What will you learn?
Studying the Degree in Artificial Intelligence Engineering you will learn to solve problems using methods or techniques from data analysis. You will learn to be a professional committed to society and its current problems, you will have a spirit of service and a vocation for continuous improvement at staff and professional level, you will be able to make decisions with responsibility and professional ethics.
In your training there will be an important component of programming, mathematics and statistics, as well as engineering skills that will allow you to find solutions to store, structure, process, analyze, model and visualize massive amounts of data to solve complex problems.
You will acquire skills such as:
The processing dimension of Big Data, with a complex unstructured nature, mainly due to the large part of data generated by modern technologies.
The analytical and predictive dimension dedicated to the understanding of data and the application of machine learning algorithms.
The business application dimension: applying the analysis of the massive data and machine learning models to business and industrial use cases or the development of new opportunities.
The more humanistic dimension aims to make students reflect on their own reality, that of society and the environment and on how their work influences the welfare of society and people.
You will be able to work in...
In Spain, only 6% of companies used Big Data tools in 2020, highlighting the need for Artificial Intelligence engineers in the coming years. the need for Artificial Intelligence engineers for the coming years..
The School of Engineering has strong alliances with local, national and international technology companies (IBM. MIT (through Tecnun's City Science Lab), Google, Huawei, CAF, Biele, AZURE, Amazon...), which contribute to the training of students, teaching them to work in multidisciplinary teams and to adapt quickly to technological change and different environments of work.
In addition, the employment agreements and employment forums at Tecnun, the internship service has International Office has internship agreements.

international outreach

Aware that the future of engineering lies in artificial intelligence, we have spent years dedicated to training professionals and research in this field, becoming a reference in the field of data and AI.
And if the students of Degree would like to fill in their training in a more international way, they will have the possibility to participate in the Program, offered by Tecnun. exchangeprogram, offered by Tecnun.
Why is this Degree so important?
The digital transformation is causing an exponential increase in the data. According to the World Economic Forum, in the short term, 463 exabytes per day will be generated worldwide, an exabyte being one million terabytes. The importance of knowing how to store, manage and analyze the amount of massive data generated daily on the planet (Big Data) is crucial.
Controlling the management of these data is a strategic and competitive advantage for organizations. It allows organizations to improve decision making, develop more accurate strategies, increase their ability to anticipate and solve potential problems, better understand the industry and the needs of their customers, use resources in a more optimized way and increase their productivity.
64% of companies using Big Data tools and data analysis notice improvements in their efficiency and productivity.
51% of companies using Big Data tools and data analysis report improved financial performance.