God exists.
Want to know more?
18 ECTS credit (minimum)
Presential at Campus Pamplona
For students and anyone interested in training in this field.
The Diploma in Theology is a degree scroll offered by the School of Theology, in partnership with the Core Curriculum Institute, to Degree students of the University of Navarra, and to anyone interested in furthering their training in this field.
The program consists of (minimum) 18 ECTS credit, to be chosen among the subjects taught by the School of Theology. Students may recognize as part of the credits that make up the Diploma the subjects of 'Cultural Keys', if they have theological content.
The diploma provides theologicaltraining for those seeking to broaden their knowledge in this area and complements their university programs of study .
The flexibility offered, with respect to the subjects offered, is aimed at facilitating students' compatibility with the degree program they are already taking.
Five reasons
Because for twenty centuries theology has enriched the vision of the world, of God and of the human being.
Because it will help you ask yourself some of the big questions and issues: good and evil, pain, death, Love, who is God, happiness....
Because faith in Jesus Christ is core topic to understand Western civilization: history, science, art or forms of social, political and economic organization.
Because it will provide you with a broad framework in which to understand and appreciate many topics you are studying on your Degree.
Because it will allow you to give a distinctive profile to your professional preparation in the service of people.
Any student of the University interested in studying the Diploma in Theology, can apply for an economic financial aid or a price reduction according to family income and other qualifications. Contact us at faces@unav.es
The student/ a who wants to study the Diploma in Theology may enroll in the subjects of their choice among most of those offered in the high school program ( Degree) in Theology.
In order to facilitate the choice of subjects, they have been grouped into four optional itineraries: Thinking the Faith; Bible; Christian Existence; and Christian Antiquity and Church History.