The Master's Degree University Degree in Banking and Financial Regulation prepares tomorrow's banking professionals by reinforcing essential financial fundamentals and providing in-depth analysis of critical industry issues.
Find out why you should choose this Master's Degree:
After the exams of the first semester, we traveled to Paris, Frankfurt and Brussels to attend for seminars at the European Central Bank, the European Banking Authority, International Accounting Standard Board, European Banking Federation and the European Parliament. We also have industry presentations with Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Moody's.
Customized courses for your business
The Master's Degree in Banking and Financial Regulation, in permanent contact with the industry, provides training ad hoc to professionals in the financial sector. These customized courses are designed by our academic director in partnership with industry, bridging the gap between academia and finance.
Other projects include:
The composition and functioning of the governing bodies of the institutions are key elements in the corporate governance of the institutions. The members of the governing bodies must possess the knowledge and skills, both individually and collectively, that make the development performance of their duties an appropriate control over the management and strategy of the institution.
Continuous Training Programme, to cover the training obligation that non-executive members of the governing bodies of financial institutions will face. The programme is designed in a holistic manner, and aims to cover the minimum knowledge necessary to be able to interpret and assess the risks incurred by a financial institution in the normal operation of its business.
The composition and functioning of the governing bodies of the institutions are key elements in the corporate governance of the institutions. The members of the governing bodies must possess the knowledge and skills, both individually and collectively, that make the development performance of their duties an appropriate control over the management and strategy of the institution.
Continuous Training Programme, to cover the training obligation that non-executive members of the governing bodies of financial institutions will face. The programme is designed in a holistic manner, and aims to cover the minimum knowledge necessary to be able to interpret and assess the risks incurred by a financial institution in the normal operation of its business.
A 200-hour in-company programme for Deloitte's third-year auditors of financial institutions. The course period is spread over two academic years, adapting to the work peaks of the audit profession.
Intensive course on Internal Models for European Central Bank Inspectors, Single Supervisory Mechanism SSM.
Banking Supervision Programme designed for the Instituto Valenciano de Finanzas.
Annual course for professionals from PwC's Financial Regulation Unit.
Securing our cyber-space is an increasingly important need for every business and for modern society. This seminar is tailored to give executives a comprehensive understanding of the changing cyber security challenge.
The seminar provides an overview of the global evolving field of cybersecurity. This seminar brings together a unique combination of leading experts and experienced senior cyber security professionals in the files of technology, policy, law, regulation and more.
By translating information thought in the classroom to relevant simulations, executives will get a broad understanding that no textbook can provide.
The seminar includes two modules totaling 15-16 lecture hours over two days (October the 23rd and the 24th) at University of Navarra Madrid Campus (Marquesado de Santa Marta nr 3, 28027 Madrid)