The goal of the practicum is to put on contact the students of Master's Degree with the educational reality and provide direct experience on various aspects of psycho-pedagogical intervention: assessment and diagnosis (collection of information through the family, through the student himself, evaluation of the diagnostic process), intervention programs, school integration, case analysis.
You can choose one of the following modalities:
Internship for a minimum period of 2 months from the end of March.
Internships abroad: international internships will be arranged for those students who request them as long as they comply with the requirements language requirements and grade from transcript.
From the beginning of its activity and throughout its duration, the student must carry out the following tasks:
project Initial to be worked on personally with your University Internship Tutor .
notebook of incidents.
report Final which should be handed in personally to your University Internship Tutor , once you have finished your Practicum (at the latest one week after this date).
questionnaire self-evaluation form in which the student must assess the quality of the placement and the activity carried out and which must be handed in personally to Tutor Internships at the University, once Practicum has been completed (at the latest one week after this date).
Types of centres where internships can be carried out*.
Departments of guidance in subsidised centres
Special Education Centres
Associations and services for people with disabilities (Down's syndrome, autism spectrum disorders...)
Psycho-educational intervention offices
Centres for preferential integration of hearing impaired pupils
Hospital classrooms
Inclusive programmes in higher education
* On a personal basis, each student will discuss their internship options with the MIEP managers, depending on their personal profile and the offer proposed by the participating centres and entities.
The Professional Seminars are part of the activities planned within the Master's Degree University in Educational and Psychological Intervention (MIEP). They are aimed at professionals and graduates interested in solving the needs of people who require an intervention of a educational and psychological nature.
These seminars have been designed with an eminently practical focus, with the aim of enabling participants to acquire, update or generate the strategies or principles they need in their professional development .
The topics covered fall within the areas of psychology of development and education, psychology of learning, neuropsychology and educational guidance. These topics are not intended to cover the full range of educational intervention, but represent a miscellany of the main difficulties that children, teachers and parents encounter on a day-to-day basis.
The seminar speakers are highly qualified professionals in these fields and come from national and international public and private organisations and institutions.
Dual Master's Degree in Educational and Psychological Intervention and Secondary School faculty
The School of Education and Psychology offers the possibility of taking a double programme aimed at those people who are interested in the field of educational intervention, knowledge specific to the Master's in Educational and Psychological Intervention; and who, at the same time, want to carry out guidance work in educational centres. In this way, the Double Master's Degree broadens the competences of education professionals, enabling them to work professionally in the field of guidance.