
Issuance of the university degree

The degrees that correspond to a Study program approved by the Ministry of Education, confer an Official degree scroll . These degrees are issued by the president of the University, in the name of H.M. the King of Spain. The University of Navarra issues official university degrees of graduate, graduate, Engineer and Architect; of diploma holder and building engineer; of Master's Degree and of Doctor. In these cases, at apply for the issuance of the Official degree scroll , the University of Navarra also issues a diploma accrediting the programs of study.

The rest of the University's degrees confer university degrees.


More information

In order to submit the application for the degree, it is necessary that the transcript is complete, i.e:

  • All degree credits have been obtained and all grades are in "certifiable" status.

  • All required documents (including the degree scroll of high school program at Degrees and the degree scroll of the university degree program at Master's Degree) must have been previously submitted.

  • That all fees have been paid.

The section "Degree application" of the academic management website allows the application to be made if these conditions are met, or informs of the circumstances that prevent it.

If these conditions are met, in the menu of the academic management for the student you will find sample the link "Degree application". The programme only requires you to check a few details, and you do not need to provide any documents; the whole process is done on the web. Payment is made by Visa or Mastercard credit card card , whereby on a screen you are asked to enter your full number and expiry date; the position is made with a secure communication through the 4B service. At the end of the process you can obtain a voucher.

The application is then processed at Office of the Registrar, which in the following days sends the receipt of the degree to the address indicated by graduate . This receipt, in the case of official qualifications, has the same effects as the qualification itself, until it is issued. apply for However, this document cannot be legalised; if it is necessary to carry out this procedure (for example, to accredit the issuing of the degree in another country), a supplementary certification of the degree can be sent to Office of the Registrar at the same time as the application for the degree or at a later date.

At the same time, for the degrees of Degree and Master's Degree, a European supplement (containing the academic transcript of student and other information about the degree program) is issued, which is sent to the indicated address within approximately 20 days; this supplement does not have an additional cost, and is not issued for doctoral degrees, for the time being.

An academic certification of the results obtained can also be obtained at apply for at this point. As mentioned in the previous paragraph, at Degrees and Master's Degree the European supplement is already issued, which contains the marks obtained. However, in some cases it is essential, for example to take the tests spanish medical residency program-spanish pharmacy residency program-biochemistry residency program. You can
apply for on the web at the same time as the degree scroll, and is sent to the home address together with the receipt of the degree scroll; its value (25 euros) is also charged on the card. It can also be requested later, at any time, as indicated at section.
"Academic certificates".

Dispatch fees in euro


  • Ordinary amount: 435€.
  • Alumni Members: 410€.
  • large family 1st cat. / General: 310€.
  • large family 2nd cat./ Special/ award Extr. doctorate: 145€

graduate / Master's Degree / graduate / Architect / Engineer

  • Regular amount: 350€.
  • Alumni Members: 335€.
  • large family 1st cat. / General: 250€.
  • large family 2nd cat./ Special: 135€.

diploma holder in Nursing or Nutrition / Technical Architect

  • Regular amount: 305€.
  • Alumni Members: 295€.
  • large family 1st cat. / General: 220€.
  • large family 2nd cat./ Special: 130€.

Master's Degrees (Unofficial), Diplomas, Liberal Arts

  • Ordinary amount: 200€.
  • Alumni Members: 190€.
  • large family 1st cat. / General: 155€.
  • large family 2nd cat./ Special: 125€.

At issue the official diplomas are also issued with a diplomais also issued at no additional cost. The Master's Degree diplomas are free of charge, except for those who completed the programs of study before 2019, who must pay the indicated amount.

You must send this documentation:

  • Fill in the form Application Form.

  • Photocopy of identity card (Spanish students) or passport (foreigners).

  • Simple photocopy of the title of high school program issued, or of the documents not previously submitted.

  • If you are a member of large family, photocopy of your current diploma.

The application for the degree, with the necessary documentation, can be submitted at Office of the Registrar of the University, at Central Building. The schedule is from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. (in July and August, only in the mornings).

It is also possible to send this documentation: 

- by e-mail to titulos@unav.es

- by post, to the address:

Office of the Registrar
University of Navarra
31009 Pamplona (Navarra)

- or by fax to (34) 948 425701

  • If the application is submitted at Office of the Registrar, it can be paid in cash, by cheque or card credit card, or by bank transfer to the account of the University of Navarra.

  • If the application is sent by post, it is necessary to include a cheque or the receipt of the transfer made to the University's account; it can also be paid by card credit card, for which it is necessary for the holder to include an authorisation, indicating the subject of card (Visa, Mastercard, etc.), the complete numbering (16 digits), and the expiry date.

In both cases, payment by bank transfer can be made to any of the University's accounts. You can use any of these accounts:

Branch: La Caixa /Caixabank
Account number: ES80 2100 2173 8602 0049 2749
Postal address: C/Carlos III, 8 - 31002 Pamplona (Navarra) - SPAIN
Beneficiary: University of Navarra
Branch: Banco Santander
Account number: ES40 0049 1821 0922 1065 7574
Postal address: Pza. del Castillo, 21 - 31001 Pamplona (Navarra) - SPAIN
Beneficiary: University of Navarra

  • receipt of Title subscription

As soon as this documentation is presented, if everything is correct, the receipt certifying payment of the fees for the certificate in question is issued. This receipt can be sent by hand to submission , if the application has been submitted at Office of the Registrar; if the title has been applied for by post, it is returned to the interested party by the same means, to their address.

If you wish to legalise the document accrediting that you have applied for the diploma, you must expressly send an e-mail to apply for certificate substitute , which is issued for this purpose.

Diplomas are issued within approximately 10 months from the time of application. As soon as this happens, the Office of the Registrar informs the interested party by means of a message sent to the e-mail address indicated in the application form.

You can check your degree scroll expedition on the section "application of degree scroll" of myUNAV.

University degrees are issued only to the person concerned. It is possible to authorise another person to collect it:

- by entering your name and National Identity Card or passport number in the "Degree application" section of the academic management website, without any further action being necessary.

- or by giving this person a written document (in which he/she can indicate "I authorise D/Dª... to collect the degree of..."), and a simple photocopy of National Identity Card or passport of the person who has the degree of...". student

Titles can be received:

  • At Office of the Registrar, at schedule from 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday (in July and August, only in the morning).

  • In the case of the official degree scroll , you can request that it be sent to any of the Education offices, which are located in all the provincial capitals of Spain, where it will be collected by the interested party. This can be managed from the point "application del degree scroll" of myUNAV: once you have received the message informing you that the degree scroll has been issued, you can indicate the province to which you are requesting it to be sent.
    to be sent.

  • The University's own degree scroll can be sent by post to the address indicated at "application of degree scroll" on myUNAV.

  • apply for If you live outside Spain, you can send the official degree scroll or your own by post to the address you indicate in the "application del degree scroll" section of myUNAV.

It is possible to obtain a duplicate if the original is lost, destroyed or damaged; or if any of its substantive data changes (e.g. change of name or surname, for example).

  • Application materials

- Complete the form de Solicitud de duplicado de título.
- Photocopy of your ID card (Spanish students) or passport (foreigners).
- If the original diploma needs to be modified or has been damaged, it must be returned when applying for the duplicate.

  • Shipping fees

- 350 euros in case of loss
- 120 euros in other cases (damage, change of name, etc.).

  • Submission of application and payment of fees

- It is not possible to do it through the web: it must be done in the way indicated in "Other way to process the diploma" and in "Payment of the issuing fees".

  • certificate

- As soon as the application is correctly submitted, a certificate containing the registration data of the title is issued, which certifies that the procedure for issue a duplicate has been started. This certificate is submission (or sent) as soon as possible to applicant.

  •  Issue and receipt of the duplicate

- This is done in the same way as above for the title.

The procedure is the same as for official qualifications; the issuing fee is 120 euros in all cases.

It is possible to legalise the document accrediting that the degree has been applied for, for which it is necessary to apply for (at the same time as the degree) the substitute certificate that is issued for this purpose.

It is also possible to legalise the degree, once it has been printed. As this procedure can only be carried out in Spain, it is advisable that before leaving Pamplona, the interested party should ask someone they trust or an agency management assistant to do it for them; the University does not carry out this procedure. To do so, you will need to sign a document at a public notary's office, authorising that person to carry out the procedure.

If the student is no longer in Spain, the document must be drawn up at a notary's office in your country and sent to the person who is going to carry out the legalisation in Spain.

Information on an agency can be found at apply for titulos@unav.es.

It is possible to make the enquiry of official university degrees that are already registered in the National Register of Degrees of the Ministry of Education.

At apply for the official Degree or master's degree is issued the European degree supplement, which contains the academic transcript of student (in Spanish and English), and provides information about the degree obtained and the level of studies. It is sent to the address indicated at apply for the diploma.

You can also send it to apply for at a later date, if necessary, for a fee of 25 euros (see section for payment of the shipping fee), and send it to the address student.


OOGG Contacto expedición del título universitario


Issuance of the university degree

University of Navarra
Campus Universitario

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425611


Horarios de atención

    From September 1st to June 30th
    From 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
    From July 1st to August 31st
    From 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday to Friday