The Study program of the Master in Banking and Financial Regulation/ Master in Banking and Financial Regulation consists of an 8-month coursework period and an internship. At the end of the Master, the student must submit a Master's thesis project .
During the coursework period, the theoretical sessions will be complemented with the use of the case method applied to the banking business and with an analysis of real situations using information from the financial and banking system. As a complement to the sessions, seminars, conferences and round tables are organised on current issues related to the banking sector.
Professional Internship
Master internships will provide students an opportunity to utilize the knowledge gained through the Master in Banking and Financial Regulation coursework. The internship will account for 27 ECTSs. The realization of 27 Internship ECTSs is a mandatory requirement for the successful completion of the Master in Banking and Financial Regulation program.
The students will gain placement in prestigious institutions within the financial sector. Each student may intern for an institution with which the Master in Banking and Financial Regulation has collaboration or with companies, which employ students directly.
- Type: Compulsory
- ECTS credit: 27
- Year and semester: 1st (2nd semester)
- Language: Spanish, English
- Type of Degree: Master in Banking and Financial Regulation
- Person in charge: Laro Fernández Ciprés
- Professor: Andrés Mesa Toro
At the end of the internship the firm will send a pdf document with an evaluation of the student.
Final Project
The master thesis will allow students to get acquainted with the rigor and professional approach that is required to address and attempt solving problems that concern the banking industry.
- Type: Compulsory
- ECTS credit: 6
- Year and semester: 2nd year, last term of the MBRF (from June to December)
- Language: Spanish or English
- Type of Degree: Master in Banking and Financial Regulation
- Person in charge: Andrés Mesa Toro.
- Professors: Germán López Espinosa, María del Carmen Aranda and Andrés Mesa Toro.
- Time: will be communicated throughout the program
- Venue: will be communicated throughout the program
In a globalized banking industry, the banks around the world must provide high-quality and homogeneous across countries financial information, fulfilling the needs of their users, regulators and supervisors. The International Financial Reporting Standards, due to their large international acceptance, represent the language able to meet this purpose.
A Complete & in-depth IFRS Program for Banking Accountancy
The course will enable students to critically examine the effects of IFRS reporting on economic decision making, and the broader impact on the Banks and society.
The students will analyze empirical accounting questions related to the Banking industry to stimulate critical enquiry into the theory behind the standards, the effects and the degree to which the standards achieve their aims. It will develop students' critical and analytical abilities.
The program is developed through the completion of case studies that simulate aspects of the real-world application of the IFRS knowledge. The students will acquire the accounting knowledge of complex transactions realized by Banks.
The objective of the first part of the course is to study the major decision-making areas of managerial finance and some selected topics in financial theory of special relevance in the Banking sector. These include company valuation, mergers and acquisitions, corporate reorganizations, pricing of selected financial instruments, syndicated loans, etc.
This subject will introduce relevant concepts, such as financial, current account, sovereign debt and banking crisis as well as economic bubbles. The context is the recent historical experiences. Additionally we explore the inter-connection between the real economy and the financial part of the economy, emphasizing the role of monetary policy.
The globalisation has far-reaching consequences on the economy, management and society. It presents an abundance of ethical challenges at all levels of business and work: at the systemic (macro-), organisational (meso-), and personal (micro-) level. Therefore, it needs fair and effective rules, customs, and institutions, but also professional ethics and integrity of individuals and organisations.
This subject will provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the foundations of banking regulation. The program covers the main areas of macro and micro prudential regulation. It provides several case studies that allow for a more practical approach to different aspects of banking regulation. Students will be able to acquire a sound knowledge of banking regulation.
Master internships will provide students an opportunity to utilize the knowledge gained through the Master in Banking and Financial Regulation coursework. The internship will account for 27 ECTSs toward degree completion.
The master thesis is intended for students to be able to analyse with rigor and professionalism any relevant issue related to the banking industry. A tutor selected by the student could guide and evaluate the thesis writing process.
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Degree
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of Credit Recognition for Technician of training Profesional
- Rules and regulations University Basics
- Rules and regulations general about assessment