framework conceptual and current challenges
1 ECTS credit
Current challenges partner-cultural: Building on shifting sands.
framework conceptualization of sexuality.
The importance of a love-centered sexual Education .
Evolutionary psychology and its relation to sexuality.
Different proposals from Education sexual.
Philosophy and Theology of the Body
1 ECTS credit
The human being. Being a person, being a body.
Love as the origin and destiny of the human person.
Dignity of the human person and sexuality.
The revelation of spousal love: sexuality and marriage in the plan of Creation.
The presence of Christ in human love: the sacramentality of marriage.
Biology of sexuality
1 ECTS credit
development sexual.
Phases of male and female sexual response.
knowledge of fertility.
Beginning of life, mother-child bond.
Infertility and assisted reproduction.
Sexual and reproductive health
1 ECTS credit
Definition of sexual and reproductive health.
Contraception and natural family planning.
Induced abortion.
Sexually transmitted infections. I protect myself, I protect you, because I love you.
Affectivity and sexuality
1 ECTS credit
development affective-sexual during childhood.
development affective-sexual during adolescence.
Affective maturity and identity.
Learning to love with the body.
Myths and stereotypes about romantic love and relationships.
Education of affectivity and sexuality
1 ECTS credit
Principles for an affective-sexual Education . Who should educate? How? When?
Generate questions; answer questions. Integrated messages.
Education affective-sexual in the family: exemplarity and some useful guidelines.
Education affective-sexual in the school.
Legislation and Education affective-sexual.