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Juan Manuel Mora García_img

Juan Manuel Mora García

Juan Manuel Mora García_txt

Juan Manuel Mora García

Vice President from speech of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross


Juan Manuel Mora García de Lomas is Vice President of speech of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross (Rome) and has been Vice President of speech of the University of Navarra from 2007 to 2020. He is currently director of the Centre for University Governance and Reputation at the University of Navarra. He is the promoter of the Building Universities Reputation conference series. graduate in the School of Information Sciences of the University of Navarra, with award extraordinary (1980), he obtained the doctorate in the area of business Informative of the same School (1988). He teaches Institutional speech at the Schools of speech at the universities of Navarra and Santa Cruz (Rome). With extensive international experience, he has given lectures and seminars in different countries in Europe and America. He has been working for more than twenty-five years in strategic speech , a field in which he has carried out tasks in teaching, research, knowledge dissemination and consultancy service. He is the author of several books on corporate speech and reputation.