- Belintxon, M., Carvajal, A., Pumar, M.J., Rayón Valpuesta, E., Belintxon Martin, U., Dogra, B.M.N., Vidaurreta, M., Bermejo-Martins, E., & Lopez-Dicastillo, O. (2021). A valid and reliable scale to assess cultural sensibility in nursing, Nurse Education Today,
- Wilson, D.M., Underwood, L., & Errasti-Ibarrondo, B. (2021). A scoping research literature review to map the evidence on grief triggers, Social Science & Medicine, 282. https://doi.
- Gutiérrez-Alemán, T., Esandi, N., Pardavila-Belio, M.I., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Canga-Armayor, N., Alfaro-Díaz, C. & Canga-Armayor, A. (2020). Effectiveness of Educational Programs for Clinical Competence in Family Nursing: A Systematic Review. Journal of Family Nursing [Accepted].
- Choperena, A. (2021). Mary Livermore and My story of the war: A narrative nurses' journey. Nursing Inquiry [Accepted].
- Martín-Martín, J., Díez del Corral, M.P., Olano-Lizarraga, M., Valencia-Gil., S. & Saracíbar- Razquin, M. (2021). Narrating the Unitary Experience of Home-Based Family Caregiving for a Terminally Ill Relative. Journal of Family Nursing [Accepted].
- Paloma, B., Olano-Lizarraga, M., Rumeu-Casares, C., Quesada, A., Saracíbar-Razquin, M., & Vázquez-Calatayud, M. (2021). Level of empowerment of people with chronic heart failure hospitalized. Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra [Accepted].
- Alfaro-Díaz, C., Esandi, N., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Canga-Armayor, N., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2021). Translation and psychometric validation of the Spanish version of the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire (DCSQ) for nursing professionals. Journal of Nursing Management, 10.1111/jonm.13251. Advance online publication.
- Esandi, N., Nolan, M., Canga-Armayor, N., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2021). Family Dynamics and the Alzheimer's Disease Experience. Journal of Family Nursing, 27(2), 124-135.
- Choperena A. (2021). Triumphal narratives in the American Civil War: A new nursing professional identity. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(3), 1422-1431.
- Carvajal, A., Aradilla-Herrero, A., Edo-Gual, M., García-Rueda, N., & Arantzamendi, M. (2021). Innovative teaching strategies in palliative care: Reading of a phenomenological text on the experience of living with advanced cancer. Nurse Education Today, 101, 104879 .
- Vázquez-Calatayud, M., Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., & Choperena, A. (2021). Nurses' continuing professional development: A systematic literature review. Nurse education in practice, 50, 102963 .
- Olano-Lizarraga, M., Martín-Martín, J., Oroviogoicoechea, C., & Saracíbar-Razquin, M. (2021). Unexplored Aspects of the Meaning of Living with Chronic Heart Failure: A Phenomenological Study within the Framework of the Model of Interpersonal Relationship between the Nurse and the Person/Family Cared for. Clinical Nursing Research, 30(2), 171-182.
- Ambrosio, L., Navarta-Sánchez, M. V., Carvajal, A., & Garcia-Vivar, C. (2021). Living with Chronic Illness from the Family Perspective: An Integrative Review. Clinical Nursing Research.
- Wilson, D. M., Darko, E. M., Kusi-Appiah, E., Roh, S. J., Ramic, A., & Errasti-Ibarrondo, B. (2020). What Exactly Is "Complicated" Grief? A Scoping Research Literature Review to Understand Its Risk Factors and Prevalence. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying .
- Wilson D.M., Anafi, F., Roh, S.J., & Errasti-Ibarrondo, B. (2020). A Scoping Research Literature Review to Identify Contemporary Evidence on the Incidence, Causes, and Impacts of End-of-life Intra-Family Conflict, Health Communication, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1775448.
- Alfaro-Díaz, C., Esandi, N., Canga-Armayor, N., Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Gutiérrez-Alemán, T., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2020). Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Testing of the Spanish Version of Iceland Health Care Practitioner Illness Beliefs Questionnaire. Journal of family nursing, 26(3), 240-253 .
- Alfaro-Díaz, C., Canga-Armayor, A., Gutiérrez-Alemán, T., Carrión, M., & Esandi, N.. (2020). Linguistic validation of the Demand-Control-Support Questionnaire for nursing professionals in Spain. Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra, 43(1), 17-33.
- Olano-Lizarraga, M, Zaragoza-Salcedo, A, Martín-Martín, J, & Saracíbar-Razquin, M. (2020). Redefining a 'new normality': A hermeneutic phenomenological study of the experiences of patients with chronic heart failure. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76, 275- 286.
- Choperena, A., Pardavila-Belio, M.I., Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., Oroviogoicoechea, C., Zaragoza-Salcedo, A., Goñi-Viguria, R., Martín-Pérez, S., Llácer, T., & Rosa-Salas, V.L. (2020). Implementation and evaluation of a training programme to promote the development of professional competences in nursing: A pilot study. Nurse Education Today, 87, 104360.
- Arantzamendi, M., García-Rueda, N., Carvajal, A., & Robinson, C. A. (2020). People With Advanced Cancer: The Process of Living Well With Awareness of Dying. Qualitative health research, 30(8), 1143-1155.
- Pereira-Sánchez, M., Zaragoza-Salcedo, A. (2020). Nurses' experience about patient's knowledge . EVIDENTIA, 17. ISSN: 1697-638X.
- Pueyo-Garrigues, M., Pardavila-Belio, M.I., Whitehead, D., Esandi, N., Canga-Armayor, A., Elosua, P., Canga-Armayor, N. (2020). Nurses' knowledge, skills and staff attributes for competent health education practice: An instrument development and psychometric validation study. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(2), 715-728. DOI: 10.1111/jan.14632.
- Wilson, D. M., Anafi, F., Kusi-Appiah, E., Darko, E. M., Deck, K., & Errasti-Ibarrondo, B. (2020). Determining if nurses are involved in political action or politics: A scoping literature review. Applied nursing research: ANR, 54, 151279 .
- Wilson, D. M., Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., Low, G., O'Reilly, P., Murphy, F., Fahy, A., & Murphy, J. (2020). Identifying contemporary early retirement factors and strategies to encourage and enable longer working lives: A scoping review. International journal of older people nursing, 15(3), e12313.
- Choperena, A., Oroviogoicoechea, C., Zaragoza Salcedo, A., Olza Moreno, I., & Jones, D. (2019). Nursing narratives and reflective practice: A theoretical review. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(8), 1637-1647 .
- Carvajal, A., Haraldsdottir, E., Kroll, T., McCormack, B., Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., & Larkin, P. (2019). Barriers and facilitators perceived by registered nurses to providing person-centred care at the end of life. A scoping review. International practice development journal, 9(2), Article 8.
- Alfaro Díaz, C., Esandi Larramendi, N., Gutiérrez-Alemán, T., & Canga-Armayor, A. (2019). Systematic review of measurement properties of instruments assessing nurses' attitudes towards the importance of involving families in their clinical practice. Journal of advanced nursing, 75(11), 2299-2312.
- Sarasa, M. M., & Olano-Lizarraga, M. (2019). Exploring the experience of living with a heart transplant: a systematic review of the literature. Anales Del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra, 42(3), 309-324.
- Ramos Silveira, L., Souza Ramos, F. R., Schneider, D. G., Saracíbar-Razquin, M. I., & Farias Brehmer, L. C. (2019). Processo De Deliberação Moral Dos Enfermeiros De Competência Gerencial E Fiscalizatória Dos Conselhos De Enfermagem. Enfermagem Em Foco, 10 (3), 22-27.
- Pardavila-Belio, M. I., Canga-Armayor, A., Duaso, M. J., Pueyo-Garrigues, S., Pueyo-Garrigues, M., & Canga-Armayor, N. (2019). Understanding how a smoking cessation intervention changes beliefs, self-efficacy, and intention to quit: a secondary analysis of a pragmatic randomized controlled trial. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9(1), 58-66.
- Wilson, D. M., Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., & Rodriguez-Prat, A. (2019). A Research Literature Review to Determine How Bereavement Programs Are Evaluated. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying .
- Wilson, D. M., Errasti-Ibarrondo, B., & Low, G. (2019). Where are we now in relation to determining the prevalence of ageism in this era of escalating population aging? Ageing research reviews, 51, 78-84 .
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