fashion communication in Spain. A sociocultural study of the magazine Telva (1963-1975). Directors: Mónica Codina Blanco and Mercedes Montero Díaz. Read: 27/11/2015.

  • ROBERTO RODRÍGUEZ ANDRÉS. Political persuasion. Theoretical-practical analysis of the concept and foundations of political communication. Director: Mª José Canel Crespo. Read: 18/11/2015.

  • JULIANNA RAMÍREZ LOZANO. The management of social campaigns as a strategy of social responsibility in Peruvian commercial radio. Campaign Analysis: The First Three Years Decide Life, Alicorp and RPP News Together for Child Nutrition. Directors: Mª Pilar Martínez-Costa and Elsa Moreno. Read: 16/10/2015.

  • Gutiérrez Cortés, Sonsoles: Miguel Gil Moreno, la mirada comprometida de un corresponsal de guerra. Biography and analysis of his images (1993-2000). Directors: Javier Marrodán and Ruth Gutiérrez. Reading date: 22 June 2015.

  • ALEJANDRA PIÑERA CAMACHO. The business In the public sphere: management communicative dimension of its political dimension. Director: Elena Gutiérrez García. Read: 6/03/2015.

  • PABLO ARTURO ZUBIETA PENICHE. Two and a Half Man's influence on the decision to remain single. Theoretical-empirical approach to the power of placements in comedy programs. Director: José Javier Sánchez Aranda. Read: 22/12/2014.

  • MAITE ITOIZ LÓPEZ. Reputation measurement in the online environment. Feasibility study in the social networks Facebook and Twitter. Director: Idoia Portilla. Read: 22/12/2014.

  • ROCÍO ORTIZ GALINDO. Cyber social movements. New communicative opportunities in the age of the Internet and the social Web, new possibilities for democratic transformation. Director: Alejandro Navas. Co-director: Mónica Codina. Read: 21/11/2014.

  • DAVID CORDÓN BENITO. The Museum as a Social Institution: The Communication Process as a tool for the reconstruction of communities. Director: Natalia Rodríguez Salcedo. Read: 26/09/2014.

  • Pérez Álvarez, Álvaro: Biography, portrait and journalism in Spain in the 30s: the case of Juan Belmonte, matador de toros, by Manuel Chaves Nogales. Director: Antonio Martínez Illan. Reading date: September 19, 2014.

  • CARMEN CUETO LUZ. Initiating the Dialogue with Europe: Information in ABC, La Vanguardia and EFE during the exploratory talks (1964-1966). Director: Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Read: 5/09/2014.

  • PEDRO SIGAUD STAMPS. Multiplatform Journalism on Mobile Devices: A Comparative Analysis of Four Stranded Newspapers reference letter in Brazil and Spain. Director: Ramón Salaverría. Read: 17/06/2014.

  • CARMEN LLOVET RODRÍGUEZ. Contribution of visual merchandising to the communication of the identity of fashion brands in retail. Directors: Charo Sádaba Chalezquer and Teresa Sádaba Garraza. Read: 27/03/2014.

  • JUAN LUIS LÓPEZ ARANGUREN. Application of rational choice theory in the study of East Asian international communication: The case of the Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands. Director: Pedro Lozano Bartolozzi. Co-director: Juan Pablo Artero Muñoz. Read: 12/12/2013.

  • FERNANDO HUAMÁN FLORES. Contributions of the Philosophy A Personalist Approach to Communication Theory: Conceptual Considerations from the Perspective of Communicative Expression. Directors: Manuel Víctor Martín Algarra and Javier Serrano Puche. Read: 25/10/2013.

  • SARA MIRIAM ROCA. Communication and policy coherence. The Case for the development of the European Union. Director: Mª Teresa La Porte. Read: 27/09/2013.

  • MÓNICA RECALDE VIANA. Communicative dimension of the business. Analysis applied to the telecommunications sector. Director: Elena Gutiérrez García. Read: 17/06/2013.

  • MARI CARMEN ERVITI ILUNDÁIN. Images of climate change on the television news. Analysis of six Spanish television stations with national coverage. Director: Welcome Leon. Read: 30/05/2013.

  • GUSTAVO GARCÍA-MANSILLA. Organizing Around Brands as a Competitive Advantage: The Case of Unity publishing house. Director: Alfonso Sánchez-Tabernero. Co-director: Mónica Herrero. Read: 9/05/2013.

  • ANA BALDA ARANA. Cristóbal Balenciaga, a unique communication policy in the face of the advance of ready-to-wear. Director: Jorge Latorre Izquierdo. Read: 8/03/2013.

  • SAMUEL NEGREDO BRUNA. The original production video in digital media. Analysis of Elpaí,, and Lainformació Director: Ramón Salaverría Aliaga. Read: 1/02/2013.

  • Obiaya, Ikechukwu: Restructuring the Nigerian Video Film Industry: Effects of The National Film & Video Censors Board (NFVCB) Distribution Policy. Director By: Alejandro Pardo. Reading date: 15 December 2012

  • Onobhayedo, Pius: Internal Communications Web-Enabled average Planning: A study of employees' perceptions and web innovations'impact as effeciveness indicators. Director By: José Luis Orihuela. Date of reading. 29 June 2012

  • Navarro Arroyo, Mariano: Community and communication in social pragmatism: Charles Horton Cooley, George Herbert Mead and John Dewey. Directors: Manuel Martín Algarra and Marta Torregrosa. Reading date: 8 June 2011


  • Guerrero Pérez, Enrique: La producción de programas de entretenimiento en la televisión española (1996-2005): evolución histórica, industria y mercado. Director: Alejandro Pardo. Reading date: 19 June 2009

  • Serrano Puche, Javier: History and fiction in the work of Leonardo Sciascia. Comparative study of "La scomparsa di majorana" and "Il cavaliere e la morte". Director By: Álvaro de la Rica. Reading date. 23rd January 2009. 

  • Alfonso Saralegui, Eva María: William Goldman: Scriptwriter and author. Director: Marta Frago. Reading date: 18 December 2008 

  • Muruzábal Muruzábal, Amaya: La representación cinematográfica del regreso: el cine de veteranos como expresión privilegiada del género bélico. The practical case of "The Best Years or Our Lives" and "The Deer Hunter". Director Pablo Echart. Reading date: 4 May 2007 

  • Noguera Tajadura, María: Análisis temático de la cuentística de Miguel Torga. Director By: Álvaro de la Rica. Date of reading : 24 October 2006.

  • García Martínez, Alberto Nahum: Realidad y representación en el cine de Basilio Martín Patino: montaje, falsificación, metaficción y essay. Director: Efrén Cuevas. Reading date: 23 September 2005 

  • Salazar Cubero, Santiago: El proceso de constitución de la COPE. De las emisoras parroquiales al plan transitorio de Ondas Medias de 1964. Director By: Efrén Cuevas. Reading date: 27 June 2005.

  • Milán Fitera, Jorge Luis: Los documentales de contenido religioso: estudio de las series transmitidas por la RAI en torno al cambio de milenio (1998-2004). Director Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 16 December 2004.

  • Gutiérrez Delgado, Ruth: The heroic in the cinema of John Ford. Director By: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 15 December 2004.

  • Diego González, Patricia: La producción de ficción televisiva en España (1990-2002): evolución histórica, industria y mercado. Director Alejandro Pardo. Reading date: 13 February 2004.

  • Santos Pascualena, María Luisa: Criterios de eficacia comunicativa en el design de materiales hipermedia para Education. Analysis of cases on the World Wide Web. Director José Luís Orihuela. Reading date: 17 June 2003. 

  • Martínez Illán, Antonio: The poetry of Joseph Brodsky. Analysis of "A part of speech". Director By: Álvaro de la Rica. Reading date: 18 December 2002

  • Nozal Cantarero, Teresa: "Contes des Quatre Saisons" in the cinema of Eric Rohmer. Director By: Efrén Cuevas. Reading date: 13 December 2002

  • Frago Pérez, Marta: La adaptación cinematográfica en R.P. Jhabvala. Study of "Howards end. The Europeans" and "The golden bowl". Director By: Juan José García-Noblejas. Reading date: 31 May 2002

  • García Iriarte, Iranzu: The establishment of the American press on the World Wide Web. Director By José Luís Orihuela. Date of reading: 20 December 2001

  • Echart Orús, Pablo: La imagen de la felicidad en la comedia romántica del Hollywood de los años treinta. Director: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 6 November 2001

  • De Azcárraga Alonso, Isabel: La presencia de la ausencia: modelos de construcción de Structures cinematográficas de naturaleza metafórica. Director By: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 22 June 2001

  • Garay Albujar, Andrés: Martín Chambi Jiménez: un milagro anunciado en la fotografía periana. Director By: Jorge Latorre. Date of Reading: 2 February 2001


  • León Anguiano, Bienvenido: Techniques of scientific knowledge dissemination in David Attenborough's documentaries. Director: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 30 June 1997

  • Cuevas Álvarez, Efrén: Mundos y personajes de Elia Kazan: claves críticas e identidad narrativa. Director: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 29 January 1997 

  • Pardo Fernández, Alejandro: El official document de hacer películas en David Puttnam: implicaciones creativas y responsabilidad social. Director: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 13 October 1995

  • García Avilés, José Alberto: La autorregulación profesional en los informativos de televisión: los manuales de estándares de las cadenas CBS, NBC y ABC. Director By: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 23 June 1995. 

  • Puente Vergara, Mª. Soledad: La estructura dramática en la información televisiva. Director By: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 14 April 1994.

  • Orihuela Colliva, José Luís: El satélite Olympus de la Agencia Espacial Europea y la association EUROSTEP: origen y development de un project europeo de Education a distancia. Director By: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 29 June 1993.

  • Idrovo Carlier, Sandra: Docudrama: estructura interna y poder informativo 1980-1990. Director By: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 24 June 1992.

  • De la Rica Aranguren, Álvaro: Study of the autobiography of Julien Green. Director José Antonio Millán Alba. Reading date: 31 January 1992.

  • Pérez Gómez, Gabriel: Elements of disinformation on TV. Director: Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading. 21 June 1991.

  • Peltzer Alamán, Gonzalo: Periodismo iconográfico. El development de un lenguaje informativo. Director. Juan José García-Noblejas. Date of reading: 5 September 1990.

  • García-Noblejas Liniers, Juan José: El speech cinematográfico (poetic of the audiovisual text). Director Alfonso Nieto. Date of reading: 16 December 1980.


  • "Domestic Cinema in Spain: Preservation, Diffusion and Appropriation." Efrén Cuevas (PI) and Lourdes Esqueda (researcher).thesis Julieta Keldjian's PhD Doctorate framed in the project. It ends in August 2024. (project of the Ministry of Science and Innovation). 15 people. congress final in June 2024. 2025 Publication closes. 

  • "Fashion & Food synergy for sustainability. New courses and innovative digital tools in higher education".  Marta Torregrosa (DCCA) and Patricia San Miguel (DMEC) participate in it. project European, Erasmus+. Start-end date: 01/12/2021 - 30/11/2024 Duration: 2 years - 11 months - 29 days Participating entity(ies): Radboud University; Uniwersytet Jagiellonski; University of Navarra; Altromercato Impresa Sociale Soc. Coop; Acción Laboral: Platform for the implementation of labor inclusion programs in disadvantaged groups; steirische Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft m.b. H; Elliniko Vraveio Epicheirimatikotitas; Universitá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

  • Letters to Teresa. Digitization, contextualization and analysis of the networks of Jorge Guillén's letters to his daughter Teresa (1948-1984).project funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (2019-2022). Ref: PID2019-105015RB-I00 Principal investigators: Guadalupe Arbona Abascal (Complutense University of Madrid) and Rosa Fernández Urtasun (University of Navarra). Antonio Martínez Illán participates in it. Start date: September 2020/ End date: March 2024. 

  • Digitization and dissemination of the file Miguel Ángel Blanco. project funded by the Victims of Terrorism Foundation. 2023-2024. I. P: María Jiménez Ramos (University of Navarra) Participates in the project: Antonio Martínez Illán. 

  • The impact of the pedagogy of victims of terrorism in the classroom. project commissioned by the Ministry of the Interior. Academic year 2023-2024. I. P: María Jiménez Ramos (University of Navarra) Participates in the project: Antonio Martínez Illán

  • Mythmaking and heroism in narratives. group of research of the University of Navarra (area Social Sciences and Humanities). Director of the project: Ruth Gutiérrez Delgado. It is a project multidisciplinary which brings together experts in Audiovisual Narratives, Literature, Philosophy and History. This group It publishes on the representation of Culture (family, biographies, etc.), Narratives (adaptations), History (events, facts, their mythifications, such as the western) both in Audiovisual and Literature. He also studies epistemological aspects, theory of poetics (writing), logic and rhetoric in film and TV series. 

    Ruth Gutierrez Delgado participates in the following two teams of research/projects:

    -group of research:Myth knowledge and action, led by professors Claudio Calabrese and Ethel Junco de Calabrese (Universidad Panamericana de México). 

    -project of research: "Family and Links in Contemporary Audiovisual", led by professors Juan Orellana and Javier Figuero (CEU San Pablo University, Madrid).

  • group of research GIMECO (group of research of Markets and Communication Companies): Patricia Diego and Enrique Guerrero are part of this group of research together with other researchers from the department of Marketing and Communication Companies.

  • History report and file in documentary filmmaking.

  • Non-professional cinemas: home cinema. 

  • programs of study quality and reception of audiovisual content and its application in the audiovisual industry and production. 

  • Audiovisual representation, audiovisual aesthetics and issues of contemporary culture. 

  • Visual Culture and Cultural History of the West.

  • Myths, heroes and audiovisual poetics. 

  • Emotional engagement in the production of audiovisual content. 

  • Film adaptations. 

  • Narrative and audiovisual poetics. 

  • Phenomenology and cinema.

  • Cinematographic realism, authenticity and appropriation of images.

  • Mediatization in the fashion sector.

  • Digital culture. Social media. Brand staff and digital identity. Digital strategy.

  • Standards for audiovisual production of fiction and entertainment content.

  • History and evolution of the production of fiction and entertainment genres.