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The master's degree is aimed at those who hold the degree of Degree or another expressly declared equivalent, with priority being given to those trained or interested in disciplines related to psychoeducational intervention (learning psychology, neuropsychology, educational guidance, educational assessment and special education). 

    This Master's Degree is for you if you are interested in...    

The areas of psychology of development and education, psychology of learning, neuropsychology, guidance, educational assessment and special education. And if you want to specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of development disorders and learning difficulties in socio-educational or clinical contexts, and in the design of programmes aimed at prevention and development.

    Admission criteria...    

The admission application process is open throughout the year (from 2 October until the beginning of the academic year), although the possibility of being admitted to the master's degree is subject to the existence of vacancies.  

It is recommended that applicants of non-European nationality apply for admission before January in order to facilitate visa application procedures.

International students who do not have Spanish as their mother tongue ( language ) must have a B2 level of Spanish. For students with special needs, the University offers you a Unit for Attention to Persons with Disabilities (UADP).


Admission process

The candidate must be registered in the portal MiUnav and upload the required documentation:

1. One passport-size photograph

2. Photocopy of ID card or passport

3. certificate official academic transcript of qualifications of the degree of Degree that gives access to the qualifying master's degree (Order Edu/2075/2010). This document must be issued, stamped and signed by the academic authorities of the home university. It must be an original document or certified. Copies or documents generated via websites will not be accepted as they lack academic validity.

*This document does not have to be presented by graduates of the University of Navarra.

4. Curriculum vitae. Document that includes the professional and academic experience of candidate.

5. Two letters of recommendation. Document in which a prescriptor evaluates the personal and academic qualities of candidate and explains the suitability of profile for the Master's degree.

6. certificate of English level if included in the CV.

7. Payment of €100 for the admission fee. Via Internet, through the portal MyUnav

**The National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (National Agency for Assessment of Quality and Accreditation) offers foreign students a service for calculating the equivalence of average grades for university studies. For any clarification or further information, please contact financial aid.notasmedias@National Agency for Assessment of Quality and

When the application for admission is complete (form + documentation + payment + questionnaire access), the Master's Board will evaluate the profile of candidate. Once the application has been assessed, the admission decision is sent to candidate. This decision can also be consulted at Portal of candidate.

The candidate will be asked to complete a form and a personal interview will be conducted.

When the admission application is complete (online admission application + form + interview), the selection committee of candidates for the University Master's Degree of the School in Education and Psychology assesses the profile of the candidate taking into account the merits accredited in the admission application of agreement according to the following criteria:

  • 70% Academic curriculum (merits)

  • 20% Professional curriculum vitae

  • 10% Letters of recommendation

The resolution is sent by e-mail and can be consulted on the portal MyUnav.

The payment of the pre-registration is non-refundable and is formalized following the indications of the Portal MiUnav.

If the candidate is admitted, he/she must pre-register for the master's degree (reservation from place) within the established deadline by paying a deposit of 3.000€, which will be deducted from the total price of the enrollment.

In the following link you can see the updated prices

The candidate admitted can formalise their enrollment through Portal MiUnav on the date indicated by the Admissions Service. 

In the following link you can see the updated prices

  • scholarship of Banco Santander 20%.

  • Excellence Grants 20% Scholarships

  • Alumni discount 12% (at MUP 15%)
