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Make People Better

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Make People Better. United States, 83 min, 2021. Rhumbline average.

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In 2018, Chinese scientist Dr. He Jiankui crossed a line with no possible reverse in human evolution by altering the structure Genetics of embryos to produce the world's first genome-edited babies.

This controversial experiment, supported by the Chinese government and leading U.S. scientists, provoked an international outcry, which was followed by swift action by the Chinese authorities to make not only Dr. He disappear, but also the twins whose genes he had edited.

The documentary thriller Make People Better reveals the untold story behind this historic scientific event from the perspectives of those who were there. It includes testimony from a whistleblower, never-before-seen interviews with He Jiankui, and a depiction of a world waking up to a future where rival governments and corporations compete to make design babies the new normal.
