Ruta de navegación

One of the family bloque



You may feel that our campus is a bit big and that you are a bit shocked or out of place, but we are here to help you, because no student at the University of Navarra is alone.

There are so many ways to get involved in campus life:

Aplicaciones anidadas


On Campus Events

Please follow us on Instagram @UnavUnited to keep up with all the great activities and news that the International Office has to offer, and @Universidaddenavarra and Campus2minutos to see all the daily events that are planned around campus You can also check out your school's profile, we bet they post information that can be relevant to you!

We also have a Facebook group where you can find new international students like you who are making plans and looking for new friends.



The International Office newsletter is a must! As you can find out as many activities on and off campus, also is a way to stayed connected to the office.