Ruta de navegación

One of the family bloque



You might find our campus a little big and found yourself for instance in shock or out of place, but we are here to help you out, as no University of Navarra student is alone.

There are so many ways to stayed engaged with campus life:

Aplicaciones anidadas


 Social average

Please follow us on Instagram at @UnavUnited for all the great activities and news the International office has to offered, and @Universidaddenavarra to see all the daily events that are programmed around the campus. Also, you can look up for the profile of your School too!

We also have a Facebook Group, where you can find new international students like you who are making plans, looking for new friends and given advice about Pamplona life.



The International Office weekly newsletter is a must! As you can find out as many activities on and off campus, also is a way to stayed connected to the office and be part on the many workshops they organise throughout the semester.

On Campus Events

  On Campus Events

"Vida Universitaria" is the university newspaper that you can find every monday morning in the entrance hall of each building. It a cultural event diaryof the main events happening around the campus. You can also visit their website for more events or even sing up your own event too