
Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas


Calls for pre-doctoral aids

Open all year round for new applications. Adapted to EPIF.

  1. General call for proposals

deadline and place of presentation NEW applications: The deadline will be established in the specific call. The application will be sent by e-mail to administrative office Technical research (

  1. Form offer of place

  2. New application form

Specific calls for the 2024-25 academic year

  1. Offer place - Government of Navarra (INNOFALCT 2.0) - Closed
  2. Offer place - Chair ISS - Closed
  3. Offer place - GN - CCUN - Closed
  4. Offer place - Bioengineering - Closed
  5. Offer place - FUNCIVA - Closed
  6. Offer place - European Commission - Closed
  7. Offer place - DIAMOND - Closed
  8. Offer place - research center in Nutrition - Open
  9. Offer place - DIAMOND - Closed




Offer of a predoctoral place , linked to project: 

Study on factors affecting stomatal closure and vigor control under high co2 levels to adapt crops to climate change (CARVITRANS).

reference letter project: PID2023-151816OA-I00- Call for Proposals: Generation Projects of knowledge 2023

Candidates are sought for FPI predoctoral contract linked to project CARVITRANS funded by the state agency research. The possibility of being linked to other projects of group is offered.

deadlineSeptember 6, 2024.


Interested parties should send the following documentation to :

  • CV
  • Brief cover letter
  • Detailed academic certification of the programs of study (can be sent after the interview)
  • Suitability of the candidate/ a to the activities of research to develop (can be sent after the interview)
  • knowledge English (can be sent after the interview)

Offer of a predoctoral place , linked to project: 

Dissection of the Immune Microenvironment in Myelodysplastic Syndromes (DIMAI-SMD)

reference letter project: PID2023-153270OA-I00- Call for Proposals: Generation Projects of knowledge 2023

Candidates are sought for FPI predoctoral contract linked to project DIMAI-SMD funded by the state agency research. 

deadlineOctober 1, 2024.


Interested parties should send the following documentation to :

  • CV
  • Detailed academic certification of programs of study 

Offer of a predoctoral place , linked to project: 

Competition between time scales in flows of biological interest (TIMESFLOW).

reference letter project: PID2023-148853OB-I00- Call for Proposals: Generation Projects of knowledge 2023

Candidates are sought for FPI predoctoral contract linked to project TIMESFLOW funded by the state agency research. 

deadlineNovember 15, 2024.


Interested parties should send the following documentation to :

  • CV
  • Brief cover letter
  • Detailed academic certification of programs of study 
  • Adequacy of the candidate/ a to the activities of research to develop
  • knowledge English (minimum B2, desirable C1)

Offer of a predoctoral place , linked to project: 

Dynamics of many particle systems: from passive grains to macroscopic active matter.

reference letter project: PID2023-146422NB-I00 - Call for Proposals: Generation Projects of knowledge 2023

Candidates are sought for FPI predoctoral contract linked to project: "Dynamics of many particle systems: from passive grains to macroscopic active matter", funded by the state agency research.

deadlineNovember 30, 2024.


OFFER OF THE place (English version)

Interested parties should send the following documentation to: and

  • CV (free format)
  • Detailed academic certification of programs of study 
  • If available, certificate of English language proficiency.

Offer of a predoctoral place , linked to project: 

Advancing safe vaccines against ovine brucellosis: efficacy of improved B. melitensis and B. ovis vaccine candidates and innovative in vitro models (BruVac-Cell).

reference letter project: PID2023-146797OB-C31 - Call for Proposals: Generation Projects of knowledge 2023

Candidates are sought for FPI predoctoral contract linked to project PID2023-146797OB-C31 funded by the state agency research. The possibility of being linked to other projects of group is offered.

deadlineSeptember 15, 2024.


Interested parties should send the following documentation to :

  • CV
  • Detailed academic certification of programs of study 
  • Adequacy of the candidate/ a to the activities of research to develop
  • knowledge English 

Offer of a predoctoral place , linked to project: 

Towards a decarbonized and climate-ready architecture. assessment of the potential of photovoltaic transparent glass for use in schools and housing (CLIMAREADY+TPV).

reference letter project: PID2023-150988OB-I00 - Call for Proposals: Generation Projects of knowledge 2023

Candidates are sought for FPI predoctoral contract linked to project CLIMAREADY+TPV funded by the state agency of research. 

deadlineSeptember 15, 2024.


Interested parties should send the following documentation to :

  • CV
  • Detailed academic certification of the programs of study completed.
  • cover letter where the suitability of the candidate/ a to the activities of research to develop is exposed
  • Official justification of knowledge of English (minimum B2, desirable C1)

End date: 10/05/2024

The complete application , scanned, should be sent to the following email address: indicating in the subject NAME AND SURNAME - application financial aid STRATEGY 20/25.

The deadline for submitting applications is May 10, 2024, presentation .

instructions call

Evaluation criteria


Offer of a predoctoral place , linked to project: 

Identification of transcriptional mechanisms of progression and resistance to treatment in patients with high-risk myelodysplastic syndromes.

We are looking for a candidate for apply for a financial aid predoctoral P-FIS, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, for the development of his doctorate in the laboratory of Translational Hematology, at the Cima University of Navarra and CCUN, Pamplona.

deadlineFebruary 15, 2024, but applications will be evaluated when they are received.


Interested parties should send CV and transcript academic to:

deadline: from 19/04/2022 to 30/04/2022

Purpose: With the aim of promotethe dissemination activity among the student bodyof doctorate, the group of work of "joint activities" of the network of knowledge dissemination and Scientific Culture (RedDivulga) of CRUE proposes the call for the "II Edition of the Contest Your thesis Doctoral in a Twitter thread: #HiloTesis" to which the University of Navarra joins. Participants must disclose their doctoral thesis in a thread of no more than 20 tweets with the limitations and possibilities offered by the social Twitter network.

instructionsof the competition

Offer of a predoctoral place , linked to project: 

Volumetric biofabrication and 3D printing for the design and fabrication of a human biological ventricular assist device. VOLVAD

Ref. PID2022-1425620B-I00 - Call for Proposals: Generation Projects knowledge 2022

deadlineDeadline for applications to presentation is September 14, 2023.


Interested parties should send their documentation to:





Calls for applications for grants from mobility

Scholarships to attend programs of study from postgraduate program (Master's Degree, doctorate or research predoctoral) with a maximum duration of 24 months.


Grants for stays in centers other than the one where the Predoctoral Program of training of staff researcher 2025 is applied.

More information

A programme promoted by the University of Navarra.

Purpose: aimed at doctoral students with a pre-doctoral contract. Stays abroad in order to obtain the "International Doctor" award.

New: TWO calls have been established with different deadlines. 

deadline and place of presentation: 

  • FIRST CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: presentation deadline for applications, from October 29 to November 27, 2024.
  • SECOND CALL FOR APPLICATIONS: presentation deadline for applications, from March 17 to April 16, 2025.

To be submitted at the School of doctorate or by mail to:

Call for applications [PDF in Spanish].

A. Printed from application [DOC in Spanish].
B. Director report from thesis [DOC in Spanish].
C. certificate of admission of the receiving center [DOC in Spanish].

The mobility program of the European Union Erasmus + offers grants of moderate amount to doctoral students for the realization of stays of research in institutions of the European Union, European Economic Area.



Technical Secretariat for Research

University of Navarra

Central Building - Campus University

31009 Pamplona, Spain

Tlf. +34 948 425600

Ext. 802247