


Aplicaciones anidadas


The University has a computer application that allows student to enter all the training activities that are carried out during the course of their training.

It includes the information in free text based on pre-established categories, and offers the possibility of attaching the documentation required for each activity.

The student must share its content with its Thesis Director and certain authorised users who may also propose activities (coordinator of the PD, Steering Committee of the School).

There is the possibility to export all data to a PDF document that will set up the activity document on student.

All students enrolled in the doctoral programme already have access to the application via the web.



First year students

Once the enrollment has been formalized in the first year of the doctorate , the student must submit the "Documentary Commitment to Follow-up" with all signatures. Once signed by the student and the thesis director, the student will send it to, to obtain the signature of the Vice President of research. 

The student will submit before May 1st to his/her thesis Directors the application for admission of the research plan and training plan(according to the attached application template) and the PDF with the document of activities carried out to date. 

The student must obtain approval of the plan before the start of the following academic year.


Students in higher education

The student will submit before May 31 (Applied Medicine and Biomedicine Program and Natural and Applied Sciences Program before May 1) to their thesis Directors the research Plan and the Activities Document (RAFD).

Annual monitoring will be carried out by the Academic Committee on the basis of the following documents:

  1. thesis Director 'sreport on the activity carried out by the PhD student.

  2. Activity Registration Document.

  3. research plan presented by the PhD student. The " research Plan" document must be updated incorporating in the space of the current academic year the details of the research activity carried out this year and the planning for the next year. It is important to keep this document in order to add the corresponding information each academic year.

A positive assessment will be a prerequisite to continue in the program. In case of a negative assessment , which will be duly motivated, the PhD student must be re-evaluated within six months, for which purpose a new research Plan must be prepared. In the event of a new negative assessment , the PhD student will leave programfinal

coordinator In June of each year and after evaluation by the Academic Committee, the certificate will complete a list of students from doctoral program to whom it may award the qualification of "Pass", "no Pass", "no ", "no ".


Students in higher education

The student will submit before May 31 (Applied Medicine and Biomedicine Program and Natural and Applied Sciences Program before May 1) to its Directors of thesis the Plan of research and the Activities Document (RAFD).

Annual monitoring will be carried out by the Academic Committee on the basis of the following documents:

  1. report of the Director of the Thesis on the activity carried out by the PhD student.

  2. Activity Registration Document.

  3. Research Plan presented by PhD student. The "Research Plan" document must be updated, incorporating in the space for the current academic year the details of the research activity carried out this year and the planning for the coming year. It is important to keep this document in order to add the corresponding information each academic year.

A positive evaluation will be a prerequisite for continuing in the programme. In the event of a negative evaluation, which will be duly motivated, the PhD student must be re-evaluated within six months, for which purpose a new Research Plan must be drawn up. In the event of a new negative evaluation, the PhD student will cause leave final in the programme.

coordinator In June of each year and after evaluation by the Academic Committee, the certificate will complete a list of students from doctoral program to whom it may award the qualification of "Pass", "no Pass", "no ", "no ".