10 years training experts in sustainability and management for a sustainable architecture. manager
This book and its exhibition talk about alumni and their jobs. Students from different cultures, educational backgrounds and previous professional experiences, who now work in different companies around the world, but all of them with a common denominator: the Master's Degree in design and management Environmental Management of Buildings (MDGAE).
"The growing concern for sustainable development and climate change motivated the b irth in 2010 of theMaster's Degree of design and management Environmental of Buildings with the goal to train experts in environmental, social and economic sustainability; in design of sustainable and regenerative buildings; in Quantification of sustainability (energy simulation and life cycle analysis); and in Validation of sustainable architecture (building monitoring and environmental certifications).
During this time we have worked hard to position this program as a Master's Degree of reference letter, based on 4 differentiating pillars: design and quantification of sustainability, international projection, cooperation with business, and innovation through research. Since its inception, Master's Degree has prepared its students to function in an international environment and to work in multidisciplinary teams.
The name of Master's Degree underlines what is the goal we are pursuing: the environmental dimension is inherent to both the architectural design and its management. In other words, to do real ARCHITECTURE with capital letters, is to integrate environmental aspects from the first phases of design and to manage them during the essay of project and the construction of the building, quantifying the efficiency of the measures adopted.
This book sample us the experience of these first 10 years in training in sustainable and regenerative architecture. But above all it talks about our alumni and their work. During these years, students from different cultures, educational profiles and previous professional experiences have coexisted in class , who now work in different companies around the world, but all of them have a common denominator: the MDGAE".
MDGAE Director 2011-2022
Experience in figures
Collaborating companies
Academic staff
pathway of the exhibition

León (Mexico)
The School participated in the 114th National Assembly of the Federation of Colleges of Architects of the Republic of Mexico, where the exhibition 'Experience' was inaugurated for the first time in Latin America.
Location: Poliforum León, Blvd. Adolfo López Mateos, Oriente, 37530 León, Gto.
El Salvador
Latin University of Mexico
CLASS OF 2013-2014
Sofia Corali Arteche Urtasun
Ana Castillejo Celigueta
Antonio Cereceda Migens
Roberto Erviti Machain
Nuria Olier Aguado
Felipe María Pou Chapa
Natalia Reyes Lahoz
Karin Rosario Rodríguez Neira
Jorge San Miguel Bellod
Gustavo Alonso Soto Calderón
Cristina Torres Perez
José Andrew Zúñiga Hernández
CLASS OF 2014-2015
Beatriz Ayesta Ruiz-Olalla
Jorge Eduardo Benavides González
Margarita de San Valentín Vitón
Gonzalo Erroba Pezonaga
Renzo Alejandro Guerra Llanos
Víctor López Aquino
Gilberto Roldán Lozano Rubio
Daniela Karen Paredes Malma
Irene Recarte García
César Oswaldo Ruiz León
Elizabeth Jacqueline Salazar Hancco
Laura Victoria Tur Díaz
Íñigo Zubiri Martínez
CLASS OF 2016-2017
Marta Avila Artigue
Fernanda Ayuque Loayza
Cristina Benzo San Martín
Eibys De Gracia Sánchez
Juan Carlos Gamero Salinas
María Crsitina Güell Morera
María Dolores Juri
Meilyn del Carmen Mong Lee
Jesús Alberto Padilla Garza
Juan Ignacio Rodriguez Olivencia
Joseph Michael Saenz Negreta
PROMOTION 2019-2020
María Emilia Álava Triviño
Gabriela Bastos Porsani
Laura Muriel Brito Fabián
Julianna Suzette Campusano Garcés
Cinthia Chong Loo
Francisco Carlos De Cayón Zamarrón
Lizza Dileyni Diaz de Oleo
Karla Guerrero Ramirez
Andrés Jonathan Guízar Dena
Rafael Enrique Guzman de la Rosa
Ámbar Martínez Jaquez
Claudia Marie Peña Silvestre
Pamela Marcell Pérez Nadal
Isabel Victoria Quispe Castilla
Armando Enrique Rivera Molina
Crystal Ovil Rosario Martínez
Víctor Fabián Salinas González
Laura María Tavárez de los Santos
Esteban Zupán Arispe
Collaborating companies
Companies that have participated in the Final Projects Master's Degree up to and including 2021:
ACR group, Adam Bresnick Architects, Andcompany, Arrokabe Arquitectos, association de la Industria Navarra (AIN), BOA Arquitectos, ByE Arquitectos, Chair Madera, CENER, Cértica, Construcciones Andia, Construcciones Díaz García, Construcciones Ecay, DG Arquitectura, Efinovatic, Energiehaus Arquitectos, Eolimer Renovables, Erro y Eugui, Estudio Herreros, Everis/ NTT DATA, group EULEN, GVG Estudio, Huber Staudt Architekten Dda, IDOM, Ineria, Passive House Institute GmbH, high school Valenciano de la Building, KREAN, LKS , Luz y Espacio Arquitectura, MADC Arquitectos, MAGEN Arquitectos, Miyabi, MF Arquitectos, MRM Arquitectos, Orekari Estudio, Ortiz y Leon Arquitectos, Riegler Riewe Architekten, Rockwooll, SQ Arquitectos, Tabsal, Tecnalia, TYM Asociados, Vaillo+Irigarary Arquitectos, Valladares Ingeniería, Ventura Estudio.