
rules and regulations and organisation

rules and regulations and organisation - doctorate in Natural and Applied Sciences

The doctoral program in research Applied Medicine is part of the School of doctorate that the University of Navarra has implemented, in the framework established by the RD 99/2011, as a planning, coordination and monitoring body of the doctorate programmes, and the manager of its development and organisation is the School of Medicine.

The School of doctorate offers on its website all the information on rules and regulations regulations of the programs of study of doctorate (supervision of thesis , follow-up and permanence of PhD student, rules and regulations of reading of thesis ).

Information on scholarships and grants and the staff researcher scheme can be found at training administrative office Technical research.

Criteria for the approval of doctoral theses thesis :
1. Document at least one publication, derived from the thesis , in any journal indexed in ISI web of knowledge that has a positive Impact Factor.

2. The work will be published or, at least, definitively accepted.

3. The PhD student must be listed among the signatories in a relevant place and their participation must be justified.


contact general

C/ Irunlarrea, 1.
31008 Pamplona
+34 948 42 56 00



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