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degree scroll of project: Passive criticality mediated by active and live subject (PID2021-129066NA-I00)
Funding Entity: Agencia estatal de investigacion
Duration: from 01/09/2022 to 31/08/2025
researcher managerResearcher: Reinaldo García

degree scroll of project: Creating Granular Materials Experts by Developing Experimental Calibrations for Computational Methods
Funding Entity: European Commission
Duration: from 01/09/2019
researcher Principal at the University of Navarra: Raúl Cruz

Title of the project: Emergent Collective Behaviour in Many-Particle Systems (PID2020-114839GB-I00)
Funding entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Duration: from 01/09/2021 to 31/08/2024
researcher principal: Iker Zuriguel
Co-PI: Raúl Cruz Hidalgo

Title of the project: Vibrated induced phenomena on granular matter in micro-gravity (AO-20014-121)
Funding Agency: European Space Agency
Duration, since: 1/09/2004
Principal Investigators: A. Garcimartín, D. Maza


Title of the project: Instabilities in non-equilibrium fluids (FIS 2017-83401-P)
Funding Entity: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness
Duration: from 01/01/2018 to 30/09/2021
researcher lead researcher: Javier Burguete
Co-PI: Wenceslao González

Title of the project: Intermittent flow in the narrowing passage of many-particle systems (FIS 2017-84631-P)
Funding Entity: Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness
Duration: from 01/01/2018 to 30/09/2021
researcher main researcher: Iker Zuriguel

Title of the project: Topological groups. Duality, LIE Groups and Applications (MTM2016-79422-P)
Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration: from 30/12/2016 to: 30/06/2021
researcher main: Mª Jesús Chasco

Title of the project: Complexity in fluids (FIS2014-54101-P)
Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration: from 01/01/2015 to: 31/12/2018
researcher main researcher: Javier Burguete

Title of the project: Particle jams in confined geometries (FIS2014- 57325-P)
Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration: from 01/01/2015 to: 31/12/2017
researcher principal: Iker Zuriguel

Title of the project: Topological groups. Duality and applications (MTM2013-42486-P GPOS. TOPOLOG.)
Funding Entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Duration: from 01/01/2014 to: 31/12/2017
researcher principal: Mª Jesús Chasco

Title of the project: Instabilities and turbulence: formation of Structures in out-of-equilibrium fluids (FIS2011-24642)
Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration: from 01/01/2012 to: 30/09/2015
researcher main researcher: Javier Burguete

Title of the project: Stresses and spatial Structures in dense granular media (FIS2011-26675)
Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration: from 01/01/2012 to: 30/09/2015
researcher main: Diego Maza

Title of the project: Modelling of cardiac dynamics and its potential control (FIS2011-28820-C02-C02)
Funding Entity: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration: from 01/01/2012 to: 31/12/2015
researcher principal: Jean Bragard

Título del project: Non-linear effects induced in the inner ear conducting fluid by oscillating magnetic fields.
Funding Entity: Fundación CAN 2014
Duration: from 01/07/2014 to: 30/06/2015
researcher main researcher: Javier Burguete

Title of the project: Topological Groups: compactness, minimality and duality. Aplicaciones (MTM2009-14409-C02-01)
Funding Entity: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation)
Duration: from 01/01/2010 to: 01/01/2013
researcher Principal Investigator: M. J. Chasco
Participating researchers: S. Ardanza-Trevijano, Tomás González.

Title of the project: Modelling and control of cardiac dynamics (FIS2008-06335-C02-02)
Funding Entity: MEC
Duration, from: 01/01/09 to: 30/09/11
researcher responsible: J. Bragard
Researchers involved: (6)
Researchers of the department: J. Bragard, J. Elorza

Título del project: Interparticle interactions and emergence of macroscopic properties in granular media. (FIS2008-06034-C02-01/FIS)
Funding Entity: MEC
Duration, from: 01/01/09 to: 30/09/11
researcher responsible: D. Maza
Researchers involved: (5)
Researchers of the department: A. Garcimartin, I. Zuriguel, A. Janda.

Title of the project: Instabilities, Hydrodynamics and Magnetism (FIS2008-01126/FIS)
Funding Entity: MEC
Duration, from: 01/01/09 to: 30/09/11
researcher responsible: J. Burguete
Researchers involved: (11)
Researchers of the department: H. Mancini, W. González-Viñas, J.D. Azcona, A. de la Torre, M. Miranda, M. Giuliani, G. Vidal

Complementary Action: Algebra Meets Topology: Advanced and Applications (MTM2008-05160-E)
Funding Entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation
Duration, from: 01/05/2010 to: 31/08/2010
researcher principal: M. J. Chasco

Title of the project: Tological groups, subgroups of topological vector spaces and compact groups (MTM2006-03036).
Funding Entity: MEC
Duration, from: 1/10/06 to: 31/12/09
researcher responsible: M.J. Chasco
Participating researchers (8)
Researchers of the department : M.J. Chasco, S. Ardanza-Trevijano.

Title of the project: Nuclear groups. Subgroups of nuclear spaces. Topological dimension (BFM2003-05878 Topology).
Funding Entity: MEC
Duration, from:1/12/2003 to:30/11/06
researcher responsible: M.J. Chasco
Number of participating researchers (8)
Researchers involved in department: M.J. Chasco, S. Ardanza-Trevijano.

Title of the project: Flows and clogging in granular media
Funding Entity: MC & T (BFM2002-00414)
researcher responsible: Ángel Garcimartín
Duration, from:01/10/2002 to:01/10/2005
Number of participating researchers (4)
Participating researchers from department: A. Garcimartín, D. Maza, M. Pastor

Title of the project: Instabilities, formation of Structures and control in fluids (Inefluid)
Funding Agency: MC & T (BFM2002-02011)
researcher responsible: Héctor Mancini
Start date: 01/10/2002 End date: 01/10/2005
Number of participating researchers (12): H. Mancini, D. Maza, C. Pérez-García, W. González, A. Garcimartín, J. Burguete, J. Bragard, F. Varela,C. Wolluschek, M. Miranda, M. Yoldi, C. Arcos.

Title of the project: Formation and control of Structures out of equilibrium (PB98-0208 )
Funding Entity: MEC
Participating entities: Dept. of Physics and Applied Math.
Duration, from: 1999 to: 2002
researcher responsible: C. Pérez-García
Number of participating researchers (15): C. Pérez-García, H. Mancini, D. Maza, J. Burguete, A.Garcimartín, W. González, M.Miranda, I. Zuriguel, M.A. Pelacho, S.Casado, S. Madruga, B.Peña, M.L. Ramón, A. Vallone, D. Valladares.

Title of the project: Theoretical-experimental analysis of some physical systems out of equilibrium (PB-95-0578)
Funding Entity: DGICYT
Participating entities: Dept. of Physics. Univ. of Navarra
Duration, from: 11/9/1996 to 11/9/99
researcher responsible: C. Pérez-García
Number of researchers taking part (10): C. Pérez-García, J. Burguete , A. Garcimartín ,H. Mancini , D. Maza , J. Millán , B. Echebarría , A. Mancho , M.A. Pelacho , M.L. Ramón.

Title of the project: Convective systems with free surface of leave dimensionality (PB94-0526)
Funding Entity: DGICYT
Participating entities: Dept. of Physics. Univ. of Navarra
Duration, from: 1995 to: 1996
researcher responsible: C. Pérez-García
Number of researchers taking part (5): C. Pérez-García, H. Mancini, A. Garcimartín, J. Burguete, D. Maza

Title of the project: Dynamics and Control of Breath Figures (PIIF-GA-2008-219146)
Funding Agency: European Commission, DGXII, MARIE CURIE FELLOWSHIP
Duration, from:2008 to: 2010
researcher responsible: W. González-Viñas
Participating researchers: Ramchandra Narhe

Title of the project:Control, Synchronization and Chaos of spatially extended nonlinear Sytems (HPRN-CT-2000-00158)
Funding Entity: European Commission, DG XII
Participating entities: Univ. Navarra, V. Potsdam, Weizman Institute (Israel), I.N.O.A. Florence (Italy), Univ, Complutense (Madrid), Thecnical Inst. of Kraków (Poland), Univ. Lisboa
Duration, from:2000 to:2003
researcher responsible: Hector Mancini
Number of participating researchers (10): J. Bragard, J. Burguete, D. Maza, W. González, A. Bernardini, I. Bove, A. Vallone, S. Casado, C. Mendoza

Title of the project: Digital Communication using Chaos
Participating entities: University of Navarra and University of Maryland (USA)
Duration, from: 1999 to: 2000
researcher responsible: H. Mancini
Number of participating researchers (8): H. Mancini, S. Boccaletti, D. Maza, D. Valladares, C. Pérez-García, W. González, A. Mancho, S. Casado

Title of the project:Control and synchronization of spatiotemporal chaos in fluids (ERBFMBICT983466)
Funding body: European Commission, DG XII, MARIE CURIE FELOWSHIP
Duration, from: 1998 to: 2000
researcher responsible: H. Mancini
Number of researchers involved: S. Boccaletti

Title of the project:Chaos and Complexity (CHRX-CT94-0546 )
Funding Agency: European Commission, DG XII
Participating entities:Unav, Inoa, Ensl (Lyon), Bergische, Univ. Wuppertal (Germany), Univ. Geneva (Switzerland)
Duration, from: 1994 to: 1997
researcher responsible: Carlos Pérez-García
Number of participating researchers (10): C. Pérez-García, H. Mancini, A. Garcimartín, B. Echebarría, G. Midlin, M. Bestehorn, J. Millán, A. Mancho, H. Herrero

Title of the project: Spatio temporal dynamics in lasers (CT93-0331)
Funding Entity: EU
Participating entities: (subcontractor) INOA of Florence (Italy)
Duration, from: 94 to:96
researcher responsible: C. Pérez-García
Number of participating researchers (9): C. Pérez-García, H. Mancini, A. Garcimartín, B. Echebarría, G. Midlin, M. Bestehorn, J. Millán, A. Mancho, H. Herrero

Title of the project: Dinàmiques no lineals d'autoorganització espaciotemporal (2002-XT-0010) 2
researcher locally responsible: Carlos Pérez García/Ángel Garcimartín
Start date: 2003 End date: 2007
Xarxa Temàtica, D+URSI. Generalitat de Catalunya.
Number of participating researchers (11): C. Pérez García, J. Bragard, J. Burguete, H. Mancini, A. Garcimartín, W. González Viñas, D. Maza, S. Casado, S. Madruga, M.A. Pelacho, B.Peña.

Title of the project: Systems modelled by partial differential equations (BFM2001-4809E)
researcher locally responsible: Héctor L. Mancini
Coordinator: Henar Herrero Sanz. (University of Castilla-La Mancha)
Start date: 2002 End date: 2003
Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Technology, project de research and development+I
Number of participating researchers (3):J. Bragard, W. González-Viñas

Title of the project: Dinámiques no lineals d'autoorganizació espacialtemporal (2000-XT-0005)
researcher Principal: José Mª Sancho
Start date: 2001 End date: 2002
Funding entity: Xarxa Temàtica, CURE, Generalitat de Catalunya
Participating entities: Universities of Santiago, Navarra, Barcelona, Politécnica de Cataluña, CESIC-IIEC

Title of the project: Experimental study of the influence of spontaneous hydrodynamic flows on the formation of colloidal Structures for application in nanotechnology. (Regional Order 228/2008)
Funding entity: Government of Navarra
Duration, from: 01/07/08 to: 30/06/10
researcher responsible: W. González-Viñas
Researchers involved: (3)
Researchers of the department: W. González, M. Giuliani, A. Yethiraj

Title of the project:Convergence Groups and Topological Groups
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration, from:1/1/03 to:30/4/05
researcher responsible: M.J. Chasco
Number of researchers (7)
Number of researchers participating in the department: M.J. Chasco, S. Ardanza-Trevijano

Title of the project: Jams in the unloading of gravity silos.
Funding Entity: Government of Navarra
Duration, from:1/1/03 to:31/12/04
researcher responsible: Diego Maza
Number of researchers involved: 

Title: project: Experimental study of the spatio-temporal complexity in some physical systems.
Funding Entity: Department of Education, Government of Navarre. Regional Order 725/91
Participating entities: department of Physics. University of Navarra
Duration, from:1992 to:1994
researcher responsible: Carlos Pérez García
Number of researchers taking part (4): C. Pérez-García, A. Garcimartín, H. Mancini, J. Burguete

Title of the project: laboratory of Granular Media
Funding Entity: Fundación Universidad de Navarra
Duration: from 01/09/2017 to 31/08/2018
researcher principal: Diego Maza

Title of the project: Dense Granular Media: Numerical Analysis
Funding Entity: Fundación Universidad de Navarra
Duration, from: 01/10/2009 to: 30/09/2010
researcher Principal Researcher: D. Maza
Researchers involved: A. Garcimartín, I. Zuriguel, A. Janda, M. Acebedo, J. Damas

Title of the project: Dense Granular Media: Numerical Analysis
Funding Entity: Fundación Universidad de Navarra
Duration, from: 01/10/2008 to: 30/09/2009
researcher Principal Researcher: D. Maza
Researchers involved: A. Garcimartín, I. Zuriguel, R. Arévalo, A. Janda, C. Mankoc, M. Pastor.

Title: project:Study of hydrodynamics in externally forced systems and its application to magnetohydrodynamics and other physical problems .
Funding Entity: University of Navarra
Duration, from:1/10/2005 to:30/9/2006
researcher responsible: J. Burguete
Number of participating researchers (6): J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas, H. Mancini, M. Miranda, A. de la Torre, F. Varela.

Título del project: Instabilities, formation of Structures and control in non-equilibrium systems.
Funding Entity: University of Navarra
Duration, from:2002 to:2005
researcher responsible: Héctor Mancini
Number of participating researchers (15)
Researchers of the department:H. Mancini, D. Maza, C. Pérez-García, W. González, A. Garcimartín, J. Burguete, J. Bragard, F. Varela,C. Wolluschek, M. Miranda, C. Mendoza, S. Boccaletti, S. Madruga.

Title: project: Fluidisation in Granular Media
Funding Entity: University of Navarra
Duration, from:1998 to:2001
researcher responsible: Angel Garcimartín
Number of participating researchers (5): W. González, S. Boccaletti, S. San Román, S. Casado

Title of the project: Formation and control of Structures out of equilibrium
Funding Entity: University of Navarra
Duration, from:1/10/99 to:30/9/02
researcher responsible: C. Pérez García
Number of researchers involved (19): D. Maza, J. Burguete, A. Garcimartín, D. Valladares, W. González-Viñas, M.A. Pelacho, M.L. Ramón, B. Peña, S. Casado, A. Vallone, S. Madruga, I. Zuriguel, M. Miranda, J. Bragard, F. Varela, C. Mendoza, C. Wolluschek

Título del project: Electrocardiogram (ECG) analysis with non-linear dynamics methods.
Funding Entity: University of Navarra
Duration, from:1997 to:1998
researcher responsible: E.J. Díaz-Calavia
Number of researchers involved (9): E. Alegría Ezquerra, H. Mancini, P. Elizalde, G. Ezpeleta, N. Mancho, C. Palacios, .

Title: project: Contribution to the study of spatio-temporal complexity in physical systems
Funding Entity: University of Navarra
Duration, from:1996 to:1997
researcher responsible: C. Pérez-García
Number of participating researchers (10)
Researchers of the department: J. Burguete, B. Echebarría, A. Garcimartín, H. Maza, A. Mancho, D. Maza, J. Millán, M.A. Pelacho, M.L. Ramón

Título del project: Chaotic Space-Time Dynamics in Physical Systems
Funding Entity: University of Navarra
Duration, from: 1993 to:1995
researcher responsible: C. Pérez-García
Number of participating researchers (11)
Researchers of the department: J. Burguete, H. Mancini, D. Maza, J. Millán, A. Garcimartín, A. Mancho, H. Herrero, R. López-Ruiz