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Aplicaciones anidadas


The list of professors, writers, essayists, editors and professionals from various fields that make up this Senate professor is extensive, not only because of the multidisciplinary nature of their areas, but also because of their international precedence and the different institutions from which they come, such as the Royal Academy of Moral and Political Sciences, Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, San Damaso Ecclesiastical University, Carlos III University, Camilo José Cela University, Complutense University of Madrid, Catholic University of Avila, and the University of Alcalá. In addition to all of them, the University of Navarra itself is represented by high school Core Curriculum , ICS, group Science, Reason and Faith, Museum of the University of Navarra, IESE, School of Sciences, School of Theology, School of Education and Psychology, School of Communication and School of Philosophy and Letters.


Academic staff


Nieves Acedo

Collaborating Professor of Art Theory. Director of Programmes at the Museo Universidad de Navarra

University of Navarra

View CV "View Nieves Acedo's CV".

Juan Alonso

Professor at School of Theology

University of Navarra

View CV "View Juan Alonso's CV"

Javier Bernácer

researcher of group Mind-Brain, Institute for Culture and Society

University of Navarra

View CV "View Javier Bernácer's CV".

Pablo Blanco

Professor of Dogmatic Theology

University of Navarra

View CV "View Pablo Blanco's CV".

Ricardo Calleja

Professor of Ethics, IESE Business School

University of Navarra

María Calvo

Professor of Law

Carlos III University of Madrid

Marta Carrasco

Professor of History of Art

Camilo José Cela University (Madrid)

Santiago Casas

Professor of Church History-Contemporary Age

University of Navarra

View CV "View Santiago Casas' CV".

Raquel Cascales

Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts

University of Navarra

View CV "View Raquel Cascales' CV".

Emilio Chuvieco

Full Professor of Geography and Director of the Chair of Environmental Ethics

University of Alcalá

Mariano Crespo

Full Professor from Philosophy

University of Navarra

View CV "View Mariano Crespo's CV".

Onésimo Díaz

Professor and researcher in Contemporary History

University of Navarra

View CV "View CV of Onésimo Díaz".

Luis Echarte

Senior Associate Professor of Medical Ethics

University of Navarra

View CV "View Luis Echarte's CV".

Agustín Echavarría

Senior Associate Professor from Philosophy, coordinator of group of research in Philosophical Theology

University of Navarra

View CV "View Agustín Echavarría's CV".

Ana Escauriaza

Professor and Researcher in Contemporary History

University of Navarra

View CV "View Ana Escauriaza's CV".

Leandro M. Gaitán

Lecturer at School of Education and Psychology

University of Navarra

View CV "View Leandro M. Gaitan's CV".

Gonzalo Génova

Senior Associate Professor of Information Technology

Carlos III University of Madrid

Gregorio Guitián

Professor of Social Doctrine of the Church, Dean of the School of Theology

University of Navarra

View CV "View Gregorio Guitián's CV".

Rubén Herce

Associate Professor of Philosophy of Science.
Deputy Director of the "group Science, Reason and Faith".

University of Navarra

View CV "View Rubén Herce's CV".

Gabriel Insausti

Senior Associate Professor of Literature

University of Navarra

View CV "View Gabriel Insausti's CV".

Raquel Lázaro

Full Professor of Philosophy, Researcher of project "Religion and Civil Society", Institute for Culture and Society

University of Navarra

View CV "View Raquel Lázaro's CV".

Dolores López

Professor of Geography

University of Navarra

View CV "View Dolores López's CV".

Manuel Oriol

Professor of Philosophy and publisher. CEU San Pablo University


Pablo Pérez

Full Professor of Contemporary History, Director Científico del Institute for Culture and Society

University of Navarra

View CV "View Pablo Perez's CV".

Ricardo Piñero

Full Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts, Director del high school Core Curriculum

University of Navarra

View CV "View Ricardo Piñero's CV".

Jordi Puig

Senior Associate Professor from Environmental Biology

University of Navarra

View CV "View Jordi Puig's CV".

Leonardo Rodríguez Duplá

Full Professor from Philosophy Moral

Complutense University of Madrid

Javier Sánchez-Cañizares

Senior Associate Professor from Philosophy, PhD in Physics and Theology, Director of group Science Reason and Faith

University of Navarra

View CV "View Javier Sánchez-Cañizares' CV".

José María Torralba

Full Professor of Philosophy Moral and Political.
Director of the Civic Humanism Center, Institute for Culture and Society

University of Navarra

View CV "View José María Torralba's CV".

Francisco Varo

Full Professor of Sacred Scripture

University of Navarra

View CV "View Francisco Varo's CV".


Executive Committee

  • Mariano Crespo, director academic

  • José María Torralba

  • Ana Escauriaza

  • Cristhian Mestre

International Advisory Board

The committee advisor of the Master's Degree of training Permanent in Christianity and Contemporary Culture of the School of Philosophy and Letters is a consultative body. Its task is to ensure the smooth running of project and promote initiatives that contribute to improving the academic level of Master's Degree, as well as its update taking into account the needs of society.
It is also supported by the high school Core Curriculum of the University of Navarra.

  • Juan Arana, Real Academia de Ciencias Morales y Política (President)

  • Mariano Crespo, Full Professor of Philosophy, Director Academic of Master's Degree, University of Navarra (Secretary)

  • Alfonso Aguiló, president of CECE and Arenales Red Educativa

  • Rosalía Baena, Vice President de Estudiantes, Full Professor of Philology English, University of Navarra

  • Ricardo Calleja, IESE Ethics Professor

  • Alejandra Carrasco, Professor of Philosophy, Universidad de Los Andes

  • Juan Manuel de Prada, Writer

  • Ángel J. Gómez Montoro, director of the campus of the University of Navarra in Madrid, Full Professor of Constitutional Law and director of the board of trustees of the University of Navarra Museum.

  • Manuel Oriol, Director de Ediciones meeting

  • Julia Pavón, Professor of Medieval History, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Navarra

  • Javier Prades, President of San Dámaso Ecclesiastical University

  • Juan Carlos Ramos, Director General of the COPE Foundation and director of the program, "El día del Señor" on La 2 of TVE.

  • José María Torralba, Full Professor of Philosophy Moral and Politics, University of Navarra, Spain