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group of Aesthetics and Contemporary Art

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Art and social transformation (2020-2023)

The concept of social transformation fundamentally refers to those processes in which members of civil society in general, of a collective or community in particular, work towards remaking or rebuilding the society in which they live and in which they wish their heirs to live, based on the principle of the moral perfectibility of societies and, in short, of the human race itself. Life is thus conceived as a possibility of improving the conditions of existence. The project we present here connects art and social transformation. The connection is established from two approaches: firstly, from the perspective in which art plays the role of chronicler of social transformation; secondly, by raising the possibility that art itself can be considered an agent of social transformation, that is, capable of opening up courses of civil action aimed at social change and the improvement of a community's living conditions. While the first approach does not pose excessive problems, beyond determining the way or ways in which this chronicle becomes effective, the second approach poses a capacity of art that, in principle, must be demonstrated, constituting one of the defining tasks of project. The consideration of art as an agent of social transformation is a starting hypothesis that needs to be demonstrated. The possibility of art being considered an agent of social transformation can be seen from two new perspectives: material or factual, in which the problem is the determination of the role played by art in the achievement of certain purposes. From another approach, which we call formal, we conceive the possibility of art generating a genuine experience subject , in the daily attention with it, capable of contributing to the improvement of citizens through the improvement of the critical conscience of its citizens. This is a thesis which, for its part, brings with it a whole series of problems related, among others, to the modern problem of the autonomy of art and other risks associated with the commitment of this paradigm only to a certain subject of internship artistic, usually more avant-garde. The project "Art and Social Transformation" (A&TS) is a good opportunity to analyse and clarify in what sense, or under what conditions, this contribution is factually relevant, historically determinable or efficient, simply from the perspective of the proposed objectives: the social improvement of citizens' living conditions.



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  • Piñero Moral, R. & Cascales Tornel, R. (eds.) (2023). Arte y transformación social: encuentros y vanguardias. Madrid: Dykinson.

  • Fernández Urtasun, R. (2023). Poets and poetry in the Encuentros de Pamplona. In Arte y transformación social: encuentros y vanguardias. Sindéresis, pp. 33-52.

  • Insausti, G. (2024). Cathartic disappointment: Oteiza and Mexican muralism. Goya: Revista de arte, 385, pp. 59-71.

  • Cascales, R. (2022). Performance is life and, if not, it is nothing. Interview with Esther Ferrer. Art, individual and society, 34(3), pp. 1249-1255.

  • Piñero Moral, R.: "La arquitectónica de la mímesis", in PIÑERO MORAL, R., LA SPINA, V., MÍGUEZ BARCIELA, A. and GARCÍA SÁNCHEZ, R.: Architectura et Societas. Mímesis y belleza arquitectónica, Ediciones CRAI Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Cartagena, 2021. core topic : CL.

  • Piñero Moral, R.: Vivir en belleza, publishing house Sindéresis, Madrid, 2021. core topic : L.

  • Piñero Moral, R.: "De 'apocalipsis' a 'génesis': estética y teología, in VARO, F. (ed.): La Biblia, language materna del mundo actual, EUNSA, Pamplona, 2021, pp. 285-310, core topic: CL.

  • Pradier, Adrián: "Arte, estética y robots: una Philosophy de la interacción", Humanities. Revista de la Universidad de Montevideo (in press).

  • Insausti, Gabriel, "Oteiza, Larrea y Barr: en torno al Guernica", Goya (in press).

  • Insausti, Gabriel, La lira de Linos: cristianismo y cultura europea. meeting, Madrid, 2021.

  • Sixto J. Castro, "El tiempo en el arte. Genitive goal and subjective", Octante (Universidad Nacional de La Plata), nº 5 (2020). DOI:

  • Sixto J. Castro, "George Dickie (1926-2020). In memoriam", programs of study Filosóficos 69, n. 201 (2020) 339-346.

  • Sixto J. Castro, "La dysnóesis artística. Una lectura de la mano de Montaigne", (2020) Scio, UCV:

  • Sixto J. Castro, "La vigencia de la verdad", in press in Acontecimiento 137 (2020), pp. 29-Colaboraciones

  • Sixto J. Castro, "La estética como aplicación de la hermenéutica analógica", in Napoleón Conde (comp.), Estancias de la hermenéutica analógica, México, Torres asociados, 2020, pp. 247-269.

  •  Sixto J. Castro, "La persistencia de la naturaleza humana del cine", in Alfredo Esteve Martín (coord.), programs of study filosóficos y culturales sobre la mitología en el cine, Madrid, Dykinson-UCV, 2020, pp. 51-74.

  • Sixto J. Castro, "Prologue" to Caleb Olvera Romero et al., Perspectivas del arte digital, Mexico City, Ex Libris, 2020, pp. 9-12.

  • Cascales, R., "Interiorize Ethics through Science Fiction. Brave New World as a Paradigmatic Case Study", Brooks, E., Cohen, E., Sánchez-Ostiz, A., and Torralba, J. M., Literature and Character Education in Universities: Exploring Core Texts from across the Disciplines, Routledge, New York, 2021. 

  • Cascales, R., "Transfiguraciones estéticos políticas. Una reflexión sobre Street Art y la obra de Banksy", in Godoy M. J., Infante del Rosal, F. and Molina, A. (eds.), Estética, arte y política, Universidad de Valencia, Valencia, 2020, pp. 130-153.

  • Cascales, R., "Vindicating the Historical Condition of Art and its Consequences: Hegel's Influence on Danto's Philosophical System", Rivista di Estetica, 2021 (in press).