
Academic certifications

Students of the University of Navarra (both current and former), can apply for academic certifications about their enrollment or the content of their academic transcript .

The University's Office of the Registrar issues these certificates for students of the degrees taught at campus in Pamplona: official studies (diplomas, bachelor's degrees, architecture and technical architecture, doctorates), and the University's own degrees (diplomas, master's programmes and other own degrees).

For ecclesiastical studies, it is the secretariat of these Schools that deals with issue the academic certificates. And in the case of other studies (courses and special programmes, congresses and conference, etc.), it is the School or the centre that organises them.

If you request delivery, please note that the certification may take approximately one week to arrive at its destination if it is in Spain, and two to four weeks if it is in another country.


More information

  • certificate with qualifications: includes the academic results that appear in the transcript of the degree of student. It includes, where applicable, the date of completion of studies, and the date of issue of the corresponding qualification. If desired, it may include the grade average of transcript (calculated in accordance with R.D. 1044/2003, of 1 August). They can only refer to subjects whose conference proceedings have been registered in the Office of the Registrar; that is to say: conference proceedings signed by the Professor and which have had entrance in the Office of the Registrar.

  • certificate of enrollment: it records the enrolment of student in a given academic year; it includes the number of credits of its enrollment.

  • certificate : indicates the date of completion of studies and, where applicable, the date of issue of the corresponding degree.

  • certificate to take part in spanish medical residency program, spanish pharmacy residency program or biochemistry residency program: it is issued in the manner indicated in the notice of competition for these tests.

Academic certifications are requested by student:

  • In the point "application of certificates", of the section of management academic of the portal miUNAV.

  • At Office of the Registrar of the University, at Central Building. The schedule is from 8.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. and from 3.30 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday (in July and August, only in the mornings). To do so, it is only necessary to identify yourself by showing your National Identity Card or passport.

  • It is also possible to request them by sending an e-mail to certificados@unav.es, indicating:

    • name and surname of student; a scanned copy of your National Identity Card or passport must be enclosed.

    • content of the certification: qualifications, enrollment, spanish medical residency program, etc.

    • where appropriate, if you wish it to be issued in English

    • e-mail address to which the certificate

    • mobile phone number

    • full number (16 digits and expiry date) of the card Visa or Master Card to which the amount can be debited

    • if payment is made by bank transfer, it is necessary to attach proof of payment to any of the accounts indicated below at section "payment methods".

You can also authorise another person to apply for it. In this case, student must provide a copy of your National Identity Card and sign a letter indicating the name of the person you are authorising to receive your academic certification.

Academic certifications cost 35 euros (except for the "certificate de enrollment", which costs 25 euros).

If the application is submitted in the academic management section of portal miUNAV payment is made by card of credit .

If the application is submitted to the Office of the Registrarcard , it can be paid in cash, or from credit , or by a prior bank transfer.

If the application is processed by e-mail, it is necessary to indicate the issue of the card of credit where the amount of the certificate can be charged; it is also possible to make the payment by bank transfer, for which it is necessary to send the receipt of the deposit.

Accounts of the University of Navarra:

Office: La Caixa /Caixabank
Account number: ES80 2100 2173 8602 0049 2749
Postal address: C/Carlos III, 8 - 31002 Pamplona (Navarra) - SPAIN
Beneficiary: University of Navarra
Office: Banco Santander
Account number: ES40 0049 1821 0922 1065 7574
Postal address: Pza. del Castillo, 21 - 31001 Pamplona (Navarra) - SPAIN
Beneficiary: University of Navarra

student Academic certifications are issued once payment has been made and are made permanently available for download in digital format with electronic signature at the academic management section of portal miUNAV. The student will receive an email the moment the certificate is available. In the event that the student has included any comments on their application the expedition may be delayed by one or two days.

It is also possible apply for that the certificate be sent by email from the university's official mail to a third party indicated by the interested party. To do so, the option established in portal of application must be enabled.

If the application has been sent by e-mail the certificate will be sent digitally signed to the indicated e-mail address.

When making the application you must indicate the language of the certificate, which can be Spanish or English. If you need both languages, you must apply for (and pay for) two certificates, one in each language.

If the academic certification is to be presented in another country, it may have to be legalized. This can only be done in Spain:

  • the certifications of these degrees, when the programs of study have not been completely passed, must be legalized at: Notaría Unceta-Pou, calle Arrieta nº 2-1º, 31002-Pamplona, telephone 948 229598.

  • the certifications of own degrees are always legalized at the notary's office, whether or not the programs of study have been completely passed.

Verifications of the studies carried out at the University of Navarra, and of the degrees obtained, can be found at apply for certificados@unav.es.

It is always necessary to send the consent signed by the data subject.

OOGG Certificaciones académicas


Academic certifications

University of Navarra
Campus Universitario

31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425611


Horarios de atención

    From September 1st to June 30th
    From 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.
    From July 1st to August 31st
    From 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday to Friday