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The faculty the Master's Degree in Biomedical Engineering is composed of doctors who combine their professor and research work in various scientific and technological fields, as well as professional experts in the sector.

The professor team involved in the delivery of Master's Degree is made up of 55 experts from different centres of origin: Clínica Universidad de Navarra, CEIT-IK4, CIMA, Hospital Universitario Donostia de OSAKIDETZA- department de Salud del Gobierno Vasco, relevant centres in the sector and companies in the health sector.

The partnership with IESE Business School has as goal reinforce the development of competences in the environment of the Business School of the University of Navarra, relying on its experience both in terms of learning methodology and academic quality as well as its relationship with the business world at international level. The academic programme follows the case methodology and reinforces the development and skills of analysis, discussion and contribution of alternatives applicable to real professional situations. 

Visor de contenido web (Global)

Academic staff

Large medical equipment

Josep María Climent



Leire Arbea



Juan Diego Azcona



Benigno Barbes



María Asunción Fernández



Iván Peñuelas



Luis Javier Piña



Elena Prieto



José Ángel Richter



Quantification techniques in clinical analysis

Gorka Alkorta



Estíbaliz Alegre



María José Calasanz



Carlos Eduardo de Andrea



Mirian Fernández



María José Goikoetxea



Susana Inmaculada Inogés



Bruno David Lourenco



Carlos Ortiz de Solórzano




Ana Patiño



Ana Romo



Business and project management

Mikel Arcelus



Gustavo Pego



Maialen Aramburu



José Ramón Azanza



Managing people in organisations

Elena Azurmendi Adarraga



Operations Management

Javier Santos



Luis Enrique Echarte



Carmen Jaca



Data Science

Francis Planes



Bioinformatics and next generation sequencing

Ángel Rubio



High performance computing

Ángel Rubio



Image analysis in biomedicine

Carlos Ortiz de Solórzano



Mikel Ariz Galilea



Gorka Bastarrika



María Asunción Fernández



Marta Vidorreta



Control of biorobotic devices

Emilio José Sánchez



Iñaki Díaz Garmendia



design of biomedical embedded systems

Adam Podhorski



Javier Díaz



Clinical biomaterials and implants

Javier Aldazábal Mensa



Ana Sancho Erkizia



Alejandro Baguer



Fabrication and analysis techniques in nanotechnology

María José Blanco



Alexander Bittner



Mato Knez



Regenerative medicine

Jacobo Paredes



Modelling and simulation of biomedical processes

Javier Aldazábal Mensa



Daniel Valderas Gázquez



José Ignacio Fernández de Trocóniz



Machine learning for Biomedical Data

Idoia Ochoa Álvarez



Juan Ángel Ferrer-Bonsoms Hernández



Master's thesis

Javier Aldazábal Mensa