The composition of the MCPC faculty reflects a perfect combination of academic and professional orientation. The faculty of the MCPC is made up of qualified professors from various Departments of the School of Communication and other Spanish and foreign universities, together with a good issue of professionals of recognized prestige and experience in the sectors of political and corporate communication and public affairs.
In addition to the professionals who teach at teaching on Master's Degree, students meet every Friday with professionals from the speech political and corporate world and public affairs, from a wide variety of sectors, who share their knowledge and experience with them and provide them with the latest trends and developments.
Faculty & Advisory Board
Gonzalo Alzueta - Principles of Institutional Communication
consultant of Communication. Commercial Management group at BGP Marketing. graduate in Journalism at the University of Navarra and PDD at IESE Business School. Previously he was CEO, director of the communication agency and advertising Tecna and partner of Crea Talent, consultancy service of Corporate Reputation.
Diana Azuero - Internal Communication
Technician in charge of Transparency in the Office of the President of RENFE. Graduate in Journalism and Master's Degree in Communication. Previously worked in the Corporate Social Responsibility Area of the consultancy firm Inforpress.
Ignacio Baleztena - Communication and Lobbying in the European Union
Senior Communications Consultant at Ecorys. Formerly Strategic Communication and Policy Analyst Professional at the European Commission (Brussels). Head of the Delegation of Navarra in Brussels and PR and Public Officer of several companies in New York and Policy Advisor at the European Parliament. graduate in Audiovisual Communication at the University of Navarra and Master in Public Relations and Corporate Communications at New York University.
Carlos Barrera - Media and Public Opinion / Communication and Lobbying in the European Union
Director of the MCPC. D. in Communication from the University of Navarra. Senior Associate Professor of History of Spanish Journalism. Former Chair of the History Section of the International Association for average and Communication Research (IAMCR) and publisher of Communication & Society.
Juanfer F. Calderín - Director de group (work End of Master's Degree: Projects)
CEO & Founder of The Queen & Associates. Previously he was editor of the newspaper El Mundo, director of communication of Covite, Director of Communication of the Popular Party of the Basque Country, and Chief of Staff in the National Vice-Secretary of Organization and Electoral of the Popular Party.
Pedro Calvo - Business and Financial Operations
manager of Corporate and Business Communication at Telefónica. He previously worked at Expansión, elEconomista and El Confidencial and was director of Bolsamanía and Invertia. D. in Communication from the University of Navarra.
María José Canel - Communication in Public Institutions
Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid. PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra. Vicechair of the Political Communication Section at the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA). Former President of the Association of Political Communication (ACOP) and Director General of the Cabinet of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sport.
Santiago Castelo - Fundamentals of Political Strategy
consultant in Communication and Director attachment in Ideograma. D. in Communication from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). He also worked as an Assistant at research at the Centro de Investigaciones Políticas (Argentina) and at the Mercado de Industrias Culturales Argentinas (MICA).
Adrián Cordero - Intangibles and Corporate Reputation Management
Director Corporate Communications at Zima Corp. Professor at several universities and business schools. Previously he was director of development Corporate of BBDO Spain. partner-Director of Leaderworld-Strategy Educational Services. He has been Director General of MERCO (Corporate Reputation Business Monitor), researcher and Treasurer of the Institute for the Analysis of Intangibles, Director of Communication of the Institute of Family business , Director General of BBDO Consulting and Director of Communication of Correos.
José Luis De Cea - Marketing Fundamentals
coordinator of International Office of the School of Economics of the University of Navarra. PDG of the IESE Business School. She was Director of development of the School of Economic and Business Sciences, Director of the Foundation business and University, as well as Deputy Director of the Alumni Alumni Association of the University of Navarra.
Jorge Del Rio - Visual Thinking / management Creative Persuasive Communication
Senior Associate Professor at the Degree of Marketing at the University of Navarra, and at the Master's Degree Executive in Fashion Business Management, of which she was also director (2018-2020). She was Director of the department of Marketing and Communication Companies of the School between 2016 and 2022. Visiting Professor of the universities of Montevideo (Uruguay) and Istmo (Guatemala). visiting professor of the Universitat Raimon Llull.
Alejandro N. García Martínez - Key to Understanding Society
graduate at Humanities, and in Political Science and Sociology. PhD in Philosophy from the University of Navarra, where he is Associate Professor. Specialist in Sociology of Culture, Sociology of Emotions and Contemporary Sociological Currents.
- Alfredo Gazpio - Lobbying and Mobilisation Campaigns
partner of Non-Market at Harmon and Director of the Spanish chapter of The Good Lobby. Previously, she worked as Director of Public Affairs at Danone Iberia and, before that, she worked as consultant of Public Affairs at Kreab Worldwide, LL&C and Political Intelligence. PDD from IESE (2021) and Master in Political and Corporate Communication from the University of Navarra, where she previously graduated in Journalism.
Beatriz Gómez - Rhetoric: Speeches and Debates
Associate Professor at School of Communication at the University of Navarra. Degree in Journalism and PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra. Professor of Journalistic Writing and Literary Journalism.
Anne Gregory - Strategic Communication Management
Professor of Corporate Communication at the University of Huddersfield, and previously at Leeds Beckett University. She is a former Chair of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management, and former Editor of the Journal of Communication Management.
Elena Gutiérrez - Master's Thesis: Project Management
Professor at School of Communication at the University of Navarra. Her academic publications and teaching focus on strategic communication management for good corporate governance. She has been a visiting researcher at The Business School of the University of Huddersfield, at the Stirling Research average Institute of the University of Stirling, and at the School of average and Public Affairs of the George Washington University. board member of the management committee of the Association of Communication Managers (Dircom). Director of the MCPC (2015-2018).
Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí - Fundamentals of Political Strategy
advisor of communication. Founder and Director of Ideograma, Strategic Communication Consultant. He has advised candidates in campaigns in Spain and America. Winner of the Napolitan Victory Award in 2023 for consultant of the Year. partner regular contributor to several written and audiovisual media, and author of nearly twenty books.
Ricardo Hernández - Communication Planning
Corporate Relations Director, Southern Europe, at Diageo. Previously she was Senior Director Communications and Government Affairs, Europe at Mondelez International. Director of Corporate Affairs at Mondelez International Iberia (formerly Kraft Foods Ibérica). graduate in Journalism from the University of Navarra and MBA from the Instituto de business. Formerly Manager of the Corporate and Financial Communications Division at Burson-Marsteller, and Director of Strategic Planning at Weber Shandwick.
Javier Herrero - Fundamentals of Public Administration and Legislative Processes
University Secretary of Marca de Restauración, the association Empresarial de las cadenas de restauración organizada. Previously, he was Director of Public Affairs at Evercom, advisor Parliamentary in the Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Environment and the Minister of Agriculture of Castilla-La Mancha, after his time at PwC in the field of consultancy service for the public sector. Agricultural Engineer by the Polytechnic University of Madrid.
Fernando López Pan - Rhetoric: Speeches and Debates
Senior Associate Professor of Journalism at the University of Navarra. He was President of the Spanish Society of Journalism (SEP). D. in Communication, he has been Director of the department of average Projects and Associate Dean of the School of Communication of the University of Navarra.
Miguel López-Quesada - Crisis Communication
President of the association de Directivos de Comunicación (Dircom), of which he was previously University Secretary. graduate in Journalism at the University of Navarra. He has been Director of Communication and Public Affairs of Gestamp, Director General and Corporate Communication of Zed Worldwide, CEO of Weber Shandwick Ibérica. Author of the book "Estamos en crisis" (We are in crisis), a work of reference letter in the sector.
Isabel López Triana - development Sostenible
Co-founder and Managing Director of Canvas Estrategias Sostenibles. Previously, she was Partner-Director of area of Corporate Responsibility and Governance at Villafañe & Asociados, and Director of yearbook La Comunicación Empresarial y la management de los Intangibles en España y Latinoamérica.
Juan Luis Manfredi - Geopolitics and Public Diplomacy
Full Professor of Journalism and programs of study International at the University of Castilla-La Mancha. He has been Full Professor "Prince of Asturias" at Georgetown University (2021-2024). He was Dean and professor at School of Communication and Social Sciences at IE University, and member of the committee Scientific Committee of the Real Instituto Elcano.
Daniel Mehrad - Director from group (work End of Master's Degree: Projects)
partner and Director of Political Intelligence España, where she started as consultant public affairs and lobbying. Previously, she worked at Porter Novelli consulting firm. She studied Political Science at the Universidad Francisco Marroquín (Guatemala), the Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication at the University of Navarra, and a postgraduate program in design of Electoral Campaigns at ICADE.
Alejandro Motta - Electoral Campaigns
consultant partner founder of Thinko Consulting and Stradux. and professor of of Political Communication at the School of Communication of the Universidad Panamericana (Mexico). in Political Management at the George Washington University and PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra. Director department Master's Degree
Mercedes Muñoz - Entorno Jurídico
Professor of Information Law at the University of Navarra. She holds a PhD in Communication from the same university and is Coordinator of doctoral program in Communication. She was Director of department of Public Communication.
José Luis Orihuela - Digital Strategy
Professor of Multimedia Communication, Information Documentation and Non-Linear Writing. PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra. Advisor to the Center for Internet Studies and Digital Life. Author of books such as La revolución de los blogs, Mundo Twitter, Los medios después de Internet and the blog
Francisco Javier Pérez-Latre - Media Planning
Professor of advertising and Public Relations and Audience Analysis and Advertising Media. Director Academic of the Master in Media Management (MEGEC). Advisor to the Center for Internet Studies and Digital Life. PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra. Master of Arts in Marketing Communication and Advertising from Emerson College (Boston, USA).
Idoia Portilla - Quantitative Research Methods
Professor of Market and Audience Research and Statistics. Degree and PhD in Economics and Business Studies from the University of Navarra, and Master's Degree in Market Research and Information Systems from the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia. President of the Ethics Committee of AEDEMO.
Gonzalo Prieto - Director de group (work End of Master's Degree: Projects)
Director of Communication and Institutional Relations at Teknia. Previously, she worked at department in corporate communication and media relations at Gestamp. graduate in Journalism at the University of Navarra, she worked in different media (Efe, Cadena SER, Radio Nacional) and studied Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication at the same university.
Mónica Recalde - Business and Financial Communication
Associate Professor at the department of Marketing and Communication Companies of the School of Communication of the University of Navarra where she teaches at the Degree of Marketing. Her research focuses on corporate communication in companies. This topic has been the subject of study in the scientific publications, books, conferences and research projects in which he has participated. In addition, he has previous professional experience in the field.
Astrid Regojo - Director of group (work End of Master's Degree: Projects )
Communication Consultant and manager of Events and Sponsorships at McKinsey & Company. Previously, she worked in consulting firms such as Kreab, where she was Deputy Director, and in firms such as Deloitte. graduate in advertising and Public Relations at the University of Navarra, where she also studied Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication.
Carmela Ríos - Digital Analytics
Journalist and teacher. She was correspondent in Paris for Antena 3TV and CNN+, and also worked for Cuatro. She was manager of contents at Terra España and manager of New Narratives at Unidad publishing house. She was a consultant at Prodigioso Volcán and writes about social networks for the newspaper El País, and also teaches at teaching in several universities. She was award Ortega y Gasset of Digital Journalism 2011.
Jordi Rodríguez Virgili - Entorno Político
Senior Associate Professor of Political Systems and Political and Electoral Communication at the University of Navarra. D. in Communication from the University of Navarra, he has been Deputy Director (2006-2013) and Director of the MCPC (2013-2015), and Associate Dean of faculty and Office of Academic Affairs 2014-2023). He was director El Molinillo, ACOP Magazine.
Roberto Rodríguez - Media Relations
Director of Communication, Marketing and Corporate development of Amavir. He has been Director Deputy Communications Officer for the Ministries of Education and Culture and Health. Previously, he was Head of Press for the Regional Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Government of La Rioja. partner of MAS Consulting Group.
Rafael Rubio - Lobbying and Mobilisation Campaigns
Senior Associate Professor of Constitutional Law at the Complutense University of Madrid, where he directs the group of research on participation and new technologies. partner Director de Dog Comunicación. D. in Law. He has worked in several electoral campaigns in Spain and the United States. He has been Deputy Director of programs of study and research at the Center for Political and Constitutional programs of study .
Teresa Sádaba - Election Campaigns
Director of ISEM Fashion Business School. Degree in Political Science and Journalism and PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra. Academic Director of the Executive Master in Corporate Reputation. Deputy Director of Campus Madrid at the University of Navarra. Former Director of International Office of Caja Navarra.
Charo Sádaba - Online Marketing
Dean of the School of Communication at the University of Navarra, where she was previously Vice-Dean of Research and postgraduate program. Professor of Specialised Marketing and New Advertising Media. She was research director of the Interactive Generations Forum, funded by Telefónica International.
Santiago Salazar - Spokesperson Training
Director Academic Degree in Journalism and Social Networks at CESINE University Centre in Santander. PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra. consultant in Corporate Communication. Teacher of Communication and Marketing in several centres.
Karen Sanders - Communication Ethics
Professor of Politics and Communications at St Mary's University, Twickenham (UK). Formerly Dean of Research at St. Mary's University in Twickenham (UK), where she was previously Head of School of Arts and Humanities. Previously lecturer at CEU-San Pablo University and Senior Lecturer at the University of Sheffield, and at IESE Business School. D. in Communication from the University of Navarra.
José Carlos Sanjuán - Events and Events Organisation
Director of the consultancy firm Monforte & Asociados, specialising in communication, protocol and event organisation. graduate in Business Management, Marketing and Public Relations. He has worked as advisor for the Minister Spokesperson of the Government in the Presidency of the Government, as well as for the House of H.M. the King, RTVE and the Ministry of Justice. PhD in advertising and Public Relations.
Nieves Serrano - Director of group (work End of Master's Degree: Projects )
manager of Communication at Pérez-Llorca. Previously, she was a consultant at Estudio de Comunicación and a communications technician at Vocento. She holds a degree in Journalism from the University of Navarra and completed the Master's Degree in Political and Corporate Communication at the same university.
Guillermo Velasco - Qualitative Research Methods
Professor at the Universidad Panamericana (Mexico). consultant in Political and Corporate Communication. partner director of EYCOM. graduate and Master in Political Communication from the Universidad Iberoamericana de México and PhD in Communication from the Universidad de Navarra. Former spokesperson for the First Lady of Mexico.
Jesús Zorrilla - Motivation and Leadership
General Manager of External Relations and Communication at Volkswagen Navarra. He holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Navarra and a Master's degree in Philosophy of Managerial Action. He has been Director of Communication at the Clinic of the University of Navarra and consultant in Strategic Media Management (Mediacción).
Alejandro Domínguez. Director Senior Digital Influence. LLYC Europe.
Yolanda Vega. Director at Burson. administrative assistant of APRI.
Policarpo Aroca. Director of Marketing and Communications. Grand Thornton.
Silvia Alsina. President of Roman.
Belén Viloria. Executive Director of B-Lab Spain.
José Manuel Velasco. Leader trainer and coach.
Alfonso González de León. partner in Vinces
Eva Vicente. Director of Communications and Public Affairs. Volkswagen Spain.
Jorge Rivera. Director Corporate and Institutional Relations. Prisa.
Jerusalem Hernández. Sustainability, Reputation and Corporate Governance Partner. KPMG.
María González Vejo. Change Manager. Axpo.
Juan Carlos Zamora. Head of Communications attachment . His Majesty the King's Household.
David García Gil. Co-Chief Executive Officer, Chocolate Comunicación Social.
Santiago Esteban. Vice President of Reputation and Public Affairs. Newlink.
Javier Balmaseda. Director of EU Affairs. Nitid.
María Moya. CEO. Prodigioso Volcán.
Xavier Domínguez. consultant political. Chairman of Wish & Win.
Esther Jiménez Vallejo. Head of Content Publication. BBVA.
Mireia Arroyo de la Parte. Director of Institutional Relations, Communication and Marketing. Gestamp.
Antonio Belmonte (Dircom Deloitte)
Allende Martín (CEO Compolíder)
Beatriz Prieto (Dircom Down Spain)
Alex Domínguez (Director Senior LLYC)
Abelardo Bethencourt (CEO Ernest)
Cristina Hernández (Nitid - Public Affairs)
Yago Sánchez-Reig (Alantra Dircom)
Manuel Costa (Director of Operations and External Affairs Berklee College of Music )
José Fernández-Álava (Director General Dircom)
Laura Ruiz de Galarreta (Ikea Dircom)
Nieves Rey (Dircom Ecoembes)
María Martín (Dircom GAD3)
Sandra Sotillo (Executive Director Trustmaker)
Juan Carlos Zamora. Head attachment of communication. Royal Household
Fran Carrillo. La Fábrica de Ideas - Former Congressman and Senator.
Eduardo Bartolomé. Director Siemens Communication.
Carlota Del Amo. Dircom Penguin Random House
Cayetano González. Former Dircom Ministry of the Interior
Juan Carlos Zamora (Head of Communication attachment Royal Household)
Higinio Martínez (CEO Omnicom Spain)
Jerusalem Hernández Velasco (Sustainability and Corporate Governance KPMG)
Daniel Ureña (President and partner Founder Mas Consulting)
David Redoli (coordinator Institutional Relations Solaria)
Manuel Mostaza (Director Global Public Affairs Atrevia)
Julio Somoano (Journalist expert in electoral debates TVE)
Ángela Paloma Martín (Director of Cabinet administrative office de Estado de Digitalización e Inteligencia Artificial)
Araceli Parres (manager de development y Fundraising Fundación Vianorte-Laguna)
Jorge Álvarez Naveiro (Director Brand, Communication and PR group Antolin)
Irma Aguado (Alstom Communications Director)
Carmela Ríos (Prodigioso Volcán Autonomous)
Carmen Saénz de Tejada (Creative Director Best)
Luisa García (CEO LLYC)
Diego Bayón (Director of Advocacy and Public Awareness Harmon)
Juan Gabriel Corral (Director of Evercom Communications and Public Affairs )
Jesús M. Gabirondo (Director of Communication CNMC)
Cristina López Mañero (Unión del Pueblo Navarro)
Antonio Cornadó (consultant)
José Fernández-Álava (Dircom)
María Rosa Rotondo (APRI-Political Intelligence)
Fernando de Páramo (consultant)
Santi Zuza (Osasuna) José Antonio Ortega (Weber Shandwick) (MCPC Alumni)
Jerusalem Hernández Velasco (KPMG)
Belén Viloria (Red Cross)
Isabel Perancho (CommsTribe)
Carlos Hernández Echevarría (
Ana Ortas (BBVA)
Armando Ares (Viscofán)
Javier Herrero (Evercom)
Rodrigo Abad (Merck)
Sonia Franco (Garrigues)
Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí (Ideograma)
Luis Arroyo (Ateneo Madrid)
Santi Zuza (Osasuna)
Gabriela Salinas (Brand Finance)
Belén Amadeo
Manuel de la source (Kreab)
Asun Soriano (Atrevia)
Pablo Zubieta (Marketing Koach)
Jerusalem Hernández Velasco (KPMG)
Toni Aira (consultant Politician)
Dolors framework (Clinica Universidad de Navarra)
Yago Sánchez-Reig (Alantra)
Sara Blázquez (The Coca-Cola Company)
Luis Tejero (AA.PP / Grayling)
Arantxa Lorenzo (network Spanish Global Compact)
Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí (Ideograma)
José Ignacio Torreblanca (The European Council on Foreign Relations)
Juan Emilio Maíllo (Telefónica)
Ana Antequera (Ebro Foods)
Lourdes Márquez (Repsol)
Jesús Álava, Indra
Silvia Albert, Comma
Luisa Alli, Ikea
Jorge Álvarez Naveiro, group Antolín
Abelardo Bethencourt, Public
Tesa Díez-Faes, Nueva Pescanova
Ignacio Granados, advisor Politico
Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí, Ideograma
Guillermo Nagore, Fundación Juan March
Maria Obispo, LLYC
Goyo Panadero, EY
Juan Rivera, FTI
Beatriz Prieto, Down Spain
Mª José Calvimontes, Managing Partner at Needo
Miquel Urmeneta, Journalist and consultant
Paco López Seoane, partner Director in MCP Group
Agustí de Uribe, President of the Uribe cabinet
Antón Álvarez, partner Director in Evercom
Nieves Serrano, Dircom at Pérez Llorca
María Martín Cirujano, Communications at Deloitte
Alfredo Gazpio, Head of Public Affairs at Danone
Pablo Zamorano, Partner at Kreab
Ana Ormaechea, Managing Partner Prodigioso Volcán
Diana Valcárcel, Dircom at UNICEF
José Luis Cantalejo, Director Internal Communication in Bankia
José Manuel Velasco, Chairman of the Global Alliance
Federico Rey, consultant of PR
Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí, partner Director in Ideograma
Verónica Fumanal, Policy Advisor
Manuel Sevillano, Director General at MERCO
22 September, Ivo Ilic, President of Gabara Strategic, London.
29 September, Luis Arroyo: President of Asesores de Comunicación Pública and member of committee advisor of the MCPC.
6 October, Antonio Cornadó: Dircom at Nuclenor.
19 October, Johanna Fawkes: Ethics and PR research, Huddersfield University.
23 October, Guzmán Garmendia: Member of Parliament in Navarre for the PSN.
2 November, Alejandro Ribadeneira: Vice President Banco Pichincha (Ecuador).
3 November, Sergio López de Arbina: consultant Político.
23 November, David García Gil: Global Senior Marketing Manager at
24 November, Jorge Marirrodriga: Editorialist in El País.
30 November, Antonio Belmonte: Dircom at Deloitte.
1 December, Teresa Mañueco: Dircom of Cepsa and acting President of Dircom.
December 15, Inma Aguilar: Journalist and political communication consultant.
22 December, Xavier Peytibi: consultant de Comunicación Política en Ideograma.
26 January, Macarena Estévez: CEO at Conento.
9 February, Antonio López: Honorary President of Dircom and member of committee advisor of the MCPC.
16 February, Jokin Bildarratz: Senator for the PNV.
19 February, Antoni Gutiérrez Rubí: Founder and Director Ideograma and awarder of the Barcelona Grants for Latin American students to study abroad.
20 September, Manuel Costa General Manager Institutional Relations, Brand and Content at Ferrovial
30 September, Carmen MateoPresident of Karyotype MH5
14 October, Rafael Laza: Head of Cabinet of the PP Deputy Secretary General for Sectorial Affairs and spokesman in the City Council of Vitoria Javier Maroto
21 October, Jesús Álava: General Manager for global digital communication and external communication in Spain at Indra.
28 October, Alejandro Domínguez: Digital Director at Apple Tree Communications
4 November, Joachim Bitterlich: Senior Advisor (European Affairs, Northern Africa)
25 November, Isabel Ramis: former student of School Communication and currently working at Acciona as Social average Manager
2 December, Francisco García Cabello: Founder and Director Human Resources Forum
16 December, Antonio López: Honorary President of Dircom
13 January, María Rosa Rotondo and Javier Valiente: Managing Partner Spain at Political Intelligence
23 January, Aram Ananyan: former Armenian Prime Minister's directadvisor
27 January, Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí: Founder and Director Ideograma and grantor of the scholarship Barcelona for Latin American students to study abroad.
17 February, Luis Aguado:, GoFundMe
11 September: Laura Ruiz de GalarretaDirector of Women's Affairs in the Community of Madrid
18 September: Isabel López TrianaIsabel López Triana, founding partner of Canvas Estrategias Sostenibles
25 September: Daniel Mehrad Fuertes, consultant in public affairs and director associate of Political Intelligence
2 October: Joaquín Mollinedo, Director General International Office of Acciona
16 October: Antonio CornadóPresident of the Spanish Nuclear Forum
23 October: Elisa MontserratDirector of Communication and development of the Museum of the University of Navarra
6 November: Narciso Michavila, Gad3
13 November: Santiago Fernández-Gubieda
20 November: Cristina Manzano, director EsGlobal
27 November: Tom Watson, academic UK
11 December: Pilar Ramón, General Manager internal communication Acciona
18 December: Gabriela SalinasGlobal Brand Manager at Deloitte
22 January: Ana HerreraCouncillor for Culture, Sport and Youth
21 January: Antonio López
5 February: Eugenio Triana, Member of Parliament at congress in 1982
11 February: Antonio Gutiérrez-Rubí
17 February: Carlos Fernández Guerra Director Digital and Social average at Iberdrola
19-09-2014. Gonzalo Pita. Mutua Madrileña Corporate Communication.
3-10-2014. Agustí de Uribe. Founder of Gabinete Uribe
10-10-2014. Antonio Cornadó. President of Foro Nuclear and the Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum.
17-10-2014. Inés García Paine. Director of Communication and Corporate Responsibility at Bankinter.
24-10-2014. David Redolí Monchón. President of the committee Directivo de la Asociación de Comunicación Política.
7-11-2014. Cristina López Mañero. Head of Cabinet of the Regional Minister of development Rural, Environment and Local Administration of the Government of Navarre.
21-11-2014. Anna Folch Filella. Director of Communication, PR and protocol at Mútua Terrassa.
28-11-2014. Jesús Ortiz Álvarez. consultant Senior at Estudio de Comunicación
5-12-2014. Luján Artola. Communication Advisor - Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies.
16-01-2015. Sandra Sotillo. Managing Director and partner of Villafañe & Asociados Consultores.
23-01-2015. Sergi Saborit Vilá. Head of Section daily EXPANSIÓN in Unit publishing house
30-01-2015. Antoni Gutiérrez Rubí. Founder and Director of business Ideograma. advisor communication and political advisor
12-02-2015. Teresa Dorn. Founder of Burson Marsteller. Communications consultant and hotelier
13-02-2015. Antonio López. Founder and Honorary President of the Institute for the Analysis of Intangibles. Honorary President of the Association of Communication Managers (Dircom). He was for many years Director of Communication at Banco Bilbao, later BBVA.
13/09/2013: Veronica Fumaral
20/09/2013: Luis Berango
4/10/2013: Jaime Olmos
11/10/2013: Julia Elizalde
18/10/2013: Rafa Laza
15/11/2013: Pablo Cabrera
22/11/2013: Ángela Paloma Martín
2/12/2013: Gisela Rubach
13/12/2013: Juan Manuel Velasco
10/01/2014: Rodrigo Abad
15/01/2014: Juan Manuel Cendoya
23/01/2014: Susana Vilas
24/01/2014: Antonio López
10/02/2014: Angel Alloza
14/02/2014: Jaume Giró
17/02/2014: Antoni Gutiérrez Rubí
13/09/2012 Jesús Álava Antón Online Account Manager of TMP WorldWide. See grade press release.
21/09/2012 Jorge Rábago Director de Telegenia del Partido Popular
27/09/2012 Alfonso Ibáñez Head of the Cabinet of Antonio Basagoiti (Partido Popular)
05/10/2012 Juan Astorqui
11/10/2012 Susana Vilas Director of Corporate Communications at Bayer Hispania
26/10/2012 Uriel Macias Head of Press, Embassy of Israel to Spain
09/11/2012 Andoni Aldekoa Deputy Mayor of Bilbao City Council
16/11/2012 Pablo Fuentes General Manager Telefónica Internal Communications - Movistar
23/11/2012 Isabel López Triana Director of Corporate Responsibility and Governance at Villafañe y Asociados Consultores
17/12/2012 Yago de Marta Expert in Public Speaking and average Training
21/12/2013 Higinio Martínez CEO of Porter Novelli for Spain and Portugal
11/01/2013 Borja Puig de la Bellacasa Chief Executive Officer at Bassat Ogilvy Comunicación
18/01/2013 Antonio Cornadó Director de Comunicación de Nuclenor
25/01/2013 Gloria Ostos Managing Partner of Ostos & Sola, institutional relations and political marketing consultancy.
01/02/2013 Carlos Hernández de Miguel International freelance reporter
15/02/2013 Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí advisor of communication, consultant political and director of Ideograma consultores
19/02/2013 Antonio López consultant communication and founder of the Spanish Association of Communication Managers Dircom
17/12/2011 Damián Cabrera partner director of Cibeles Advisors.
27/01/2012 Eugenio Martínez Bravo Managing Partner of Kreab Gavin Anderson for Spain and Portugal
21/10/2011 Pilar Lladó Director of Estudio de Comunicación
24/02/2012 Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí advisor de Comunicación y partner-director de Ideograma
10/02/2012 Antonio López Honorary President of the Institute for the Analysis of Intangibles and of Dircom
10/09/2011 Fernando Soteras Crisis management expert
23/09/2011 Víctor Sánchez and Enrique Pascual Managing Partners of Image Group
30/09/2011 Javier Valiente Country manager of Political Intelligence See grade press release
07/10/2011 Joaquín Ortigosa advisor of the President of Navarre
21/10/2011 Luis Arroyo President of ACOP
28/10/2011 Juan Cardona Chief Operation Officer of the Centre For Reputation Leadership
12/01/2012 Luis Gallardo Director Deloitte's Global Communications and Branding Practice
24/11/2011 Aitor Ugarte Assistant to General Manager of Madrid Salud.
04/11/2011 Adolfo Corujo partner of Llorente & Cuenca and director senior of its Online Communication department .
02/12/2011 Carlos Lareau partner director of Conduit Market Engineers.
10/12/2011 Jesús Arroyo Director of Communication of the Foundation and Obra Social La Caixa.
12/01/2012 Delfina Pérez Coordinator of department Communication, Marketing and Research at Banco Santander.
28/11/2011 Antonio Cornadó Director Communication and Institutional Relations of Nuclenor
24/02/2012 Cristina Gallach Head of Communication and Information at committee European
30/09/2011 Javier Valiente Country manager of Political Intelligence. See grade press release
12/12/2010 Jesús Zorrilla Director of CUN Communication.
20/11/2010 Xavi Roig advisor of the President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce and of the Dean of the Architects' Association of Barcelona
29/10/2010 Enrique Sueiro Director of Science Communication at the University of Navarra.
22/10/2010 Gabriela Salinas Global Brand Manager of Deloitte.
18/10/2010 Borja Puig de la Bellacasa CEO of Bassat Ogilvy.
15/10/2010 Antonio Cornadó Director Nuclenor Communications.
08/10/2010 Gloria Ostos Partner-Director of OstosSola.
José Manuel Velasco, Director General Manager of Communication and Institutional Relations of FCC and Chairman of Dircom. Sebastián Cebrián, Director General of Dircom.
15/09/2010 Sofía Collantes Head of the Cabinet of the Presidency of the Basque Parliament.
19/12/2010 María Rosa Rotondo Partner-Director of the Madrid office of Political Intelligence and President of APRI.
09/12/2010 José Antonio Gallego Social average Manager of BBVA, President of AERCO.
23/09/2011 Victor Sánchez and Enrique Pascual Managing Partners of Image Group
14/09/2011 Fernando Soteras Expert in crisis management.
03/03/2011 Nicholas Bray Head of OECD Media Relations department .
22/02/2011 Carlos Pérez Beruete Director BBVA Corporate Identity and Innovation.
18/02/2011 Teresa Abascal Partner-Director of Abascal Comunicación.
04/02/2011 Ángel Losada Director de Comunicación de la Junta Castilla y León.
21/01/2011 Pablo Fuentes Director Telefónica's internal communications in Latin America.
17/12/2010 Antonio López Honorary President of the Institute of Intangibles Analysis and Dircom.
21/10/2010 Antonio Gutiérrez-Rubí advisor of Communication and partner-director of Ideograma.
09/09/2010 Manuel Costa Director Corporate Social Responsibility and Institutional Relations of Ferrovial.
26/02/2010 Javier Zuloaga Director de Comunicación de la Obra Social de La Caixa.
18/11/2009 Teresa García Cisneros and Tony Noel Founders and managing partners of the agency Ketchum SEIS.
13/11/2009 Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí advisor de comunicación. Director de Ideograma.
06/11/2009 Sofía Fernández de Mesa Director of Reputation and Corporate Responsibility at Telefónica.
23/10/2009 Jordi Segarra and Álex Terés Managing Partners of the Communication Consultancy Segarra-Terés.
16/10/2009 Alfonso López-Tello Director Communication & Image of PricewaterhouseCoopers.
09/10/2009 Antonio Cornadó Director Nuclenor Communications.
02/10/2009 Benito Berceruelo CEO of the Estudio de Comunicación consultancy firm.
25/09/2010 Félix Carmona advisor Institutional of the President of the Government of Navarre.
20/11/2009 Sara Blázquez Managing Director of Burson Marsteller.
04/12/2009 Antonio Núñez Expert in Storytelling.
12/02/2011 Antonio López Honorary President of the Instituto de Análisis de Intangibles and of the Asociación de Directivos de Comunicación.
05/02/2010 David Córdova partner director of Vinces Consulting.
01/02/2010 César Martínez President of MAS Consulting Group.
29/01/2010 Jaume Duch Director Media and Spokesperson of the European Parliament.
22/01/2010 Gabriela Salinas Global Brand Manager at Deloitte and expert in strategic brand management.
15/01/2010 Jesús Díaz Director of Media Relations at the University of Navarra.
15/12/2009 Antonio Sola consultant politician and partner director de Ostos y Sola.
11/12/2009 Fernando Soteras department de Infraestructura y Seguimiento para Situaciones de Crisis (Dissc) de la Presidencia del Gobierno.
Jorge Rábago Director of department of Telegenia of the Partido Popular. consultant political.
26/09/2008 Sylvia Carrasco Director of Masclaro Comunicación.
30/01/2009 Antonio López President of the Institute for the Analysis of Intangibles and honorary president of Dircom.
23/01/2009 Ferrán Tarradellas Spokesman for the Energy Commissioner at the European Commission
20/01/2009 Jesús Echeverría Director of communications of Inditex
16/01/2008 Fernando Soteras Head of the Strategic Analysis Area at the department de Infraestructura y Seguimiento para Situaciones de Crisis (DISSC) of the Presidency of the Government, in Madrid.
09/01/2008 Rodrigo Cepeda Head of Analysis and Documentation of the Prince of Asturias Foundation
05/12/2008 Nazareth Echart Head of Cabinet of the Family and Social Services Area of Madrid City Council.
05/11/2008 José Fernández-Álava Director of Communication and Institutional Relations of the Instituto de business Familiar.
21/11/2008 Alberto Baltanás Head of Internal Corporate Communications at group Santander.
14/11/2008 José Antonio Irisarri partner Founder and CEO/Director General Manager of Savia, Creaciones Publicitarias S.L.
07/11/2008 Juan Antonio Villanueva Director de comunicación de Madrid 2016
31/10/2008 Antoni Gutiérrez-Rubí advisor de comunicación Ideograma
24/10/2008 Luis Arroyo President of Asesores de Comunicación Pública
21/10/2008 William Ostick Press attaché at the US Embassy in Spain.
10/10/2008 Salvador Aumedes Director General Manager of Bassat Ogilvy Comunicación.
03/10/2008 Francisco Polo Director general manager of Llorente&Cuenca.
06/02/2009 Carlos Lareau Founder and partner director of Conduit Market Engineers.
18/09/2008 Jean Folkerts Dean of the School of Journalism & Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
14/12/2007 Luisa Alli Communications Director of Vocento.
11/01/2008 Hans Brunmayr Former Director Press Officer of the committee of the European Union.
15/01/2008 Fritz Cropp Director of international programmes at the University of Missouri School of Journalism.
18/01/2008 Andrés Margallo Co-founder and partner of MBN Consultores.
28/01/2008 Antonio Sola partner director de Ostos & Sola Comunicación
29/01/2007 David Madí i Cendrós Spokesman and director of campaign of CiU.
01/02/2008 Josep Catllá Director general manager of Weber Shandwick in Spain.
08/02/2008 José Ramón Caso CEO of Ketchum Lenci Public Affairs.
05/12/2007 Begoña Quesada Head of International Office of the Prince of Asturias Foundation.
23/11/2007 Maite Cunchillos Director of communication and spokesperson for the Audiencia Nacional.
28/09/2007 Carlos Paniagua President of Paniagua Consultores. Founder and vice-president of ADECEC.
05/10/2007 Antonio Cornadó Director NUCLENOR communications. Member of the Communications Committee of the Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum and Spanish representative on the Joint Information Committee.
10/11/2007 María Gil de Antuñano Director of Communications and Corporate Affairs for CEMEX España.
19/10/2007 Cristobal Fernández Director of the Public Awareness Area of Burson-Marsteller.
26/10/2007 Roberto Rodríguez Director Communication and Institutional Relations group Amma
02/11/2007 Paul Lutzker consultant politician and Vice President of PM International
09/11/2007 Juan Díez Nicolás President of Análisis Sociológicos, Económicos y Políticos (ASEP). board member del committee advisor del Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS)
16/11/2007 Miguel Robledo Director de comunicación de Mutua Madrileña.
15/02/2008 Rose Marie Losier Director General of the Association of Communication Managers (Dircom)
30/09/2006 Rafael Alvira PhD in Philosophy, Full Professor of the University of Navarra. Founder and Director of the Institute "business y Humanismo" of the University of Navarra.
09/02/2007 Daniel Ureña partner Director of Mas Consulting Group in Spain.
19/01/2007 Luis Gallardo Director Global Communications and Public Relations at Deloitte.
19/01/2007 Mike Granatt Ex-Director General of the Information and Communication Service of the British Government. consultant of the London-based company Luther Pendragon.
12/01/2007 Marcos Magaña consultant politician. partner Director of No-Line Worldwide.
09/01/2007 Carlos Hernández-Lahoz coordinator General of the Prince of Asturias Foundation.
05/12/2006 Mercedes Simarro Director of the Health Division at Weber Shandwick.
05/12/2006 Sylvia Carrasco General Manager of "MásClaroComunicación".
24/11/2006 Marta García Gastaminza Information Assistant and María José del Olmo, Information Resource Center of The Embassy of the United States of America, Madrid.
22/10/2006 Roberto Izurieta Director of Latin American Projects, at GSPM, The George Washington University.
10/10/2006 Jordi Ballera Deputy General Manager and Director of Research and Public Affairs, Edelman (Madrid).
03/10/2006 Carlos Lareau Founder and partner Director of Conduit Market Engineers. Former CEO of Burson Marsteller.
27/10/2006 Luis Ángel Sanz de la Tajada Senior Associate Professor of the Complutense University and board member of the board Directive of the association de Directivos de Comunicación (DirCom).
20/10/2006 Teresa Dorn Founder of Burson Marsteller in Spain and Director of the company.
13/10/2006 Antonio Sola partner Director de Ostos & Sola.
06/10/2006 Cristina López Mañero Director of Communication and Head of the Office of the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Navarre.
26/02/2007 José Antonio Lisbona Chairman and CEO of Citigate Sanchis. President of ADECEC.
08/02/2006 Jesús Echeverría Director of Communications of Inditex
08/02/2006 Fernando Mugarza Director Communication and Public Affairs Novartis Pharmaceuticals, Spain
20/01/2006 Mercedes Pescador Managing Director of Medialuna Comunicación
13/01/2006 Gregorio Panadero Director Global Communications at Deloitte
15/12/2005 Marta García Gastaminza Information Assistant and María José del Olmo, Information Resource Center of The Embassy of the United States of America, Madrid
09/12/2005 Hans Brunmayr Director Press Officer of the EU committee
25/11/2005 Adrián Cordero Director de Comunicación del Instituto de business Familiar. Director General of the Institute for the Analysis of Intangibles.
11/11/2005 Alfonso Ibáñez Director of Tecna Comunicación
04/10/2005 Asun Soriano Director of Inforpress Madrid
28/10/2005 Agustí de Uribe-Salazar Former president of ADECEC. Associate Dean of high school of Publicists and PR of Catalonia.
21/10/2005 Rodrigo Abad Director of the Corporate & Financial Division of Edelman Public Relations Worldwide
13/10/2005 Francisco Pascual Ambassador of Spain to the Republic of Kazakhstan
07/10/2005 Andoni Larrucea Director Communication of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park
30/09/2005 Gabriel Cortina Ostos & Sola, Communication Advisors
23/09/2005 Antonio Cornadó Director de Comunicación de NUCLENOR
22/02/2005 Gregorio Panadero Director de Comunicación de Deloitte
22/02/2005 Graciano García Director of the Prince of Asturias Foundation
11/02/2005 Carlos Lareau President of Burson-Marsteller Europe and COO of the same business worldwide. President of the International Communications Consultants Organisation (ICCO).
04/02/2005 Javier Martín Cavanna Director de la Fundación Codespa
02/02/2005 Javier Bardají Director de Coordinación Multimedia del group Vocento
21/01/2005 Gonzalo Alzueta General Manager of the communication agency and advertising TECNA
14/01/2005 José Luis Sanchís President of Citigate Sanchis
17/12/2004 Nuria Vilanova General Manager of Inforpress
10/12/2004 Antonio Virgili Rodríguez Head of the Cabinet of the Regional Minister for the Economy and Public Administration of the Government of the Principality of Asturias
28/11/2004 Roberto Izurieta Director of Latin American Projects, in the GSPM, The George Washington University
26/11/2004 Miguel Robledo Creator of the department de Telegenia del Partido Popular and expert in electoral processes.
28/10/2004 Adrián Cordero Director de Comunicación del Instituto de la business Familiar. Director General of the Institute for the Analysis of Intangibles.
28/10/2004 Richard Figueroa Cultural Attaché of the American Embassy in Madrid
21/10/2004 Juan Rivera Head of Communications of Caja Navarra
15/10/2004 Antonio Cornadó Director de Comunicación de NUCLENOR
08/10/2004 Agustí de Uribe-Salazar Ex-president of ADECEC. Associate Dean of high school of Publicists and PR of Catalonia.
01/10/2004 Joaquín Ortigosa Head of Communications of the Government of Navarre
24/09/2004 Patxi Arratibel Director of the Communication Agency "Signos de Identidad" (San Sebastián)
International Advisory Board
In addition to the Steering Committee, the main management body, the Master's in Political and Corporate Communication (MCPC) has a committee advisor made up of executives from prestigious companies in the sector in the fields of political and corporate communication, which meets at least once a year with the members of the Steering Committee.
Its tasks include:
Advise the Master's management on the quality of Study program in terms of content and methodology.
To make proposals for the improvement of the programme in response to the needs of the labour market and new trends.
Suggest activities, actions and strategies in the short and medium term for the positioning of the Master in the market.
Help to provide Materials teaching materials, case studies, etc., to assist in the training of students.
Facilitate contacts for the collaboration of other people or organisations with the Master.
Promote lines of work in relation to alumni.
Ángel Alloza - CEO and University Secretaryof Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Leadership
Carmen Basagoiti - President of Harmon Corporate Affairs.
Abelardo Bethencourt - Co-founder and director general manager of Ernest.
Sara Blázquez - Communications Director at Coca-Cola Iberia.
Adrián Cordero - consultantin Communication, Reputation and Public Affairs.
Antonio Cornadó - partnerDirector of Cornadó y Asociados. Former President of the Spanish Nuclear Industry Forum.
Manuel Costa - Senior Director of Operations and External Affairs - Berklee College of Music (Valencia Campus).
Teresa Dorn - Member of committeeadvisor external, and formerly CEO, at Burson-Marsteller Spain.
Jerusalem Hernández Velasco - Partner Sustainability and Corporate Governance at KPMG Spain.
Miguel López-Quesada - President of the association de Directivos de Comunicación (Dircom).
Isabel López Triana - Co-founder and Managing Director of Canvas Estrategias Sostenibles.
Goyo Panadero - Brand, Marketing and Communications Director at EY Spain.
David Redoli - coordinatorInstitutional Relations at Solaria Energía y Medio Ambiente.
María Rosa Rotondo - Managing Partner in Spain and Portugal of Political Intelligence. Former President of APRI (association of Institutional Relations Professionals).
Laura Ruiz de Galarreta - Director of Communications and Institutional Relations at IKEA Spain.
Gabriela Salinas - Global Managing Director, Brand Finance
Collaborating entities
An independent, non-profit organisation, founded in January 1991 by group of professionals, representatives of the main Public Relations consultancy firms in Spain.
The companies that make up ADC carry out activities in the field of Public Relations and speech, not only in Spain but also internationally. ADC, as a representative of the sector, has as its mission mission statement to dignify the profession of the people who work in it and to contribute to the growth of public relations internship in Spain.
A non-profit professional organisation that brings together the communication managers of the most important companies and institutions in Spain, as well as the heads of communication consultancies. Its mission is to promote the recognition of communication and the communication professional as a strategic function for development and business and institutional management.
The association is a member of the Spanish Confederation of Directors and Executives (CEDE) and is a founding member of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management.
ACOP was launched in April 2005 with the aim of providing a forum for the exchange of knowledge, opinions and experiences on the research and practice of political communication. goal . Its members include researchers and teachers of prolific work, and political communication professionals who work in political parties, public administrations and private consultancy.