
Aplicaciones anidadas


Application for admission

The academic year at the University of Navarra begins on September 1 and ends on August 31. The application deadline admission for academic year 2024-2025 (September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2025) is open until January 31, 2025. Some programs of doctorate such as Nursing, Applied Medicine and Biomedicine, Education and Psychology and Org. Government and Culture have their own deadlines, consult directly with the secretariats of the corresponding Schools .

The application for admission to the PhD is done online and consists of 4 steps:

  1. Selection of the doctoral program

  2. Data:

  • Personal data

  • Academic data (university studies completed)

  • Professional experience

  • Other information of interest

  1. Payment of fees (65 euros)

  2. summary and confirmation

The following documents will be required during the process:

  • ID card or passport

  • Photography 

  • Two documents will be requested for each academic qualification included:

    • receipt or qualification giving access to studies

    • certificate of previous university studies (transcript academic)

  • Some doctoral programmes require a CV, letters of recommendation, letter of intent, commitment from a professor to supervise the thesis...

Upon completion of the 4 steps, you will receive the application admissions form at doctorate to the University. Throughout the whole process, the School of doctorate of the University of Navarra will help you with whatever you need. For any questions you can contact Arancha Urdánoz (, 948-425600 ext. 802452.

The candidate will submit the application through portal MiUnav. We recommend that you consult the guide of the admission process and these frequently asked questions.

The Academic Committee:

  • He/she will interview candidate and, if so specified in the admission to the Programme, will submit him/her to objective tests that assess the minimum access capacities and requirements and, if applicable, the language knowledge .

  • It will establish the Director(s) of the Thesis and, where appropriate, the training complements and the reviewer of the Thesis if so established by the programme.

  • It will issue the report positive/negative admission.

  • Send all documentation to management committee of the centre responsible for the programme.

The Centre's management committee will forward the application with its approval to Doctoral School.

Finally, the Doctoral School will check compliance with the requirements access requirements for admission, by delegation of Office of the Executive Council.

The School of doctorate will send to candidate by e-mail the letter of Admissions Office which must include, at least: Name of doctoral program, appointment of Director of thesis and, if applicable, the supplements of training prescribed. 

The admission resolution process takes approximately one month.

  1. In general, for access to an official doctoral programme it will be necessary to hold the official Spanish qualifications of Degree, or equivalent, and a Master's degree.

  2. Access is also open to those who are in one of the following situations:

    1. Holding an official Spanish university degree, or from another country of the European Higher Education Area, which qualifies for access to a Master's degree agreement with the provisions of Article 16 of Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October and having passed a minimum of 300 credits ECTS credit in the set of official university studies, of which at least 60 must be at Master's level.

    2. Hold an official Spanish degree of graduate or Graduate, the duration of which, in accordance with EU law, is at least 300 credits ECTS credit. These graduates must take the training complements referred to in article 7.2 of RD 99/2011, unless the Study program of the corresponding degree of Degree includes research training credits, equivalent in training value to the research credits from Master's studies.

    3. University graduates who, after obtaining place in training in the corresponding test for access to specialised health training places, have passed with a positive evaluation at least two years of training in a programme for obtaining the official qualification in one of the specialities in Health Sciences.

    4. To be in possession of a degree scroll obtained under foreign educational systems, without the need for its homologation, after verification by the university that it accredits a level of training equivalent to that of the official Spanish degree scroll of Master's Degree University and that it entitles in the country issuing the degree scroll for access to programs of study of doctorate. This Admissions Office will not imply, in any case, the homologation of the previous degree scroll of which the interested party is in possession nor its recognition to other effects that the access to teachings of doctorate.

    5. Be in possession of another Spanish doctoral degree obtained in accordance with previous university regulations.

  3. In the same way, students with the Certificate of Research Proficiency or Diploma of Advanced Studies, obtained in accordance with the previous legal regimes, will be able to gain access.

The enrollment is done in myUNAV (access to Academic Management):

  1. students who continue their studies (which they have started in previous years) take it from 1 to 10 September.
  2. students starting their studies receive a message when they are admitted to the programme that they can now take the programme.

Rights of enrollment in the 2024-25 course:

1st year:

- 1585 euros enrollment phase elaboration of thesis
- 95 euros rights administrative office
- 455 euros educational activity mandatory 

2nd year and beyond:

- 1585 euros enrollment phase elaboration of thesis
- 95 euros rights administrative office

Those who defend the thesis between 1 September and 31 December also do this enrollment, but there is no cost for them (they only pay the administration fees).

Complementary training (only for students who are required to do so in their admission, at enrollment they pay the amount of the courses they are enrolled in for that academic year):

  1. Programs of doctorate in Science, Health Sciences, Engineering and Architecture: 241.75 euros per year. credit
  2. Programs of doctorate of Social and Legal Sciences, and Arts and Humanities: 220 euros for credit

Defense of the thesis doctoral dissertation: 785 euros 

  1. is paid in the days prior to the defence.
  2. this enrollment cannot be done in myUNAV, it is necessary to contact contact with the Office of the Registrar of the University once the admission to the thesis defence has been obtained.

Payment methods for the enrollment: by card credit card, bank transfer or direct debit; payments are managed in myUNAV at enrollment.


  1. University employees and family members: 90%.
    • must be applied for before the start of the course at the University's Personnel Management Service or at CUN Human Resources.
  2. EPIF (staff researcher in training): 80%.

They apply to the registration for the period of the thesis and the complementary training; they do not apply to the defence of the doctoral dissertation.

Doctorate degree

Once the defense of the thesis doctoral thesis has been passed, in miUNAV you can apply for the issuance of the official degree scroll doctor, which has a cost of 435 euros.

Costs enrollment previous year 2023-24



Administrative formalities

No. 20 of the "rules and regulations on the organization of doctorate programs of study " provides for the assignment of a thesis director for each doctorate student at the time of admission.

No. 44 of the same rules and regulations provides for the modification of this allocation if there are justified reasons.

This protocol regulates the procedure for requesting changes to the address of doctoral dissertation.

1. procedure

Both PhD student and its directors may contact coordinator at doctoral program to discuss the possible modification of the allocation of directors.

The Programme's coordinator will listen to all parties involved and resolve the change by completing the change form and sending it to Doctoral School.

The Doctoral School will check that the assigned teachers comply with the requirements of the rules and regulations.

Once the application has been resolved, the School of doctorate will register it at management Academic and communicate it to PhD student and to the directors of thesis old and new.

2. requirements academics

Professors must comply with the requirements established in n.20 and n.34 to n.40 of the rules and regulations on the organization of doctorate programs of study for the supervision of thesis .


Dedication full-time: you will have a period of 3 years for your defence, the Commission responsible for the programme may authorise the extension of this period for a further year, which may exceptionally be extended for another additional year, under the conditions established in the corresponding doctoral program.

Dedication part-time: he/she will have a 5-year deadline , extendable for two years and exceptionally for a third year with the favourable report of the Academic Committee and board directive manager.

The period begins on the date of the first enrollment of student and ends on the date of the application for admission to the defence of the thesis.

Printed with dedication full-time:

Application for an extension of the deadline for the thesis defence (4th year)

Application for an extension of the deadline for the defence of the thesis (5th year)

Printed with dedication part-time:

Application for extension of the deadline for thesis defence (6th and 7th year)

Application for extension of the deadline for thesis defence (8th year)

The doctorate can be suspended by apply for in two ways:

  1. Interruption of studies: the doctorate may be interrupted by apply for for a maximum period of one year, which may be extended for a further year.

  2. leave in doctoral studies: in addition, in cases of illness, pregnancy or any other cause provided for by the current rules and regulations , duly justified, you may apply for your temporary leave in the programme for the duration of the cause of the leave.


The PhD student will submit the interruption form application or the application form from leave to the School at doctorate.

The School doctorate will register it and send it to the Academic Committee of the programme. The coordinator of the programme will issue its report and send it to the Director Executive of the School of doctorate for resolution.

The School of doctorate will communicate the resolution by e-mail.

When the student wishes to resume studies, the corresponding application for readmissionmust be submitted to the Technical Secretariat for Research.

Form for the application change of dedication to doctorate. To be submitted to the School at doctorate.

To be sent to the School of doctorateat the time of the deposit of the thesis with the signatures of PhD student, Director(s) of thesis and Director of department. application form from Admissions Officeto thesis defense.

Document "report external experts".

Document "proposal de Tribunal de thesis (English version)".

Form for other applications related to doctorate. To be submitted to the School at doctorate.

All research projects involving the use of samples or data from individuals must be assessed and approved by the REC. agreement The task of the REC is to assess and ensure that the collection of samples and/or data, their use, handling and preservation is carried out in accordance with ethical standards and current legislation.

The basic documentation to be submitted to the IRB for the ethical assessment of a project is as follows:

  1. form from application of assessment of the CEI, completed and signed (Biosanitary Sciences and Social Sciences).
  2. The report of project.
  3. report economic if any.
  4. Information and informed consent sheet if applicable.



PhD dissertations

The title of Doctor will include on the front the statement "Thesis in co-supervision with the University U", provided that the following circumstances are met:

  1. That the doctoral dissertation is supervised by two or more PhDs from two universities, one Spanish and one foreign, who must formalise a co-supervision agreement during the first months of the thesis.

  2. During the period of training required to obtain the PhD degree, PhD student must have spent a minimum of six months at the institution with which the co-supervision agreement is established, carrying out research work, either in a single period or in several periods. Stays and activities will be reflected in the co-supervision agreement.

  1. The Industrial Doctorate involves the completion of a doctoral dissertation in the framework of a project of research of a business, which is framed in one of the lines of research of a doctoral program of the University.

  2. It will be necessary to signature of a partnership agreement between the business and the School of doctorate According to the model established. To manage this agreement , contact the area of Contracts research and development at .

  3. Academic regime:a) The student will apply for admission to a doctoral program offered by the UN and will be governed by the provisions of RD 99/2011.

    • a) Your Director of thesis will be part of one of the groups of research of doctoral program and will meet the requirements established by the rules and regulations of the School of doctorate.

    • b) The PhD student will have a tutor in the business that will act as advisor in matters related to the professional field. If the tutor complies with the established requirements he/she may be designated director of the thesis .

  4. Contracting regime: The PhD student must be contracted by the business for at least one year.

  5. Confidentiality: In the event that the collaboration agreement includes a confidentiality clause with the business or the possibility of generating patents, the doctoral dissertation will be subject to the protocol established for this purpose by the Doctoral School.

  6. accredited specialization of "doctorate Industrial": Once the doctoral thesis has been defended within the framework established in the agreement, an accredited specialization of "doctorate Industrial" will be incorporated in the student 's official transcript . written request application.


Once the thesis has been defended, the student will be able to apply for in the School of doctorate the accredited specialization "International Doctor" for which he/she will have to justify the fulfilment of the following requirements:

  • a) Have spent a minimum of three months outside Spain during the period of training in a prestigious institution of teaching or research center , studying at programs of study or doing work at research. The stay and activities must be endorsed by the director and authorized by the Academic Committee, and must be recorded in the Activity Registration Document of the PhD student. In addition, the PhD student must present a certificate from the institution where the stay was carried out, certifying the duration of the stay and that the activity carried out is related to the thesis doctoral program.
  • b) That part of the doctoral dissertation, at least the summary and the conclusions, has been written and presented in one of the usual languages for scientific communication in the field of knowledge, other than any of the official languages in Spain. This rule will not apply when the stays, reports and experts come from a Spanish-speaking country. The PhD student must present a certificate from the chairperson or secretary of the panel accrediting this.
  • c) That the thesis has been reported by a minimum of two PhD experts belonging to an institution of Education higher education or high school of research non-Spanish(staff model).
  • d) At least one expert from a non-Spanish higher education institution or research centre, with the title of doctor, and other than the person responsible for the stay mentioned in section a), must have been a member of the thesis examining board.

form application form for the International Doctorate


Extraordinary doctorate prizes

An Extraordinary award may be awarded for each doctoral program and academic year, provided that at least five doctoral theses have been awarded during the academic year C; if the number of theses approved exceeds ten, another award may be awarded for every ten theses or fraction of ten. Prizes may not be increased, nor may prizes declared void in previous years or in other Centres be accumulated. However, if the number of theses approved during an academic year is less than five, the approved theses shall be accumulated with those of the following year or years until there are at least five theses.

In the event that in an academic year, in spite of having a sufficient number of theses, the extraordinary award is not awarded, it will be understood to be declared void and these theses will not be able to compete for the extraordinary award in subsequent academic years.

In the computation of thesis referred to in the previous issue all the approved thesis are taken into consideration. However, only those that have been awarded the grade of "A cum laude" are eligible for the Extraordinary award . 

The Extraordinary Prizes will be awarded by the management committee of each Centre to proposal of a panel of five PhD members appointed by the management committee. The panel will draw up its proposal by means of a reasoned report and after analytical and comparative examination of the theses, the scientific publications that have been the subject of the thesis, without in any case being able to agree on the holding of exercises or special tests. 

The award Extraordinary Doctorate will be reflected in the corresponding academic certificate .




Aplicaciones anidadas
