Mandatory training activities
The course "The research in the University: multidisciplinarity, ethics and society" is an advanced and mandatory educational activity for all students of doctorate at the University of Navarra. Its fundamental goal is to show in a internship and theoretical way the specificity and the added value that implies the research in the university. To this end, this activity brings together students from the different programs of doctorate of the University of Navarra in lectures and round tables, given mainly by professors and tenured professors from different areas of knowledge and belonging to different Departments and groups of research of the University and also in sessions of work and discussion in interdisciplinary groups dealing with the topics of the plenary lectures and with previously assigned texts.
Throughout the activity, each participant will have the opportunity to meet and talk personally with professors and students from doctorate who work in fields of knowledge, objects of study, scientific and intellectual traditions and methodologies from research different from their own. This is intended to enable participants to formulate the questions core topic that need to be answered in order to solve the complex problems that arise in the scientific research and to design, create, develop and undertake novel and innovative projects in their field of knowledge.
In order to get the most out of the activity, it is recommended that participants should preferably be in their second or third year at doctorate.
Competences CB 14, CB 15, CB 16 and OC5 Personal skills and abilities CA02 and CA04 are developed.
The contents of the lectures, round tables and group sessions at work, as well as the reading materials revolve around the following topics:
The university: mission statement and identity
The university as a place for multidisciplinarity
The university, the intellectual life and the ethical dimension of the research
The social commitment of the university
These four aspects are developed in 10 conferences followed by turns of interventions of the participants and 4 sessions of work in 12 interdisciplinary groups. The sessions are given by professors, tenured professors and contract professors of the University of Navarra. The sessions of work in interdisciplinary groups are also led by professors with PhDs from the University.
Conferences with interventions by participants: 11 hours. Sessions of work directed at group: 4 hours.
Study staff (reading texts): 20 hours.
Students are offered a voluntary tutorial session with one of the speakers.
During the period of completion of the thesis Doctoral the PhD student will be initiated in the publication of scientific papers. The assessment will be based on the impact of the publications. The issue of hours will depend, logically, on how many there are. However, all students must have at least one publication before depositing their thesis . It may be a book chapter or a article, although it is advisable to publish in indexed journals, both national and international.
The planning and structure has taken into account the dedication of student both full time and part time:
Full-time students will be required to have one or more scientific papers, published or accepted, preferably from the second year of their enrollment at doctoral program.
Part-time students will be required to have one or more scientific papers, published or accepted, preferably from the third year of their enrollment at doctoral program .
Competencies related to this activity
Competences CB11, CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16, CA04, CA06 will be mainly developed.
Optional training activities
In addition to the mandatory training activities, each PhD student will plan with their directors of thesis other training activities. Each year, they must carry out activities that occupy at least 30 hours (15 hours in the case of part-time ).
Suggested activities include:
conference in which the doctoral students will present the progress of their projects, which may focus on research or transfer issues.
They are held every two years, and are developed as a congress in which the doctoral students are the protagonists: they present their papers, and they also moderate the sessions.
The objectives of the conference are:
To encourage the student body of doctorate to have a exchange of communication of the research in the context of the School.
promote a joint forum for the knowledge and exchange of areas of research between Doctoral Students and Groups of research of the School.
The conference have a mixed face-to-face/online format to facilitate the participation of students part-time who are outside Pamplona.
This activity will help the PhD student to acquire the competences CB15, CB16, CA05 and CA06.
The attendance to national or international congresses will be encouraged, as well as the active participation in them, especially by means of oral communications or posters.
The issue of hours depends on the subject of congress and the number of them attended by the PhD student, with a maximum of 15 computable hours per congress. The planning and structure has taken into account the dedication of student both full-time and part-time:
Full-time students will be recommended to attendance and actively participate in at least two of these scientific events, preferably starting in the second year of their enrollment at doctoral program.
Part-time students will be recommended to attendance and actively participate in at least two of these scientific events, preferably from the third year of their enrollment in doctoral program onwards.
Competencies related to this activity
Competences CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16, CA02, CA04, CA05, CA06 will be mainly developed.
Participation in congresses will also contribute to the acquisition of certain specific competences specific to the corresponding line of research .
The School organizes monthly sessions organized for teachers and students, where researchers present the results of ongoing research. This is followed by a joint discussion. Each seminar has a duration of 2 hours.
In its planning and structure, the dedication of student has been taken into account, both full-time and part-time. In both cases it is recommended attend to some seminars (according to the area of interest of each one) from the first year. In the case of students full-time, it is recommended attend to at least 5 seminars per year; in the case of students part-time, to at least 3 sessions. The maximum number of hours per year is 40.
The dates and place of the meetings will be communicated to the students with due notice through the usual channels.
Competencies related to this activity
Competences CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16, CA04, CA05, CA06 will be developed.
The School of doctorate organizes sessions of general interest for students.
presentation of the programs of study of doctorate and of the staff researcher at training (recommended for the 1st year of thesis doctoral).
Basic services and resources of Library Services for researchers (recommended for the 1st year of thesis doctoral studies).
Course on management and use of scientific information (recommended from the 2nd year of thesis doctoral)
Course on the use of specialised bibliographic information sources (recommended for the 1st year of thesis doctoral studies).
How to publish in quality scientific journals (recommended from the 2nd year of thesis ).
training course general teaching (recommended from the 2nd year of thesis doctoral studies onwards).
Course on the processes of assessment of researchers (recommended for the 3rd year of thesis doctoral).
Course on protection of research results and technology transfer (recommended from the 2nd year of thesis ).
Dissemination of the scientific research . Open Access (recommended from the 2nd year of thesis doctoral studies).
This activity will help the PhD student to acquire the general core competencies 1 and 8, as well as the specific skill 1.
As result of this activity the student will have learned to use documentary sources and new technologies useful for the research.
Participation in the courses given by institute of modern languages will be especially valued. It is not mandatory, but it will be considered in the annual assessment of the research activity.
Participation in the courses given by the innovation in education Service for the improvement of teaching and research will also be valued. It is not mandatory, but each student will make a training plan with its director of thesis . The assessment will be based on this plan.
These activities are not required for part-time students, although a specific plan for language studies may be made.
CB11, CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16, CA03, CA04, CA05 and CA06
The doctoral program in Education will encourage the realization of research stays of at least 3 consecutive months in Universities or Centers of research of reference letter, in order that the students complete there their training and develop part of their thesis , and can obtain the accredited specialization International of the degree scroll of Doctor.
The planning and structure has taken into account the dedication of student both full time and part time:
Full-time students who wish to apply for the International accredited specialization in the degree scroll of Doctor must carry out a minimum stay of 3 months consecutively in a University or Center of research of reference letter (although it is recommended that it lasts 4 to 6 months), preferably from the second year of their enrollment in the doctoral program.
Part-time students who wish to apply for the accredited specialization International degree scroll Doctorate must spend a minimum of 3 consecutive months at a University or Center of research of reference letter, preferably from the third year of their enrollment in the doctorate program.
These stays may be carried out in those prestigious institutions with which there are signed agreements partnership. They may also be carried out in other institutions with which the professors of the Program maintain relations of partnership. In these cases, the corresponding agreements will be promoted at signature .
To finance such stays, doctoral students will apply to public calls for pre-doctoral mobility . Funding may also be provided by position from the funds allocated to mobility for the projects of research, grants from banks, the European Union and other international organizations.
For its part, the association de Amigos (ADA) of the University of Navarra has endowed a grant fund to finance stays abroad.
Shorter stays may also be made, with specific objectives, such as the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for the development of the thesis Doctoral thesis.
Competencies related to this activity
Competences CB11, CB13, CB14, CB15, CB16, CA03, CA04, CA05 and CA06 will be mainly developed.
Depending on their interests and needs, students can attend sessions organized by other centers at attend .
The issue of hours depends on the conferences or seminars attended by student. The maximum computable hours will be 40 hours each year.
The planning and structure has taken into account the dedication of student, both full-time and part-time. This is a voluntary activity that can be undertaken by all doctoral students.
The dates and venues of these seminars or conference will be communicated to students well in advance through the usual channels.
Competencies related to this activity
Competences CB15, CB16, CA04, CA05, CA06 will be mainly developed.