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Aplicaciones anidadas

Acceso y Admisión ok


Places to start the doctorate in the 2024-25 academic year are already filled. Applications arriving from now on will be considered for the 2025-26 academic year.

The Program has three admission deadlines: February 28, May 15 and September 15. If the number of places (15) is covered in any call, admissions process will be closed for the following academic year (and the following calls will not be opened).

 The candidate that fulfills the above requirements will present the application de Admissions Office  in the portal MiUNAVfollowing the instructions on the website of the doctorate School. For any questions you can contact Arancha Urdánoz (, (+34)948425600 ext. 802452.

In addition to its data, it will include:

- Curriculum vitae.
- Motivation letter staff: here the candidate will express his/her preferences on the topics of research and the reasons that led him/her to choose this program (this will help to find a suitable director for the candidate).
- Evidence of proficiency in Spanish (in case it is not his/her language mother tongue), and optionally in English (certificate from a recognized institution, indicating the level of proficiency achieved by the candidate).
- Letter of acceptance from director thesis , in case there is already one or two professors who have agreed to direct the thesis .

 Before submitting the application, it is recommended that the candidate has received advice from the coordinator of the program. The purpose of this interview is to orient the candidate, to help him/her decide if he/she is interested in this PD, and to learn more about his/her interests in order to choose a suitable director . This interview is elective subject, and has no effect on admission to the program.

 In the administrative office Technical research will proceed to its registration and subsequent submission to the Academic Committee of doctoral program.

The recommended ideal profile is as follows:

Those students who have completed a Degree in Education (Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, Early Childhood Education or Primary Education) or in Psychology, or equivalent, and an Official or equivalent that allows them access to the Doctoral program, with eminently psychological or psychological content.
of Primary Education) or in Psychology, or equivalent, and an Official Master's Degree , or equivalent that allows them access to the Doctoral program, with an eminently educational or psychological content". 

In the event that demand exceeds supply, the following criteria will be evaluated:

  • transcript academic of Degree: 50%.

  • transcript academic of Master's Degree: 30%.

  • English proficiency: 20% (10 points for a C2 level; 8 points for a C1 level; 6 points for a B2 level).

After obtaining the total score of all candidates, they will be ranked from highest to lowest score. The first 15 will be admitted to the PD. In case of a tie, the transcript of the Degree will be taken into account first, then that of the Master's Degree, and then the English proficiency. The Academic Committee will issue its report, will appoint one or two Directors of thesis and, if necessary, will establish the training complements appropriate to the profile of the student.

Special consideration will be given to students with special educational needs. The specific work plan and the additional measures necessary to guarantee adequate conditions for the training of student will be detailed.

It is hereby stated that the University of Navarra has actively assumed the provisions of Law 51/2003 on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities. Therefore, it develops active policies aimed at students with special educational needs. students with special educational needs.  

The board Board of Directors of the Center will forward the application, with its approval, to the School of doctorate, which will verify the fulfillment of the requirements of access before its Admissions Office.

The School of doctorate will communicate to candidate if you have been admitted to doctoral program within 6 weeks.

Aplicaciones anidadas


 In general, for access to an official program of doctorate it will be necessary to be in possession of the titles Spanish official degrees of Degree, or equivalent, and of Master's Degree University, provided that at least 300 credits ECTS credit have been passed in these two courses.

 Access will also be available to those who are in one of the following situations following cases:

  • Holding an official Spanish university degree, or from another country of the European Higher Education Area, which qualifies for access to a Master's degree agreement with the provisions of Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October and having passed a minimum of 300 credits ECTS credit in the set of official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at Master's level.

  • Hold an official Spanish degree of graduate or Graduate, the duration of which, in accordance with EU law, is at least 300 credits ECTS credit. These graduates must take the training complements referred to in article 7.2 of RD 99/2011, unless the Study program of the corresponding degree of Degree includes research training credits, equivalent in training value to the research credits from Master's studies.

  • Holding a degree obtained in accordance with foreign education systems, without the need for official recognition, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish Master's degree and that it entitles the holder to access doctoral studies in the country issuing the degree. This admission will not imply, under any circumstances, the homologation of the previous degree held by the interested party nor its recognition for any other purposes than access to doctoral studies.

  • Be in possession of an official Spanish degree regulated by RD 1497/1987 whose Study program has a duration of at least five academic years.

  • Be in possession of an official university degree that has obtained the correspondence to level 3 of the framework Spanish Qualifications for Higher Education, of agreement with the procedure established in the Royal Decree 967/2014, of 21 November, which establishes the requirements and the procedure for the homologation and declaration of equivalence to degree and official university academic level and for the validation of foreign studies of Higher Education.

  • Be in possession of another Spanish doctoral degree obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.

 In the same way, the students who have the Certificate of Research Proficiency o Diploma from programs of study Advancedobtained under the previous legal regimes.

profile primarily linked to the specialized programs of study that allow the development of the necessary skills to deepen in educational and psychological problems and realities.

Sensitivity to psychological and educational issues. Critical spirit and capacity for argumentation, rigorousness in the academic work , eagerness for excellence. Intellectual restlessness that leads to the acquisition of the necessary skills to deepen the scientific knowledge .

Communication skills and work in a team: negotiation and distribution of the tasks of research, fulfillment of the same, assumption of individual responsibility and collective results.


training previous studies in the areas of Sciences of the Education or Psychology.

Candidates whose language mother tongue is not Spanish must provide evidence of mastery of this language, with a level of at least C1. It is also advisable to have a certain command of English language (level B2 or higher) and of the methods of research specific to the area of knowledge in which the thesis is to be carried out.

Six types of profiles are envisaged for students at doctoral program:

1. Those who have completed a Degree in Education (Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, Child Teaching or Primary Teaching) or in Psychology, or equivalent, and an Official Master's Degree , or equivalent that allows access to the Doctoral program, with an eminently educational or psychological content. This profile is estimated to be the usual one. This is the recommended profile .

2. Those who have completed a Degree in Education (Pedagogy, Psychopedagogy, Teaching of Education Children or Teaching of Education Primary), or equivalent, and an Official Master's Degree , or equivalent that allows access to the Doctoral program, in another discipline (without eminently educational or psychological content).

3. Those who have completed a Degree in Psychology, or equivalent, and an Official Master's Degree , or equivalent that allows access to the Doctoral program, in another discipline (without eminently educational or psychological content).

4. Those who have completed a Degree, or equivalent, in another discipline, and an Official Master's Degree , or equivalent, with an eminent content educational.

5. Those who have completed a Degree, or equivalent, in another discipline, and an Official Master's Degree , or equivalent, with an eminently psychological content.

6. Those who have completed a Degree and an Official Master's Degree , or equivalent, in other disciplines.

At summary:




profile 1 (recommended)

Education o Psychology

Education o Psychology

profile 2


Other disciplines

profile 3


Other disciplines

profile 4

Other disciplines


profile 5

Other disciplines


profile 6

Other disciplines

Other disciplines

The ordinary call takes place in May (deadline of presentation of complete applications: May 13). If the number of places (15) is covered in this call, the process of Admissions Office will be closed for the following academic year. If there are still vacancies, or if any candidate resigns from place, there will be a re-sit examination period in September (deadline of presentation of complete applications: September 13).

 The candidate that fulfills the above requirements will present the application de Admissions Office  in the portal MiUNAVfollowing the instructions on the website of the doctorate School. For any questions you can contact Arancha Urdánoz (, (+34)948425600 ext. 802452.

In addition to its data, it will include:

  • curriculum vitae;
  • Motivation letter staff: here the candidate will express his/her preferences on the topics of research and the reasons that led him/her to choose this program (this will help to find a suitable director for candidate);
  • evidence of proficiency in Spanish (in case it is not your language mother tongue), and optionally in English (certificate from a recognized institution, indicating the level of proficiency reached by candidate);

 Before submitting the application the candidate will usually have received advice from the coordinator of the program. The purpose of this interview is to orient the candidate, to help him/her decide if he/she is interested in this PD, and to learn more about his/her interests in order to choose an appropriate director .

 In the administrative office Technical research will proceed to its registration and subsequent submission to the Academic Committee of doctoral program.

In the event that demand exceeds supply, the following criteria will be evaluated:

  • transcript academic of Degree: 50%.
  • transcript academic of Master's Degree: 30%.
  • English proficiency: 20% (10 points for a C2 level; 8 points for a C1 level; 6 points for a B2 level).

After obtaining the total score of all candidates, they will be ranked from highest to lowest score. The first 15 will be admitted to the PD. In case of a tie, the transcript of the Degree will be taken into account first, then that of the Master's Degree, and then the English proficiency. The Academic Committee will issue its report, will appoint one or two Directors of thesis and, if necessary, will establish the training complements appropriate to the profile of the student.

Special consideration will be given to students with special educational needs. The specific work plan and the additional measures necessary to guarantee adequate conditions for the training of student will be detailed.

It is hereby stated that the University of Navarra has actively assumed the provisions of Law 51/2003 on equal opportunities, non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities. Therefore, it develops active policies aimed at students with special educational needs. students with special educational needs.  

The board Board of Directors of the Center will forward the application, with its approval, to the School of doctorate, which will verify the fulfillment of the requirements of access before its Admissions Office.

During the month of June (or, at re-sit examination period, during the month of October), the School of doctorate will communicate to candidate whether it has been admitted to doctoral program.

The complements of training will be assigned according to the profile of income, following the following table:





profile 1 (recommended)

Education o Psychology

Education o Psychology


profile 2


Other disciplines

research at Education (MUP, 2 ECTS credit)

profile 3


Other disciplines

Methodology of information and research in health care contexts (MPGS, 3 ECTS credit)

profile 4

Other disciplines


research at Education (MUP, 2 ECTS credit)

profile 5

Other disciplines


Methodology of information and research in health care contexts (MPGS, 3 ECTS credit)

profile 6

Other disciplines

Other disciplines

Or this complement:


Should the University's educational offerings at Degree or Master's Degree change, this list may vary, with some subjects being replaced by others similar in content and at academic load.

The complements of training will be taken during the first or second year (preferably during the first year).

All the information about enrollment and the various administrative procedures you may need to do. 

Information on scholarships and grants and the staff researcher scheme can be found at training administrative office Technical research.

idoya_perez (contacto doctorado)


Idoya Pérez

Idoya Pérez

University Campus

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00 | Ext: 802230


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