
Research Projects

Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Person-Centred Practice Inventory-Staff scale (PCPI-S) and the Person-Centred Practice Inventory-Student scale (PCPI-ST). PI20/01644

Funding entity: Plan Estatal de research and development+I 2017-2020 and co-financed by the ISCIII-Subdirección General de assessment y Fomento de la research and the European Regional development Fund (ERDF).

Period of validity: 01/2021 - 01/2024.

Principal investigator: Ana Carvajal.

ResearchersAna Choperena, Virginia La Rosa, Begoña Errasti, Leire Arbea, Mónica Vázquez, María José Galán, Marta Lizarbe, Brendan McComarck, Vaibhav Tyagi.

Amount financed: 58.080 €

Barriers and facilitators, for the inclusion of the family in nursing care, in the oncology area

Funding EntityChair María Egea. School de Enfermería, Universidad de Navarra.

Period of validity: 07/05/2020 - 07/05/2022.

Principal investigatorNuria Esandi Larramendi.

Researcherss: Ana Canga, Cristina Alfaro, María Carrión, Patricia Beorlegui, Rosana Goñi.

Amount financed: 1.200 €

Excellence in Nursing. project of Translation of the knowledge of the Family Nurse Practitioner, in the internship clinic, in oncology.

Funding Entity: University of Navarra. Program of research University of Navarra (PIUNA).

Period of validity: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2021

Principal InvestigatorsAna Canga Armayor; Nuria Esandi Larramendi.

ResearchersCristina Alfaro, María Carrión, Rosana Goñi, Patricia Beorlegui, Teresa Gutiérrez, Erla Kolbrun, Pepa Sánchez de Miguel, María Iserte.

Amount financed: 13.000 €

design and validation of the UNAV-ENF Instrument-Understanding the meaning of living with Chronic Heart Failure for the person with Chronic Heart Failure

Funding Entity: Plan Estatal de research and development+I 2013-2016 and co-financed by the ISCIII-Subdirección General de assessment y Fomento de la research and the European Regional Fund development (FEDER). reference letter PI17/01326

Period of validity: 01/01/2018-01/01/2021

Principal investigator: María Isabel Saracíbar Rázquin.

ResearchersPilar Ara, José Luis Cobo, Montserrat Ducay, Luis Guerra, Sagrario Ibarrola, Leticia Jimeno, Leticia Napal, Jesús Martin, María Nieves Moro, Maddi Olano, Santiago Pérez, Aurora Simón-Ricart, Amparo Zaragoza.

Amount financed: 12.551,33 €

Empowering the hospitalized chronic cardiac patient: a nurse health coaching program.

Funding EntityChair María Egea. School de Enfermería, Universidad de Navarra.

Period of validity: June 2019 - June 2020.

Principal investigator: Beatriz Paloma Mora.

ResearchersMaddi Olano, Ana Mª Quesada, Carmen Rumeu, Mª Isabel Saracíbar, Mónica Vázquez.

Amount financed: 4.700 €

design and validation of the UNAV-ENF Instrument - To know the meaning of living with Chronic Heart Failure (Phase 1).

Funding EntityChair María Egea. School de Enfermería, Universidad de Navarra.

Period of validity: June 2018-June 2019

Principal investigatorMaddi Olano Lizarraga.

ResearchersPilar Ara, José Luis Cobo, Montserrat Ducay, Luis Guerra, Sagrario Ibarrola, Leticia Jimeno, Leticia Napal, Jesús Martin, María Nieves Moro, Santiago Pérez, Mª Isabel Saracíbar, Aurora Simón-Ricart, Amparo Zaragoza.

Amount financed: 1.600 €

Translation and validation of the Familie's importance in nursing care-nursing attitudes (FINC-NA) and Iceland health care practitioner illness belief questionnaire (IHCP-IBQ), Demand-control-support questionnaire (DCSQ) instruments to the Spanish context.

Funding EntityChair María Egea. School de Enfermería, Universidad de Navarra.

Period of validity: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2020

Principal investigator: Ana Canga Armayor.

ResearchersNuria Esandi, Cristina Alfaro, Erla Kolbrun.

Amount financed: 2.000 €

The significance of the environment in the model interpersonal relationship between the nurse and the cared-for person/family: learning from nurses' experience.

Funding EntityUniversity of Navarra. Plan of research of the University of Navarra (PIUNA).

Period of validity: 01/09/2018 - 31/08/2020

researcher Principal: Mónica Vázquez Calatayud.

ResearchersMiriam Pereira, Amparo Zaragoza Salcedo, Ana Choperena, Beatriz Paloma, Carmen Rumeu, Maddi Olano.

Amount financed: 10.550 €

Phenomenological text as a pedagogical tool for train nursing students to provide person-centered care at the end of life: a pilot study.

Funding Entity: University of Navarra. Program of research University of Navarra (PIUNA).

Period of validity: 03/08/2018 - 31/08/2020

Principal investigatorBegoña Errasti.

ResearchersAna Choperena, José Antonio Jordán, Ana Carvajal, Beatriz Gómez, Ana Zúñiga, Elena Larrondo.

Amount granted: 1.900 €

Pedagogical innovation in nursing at the end of life The Phenomenological Text as tool of training of nursing students in Navarra.

Funding EntityUNED Pamplona, Fundación Bancaria la Caixa and Fundación Caja Navarra.

Period of validity: 15/05/2018 - 15/04/2019

Principal InvestigatorsInés Olza Moreno, Begoña Errasti.

ResearchersAna Carvajal, Beatriz Gómez, Jose Antonio Jordán, Ana Zúñiga, Sofía Brotons, Elena Larrondo.

Amount granted: 2.400 €

Home care of the person with advanced illness: learning from the family's experience.

Funding Entity: University of Navarra. Plan of research University of Navarra (PIUNA).

Period of validity: 01/09/2016 - 01/09/2019.

researcher PrincipalMaribel Saracíbar Razquin.

ResearchersJesús Martín-Martín, Mercedes Pérez Díez del Corral, Maddi Olano-Lizarraga, Socorro Valencia-Gil.

Amount granted: 11.300 €

Narratives and internship reflective: A program for the development of professional competencies in nursing.

Funding Entity: University of Navarra. Program of research University of Navarra (PIUNA).

Period of validity: 01/09/2016 - 01/09/2018

Principal investigator: Ana Choperena.

ResearchersCristina Oroviogoicoechea, Amparo Zaragoza, Teresa Llacer, Sonsoles Martín, Rosana Goñi.

Amount granted: 3.300€

instructions for promote the internship reflective of nurses through narratives: project pilot in Navarra (NavNAR)

Funding EntityUNED Pamplona, La Caixa Banking Foundation and Caja Navarra Foundation

Period of validity: 01/01/2016 - 31/12/2016

Principal investigatorInés Olza, Ana Choperena.

ResearchersCristina Oroviogoicoechea.

Amount granted: 2.500€


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