Ruta de navegación




Aplicaciones anidadas


Lines of research


The research of department in the oncology field focuses on the knowledge of molecular mechanisms of cancer, the identification of biomarkers and research in Immuno-Oncology, with the goal aim of developing new therapeutic strategies. This work of research is made possible by close partnership multidisciplinary and between basic and clinical researchers on valuable clinical sample collections, with the goal aim of providing solutions to medical problems.

The research in oncogenesis and cancer biomarkers focuses on the identification and functional characterisation of genetic events that promote carcinogenesis and metastasis of solid tumours, on the identification and validation of biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of solid tumours, on the development of therapeutic strategies based mainly on small molecules and on the identification of molecular markers predictive of sensitivity or resistance to cancer treatment.

The research in Immuno-Oncology is applied to various tumour types, including lung cancer, brain cancer (gliomas), breast cancer, colon cancer, melanoma and undifferentiated sarcomas, goal to determine a series of relevant biomarkers of the anti-tumour immune response such as, among others, the characterisation and quantification of the anti-tumour immune infiltrate, tumour mutational load and microsatellite instability, in order to obtain prognostic and predictive signatures of response to immunotherapy.

For this purpose, modern methodology is available, including in vitro and in vivo models, genetic and cellular analysis methods such as massive sequencing, and sophisticated multispectral microscopy and image analysis techniques, among others.


Current projects

Deciphering vulnerabilities in the tumor microenvironment of diffuse large B-cell lymphomas (DELIBES)

IP: Sergio Roa Gómez

Ministry of Science and Innovation (Projects research and development+i).

The research of department at area of Neurosciences focuses on two main lines:

  • Neurobiology of Alzheimer's disease

Study of the cellular and molecular instructions of the report in animal models of Alzheimer's disease (AD), with the aim of identifying new therapeutic targets and developing pharmacological treatments to delay or halt the progression of the disease goal .

Different projects are carried out at research mainly focused on studying the molecular alterations associated with the processes of synaptic plasticity that occur after the administration of different treatments, mostly aimed at enhancing the processes of training and consolidation of report.

Current projects:

  • New strategy for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: validation of epigenetic targets, from in vitro to a murine model of the disease. design and development of new pharmacological tools.
  • Identification of genetic and epigenetic factors that confer resistance to dementia development .


  • Neuroanatomy of the ventral basal ganglia circuits

We are interested in ventral basal ganglia circuits and their associated brainstem Structures involved in reward circuits, both in the control animal and in experimental models of pathologies associated with these circuits, such as Parkinson's disease and depression.

Current projects:

  • GABAergic transmission from the basal ganglia to the pedunculopontine and laterodorsal nuclei: cellular targets of the palidotegmental projection and GABAergic receptors involved in the control animal (PIUNA 14-17).

  • Modulation of glia/immune system interactions by cannabinoids to identify novel therapeutic targets in Parkinson's disease (FIS PI20/01063)

  • Impact of cortical glutamatergic innervation deficits on neuronal populations in the dorsal raphe and locus coeruleus in a murine model of depression (PIUNA 20-22).

The research of department in the field of obesity focuses on the study of histological and functional adaptation mechanisms following calorie restriction imposed or induced by bariatric surgery.

Obesity and its comorbidities are currently one of the main health problems. In recent years, a progressive increase in this pathology has been observed in Spain. Both overweight and obesity are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus subject 2, dyslipidaemia, cerebrovascular accidents, osteoarticular disorders, infertility, respiratory disorders and development of some types of cancer, as well as psycho-social disorders. In terms of treatment, bariatric surgery (a set of surgical techniques aimed at reducing energy intake and fat training ) has established itself as an effective therapy for the treatment of the disease in properly selected morbidly obese patients, achieving both weight reduction and improvement of associated comorbidities.

Our goal is to study the changes after calorie restriction (conventional and induced by bariatric surgery) in relation to:

  • Adipose tissue, both adipocytes and inflammatory infiltrate cells.
  • The expression of regulatory substances in the digestive tract, with a special focus on appetite regulating factors reference letter .
  • Possible adaptation processes of the digestive tract (possible "refunctionalisation").

This line of research is carried out under the direction of Dr. Gema Frühbeck (department de Endocrinología y Nutrición and laboratory de research Metabólica de la Clínica Universidad de NavarraCIBEROBN, high school de Salud Carlos III).

project in force: Changes in adipose tissue plasticity after bariatric surgery and its role in the improvement of associated comorbidities (PI16/01217, high school de Salud Carlos III, Researcher manager: Gema Frühbeck).

The research of department at area of Education Medical focuses on three main lines:

  • Validation of simulators for use on Degree Medicine.
  • Longitudinal study of the influence of clinical internships and curriculum on empathy in medical students.
  • project of an interactive, digitised and integrated online teaching at Anatomy Pathology with the basic and clinical disciplines of department.



Ana Delgado

Ed. Investigación
Despacho 3350
C/ Irunlarrea, 1

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00

Ext. 806215