The School of Architecture collects 10 years of sustainable training in the book 'Experience'.
The publication sample the projects of the alumni of the Master's Degree in design and management Environmental of Buildings (MDGAE)

FotoYenHernández/The presentation of the book 'Experiencia' took place at the University's Alumni Meeting held in Miami in June.
04 | 09 | 2023
On the occasion of the X of the launch of the Master's Degree in design and Environmental management of Buildings(MDGAE), the School of Architecture of the University has published the book 'Experience', which collects works of the 134 alumni of the Master's Degree, all of them from different cultures, educational backgrounds and previous professional experiences, who are now working in different companies around the world.
The book also highlights sustainable architecture through a series of articles written by some of the 106 professors who have been part of Master's Degree. In addition, it highlights the 46 collaborating companies in which students have been able to apply what they have learned at classroom and expand their training.
"The growing concern for sustainable development and climate change led to the creation of the MDGAE in 2010. During this time we have worked to position this program as a Master's Degree of reference letter based on 4 differentiating pillars: design and quantification of sustainability, international projection, cooperation with the business and innovation through the research. Since its inception, the Master's Degree has prepared its students to function in an international environment and to work in multidisciplinary teams," explains Ana Sánchez Ostiz, director of the MDGAE from 2011 to 2022.
The School of Architecture is also preparing a exhibition with the same name as the book ('Experiencia') that will tour Latin America. The first country he will visit will be Mexico and he will be present at the assembly of the Federation of Colleges of Architects of the Mexican Republic (FCARM) from November 22 to 25.
The book 'Experiencia', presented in June at the Miami Alumni Meeting, was edited by the University's School of Architecture , Bisman Ediciones (Buenos Aires) and Qut Ediciones (Barcelona), and published by Ediciones Universidad de Navarra EUNSA (Pamplona). It has also received the support of the Pan-American Federation of Architects Associations(FPAA).