Latest publications
- Muhammad Ahmed Hanif, Devaraj van der Meer, and Diego Maza. "Discharge of rice-shaped particles from a monolayer flat-bottom silo." PHYSICAL REVIEW E 109, 064906 (2024).
- Francisco Javier Talavera, Carlos Bejines, Sergio Ardanza-Trevijano, Jorge Elorza. Aggregation of fuzzy graphs. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 172 (2024) 109243
- Laciel Alonso-Llanes, Angel Garcimartín, and Iker Zuriguel. "Single file motion of robot swarms". PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 6, L022037 (2024).
dfma@unav.esdepartment of Physics and Applied Mathematics
School of Sciences
University of Navarra
C/ Irunlarrea,1
31080 Pamplona, Spain
+(34) 948 42 56 00