The Master's programme in Political and Corporate Communication is designed to make communication an appropriate and indispensable instrument with which organisations from all over subject fulfil their objectives and serve society.
The profession requires the implementation not only of technical skills but also of a broad knowledge of the context of institutions and the changing environment of society and citizens as voters, clients and users. The communication professional, as the organisation's mediator with its publics, has become a person who performs fundamental tasks: interpreting the environment, analysing its trends and helping to articulate messages and actions to establish fruitful communicative relationships with governments, employees, shareholders, journalists, voters, customers, etc.
The six modules of the programme aim to offer student a broad vision of the different aspects that make up the communicative management of institutions, both in their theoretical foundations and in their practical aspects. These modules have a set content that appears on report and that we translate into different subjects in order to follow the academic and organisational criteria required by current university regulations.
Consequently, Study program is distributed in a logical sequence similar to a strategic communication plan.
Modules of the Study program
Each subject is integrated into a subject which in turn is part of a module.
The first module, Analysis of the Environment, provides the foundations for student to acquire analytical and interpretative skills, as well as criteria for selecting information on social, cultural, political and economic reality.
subject/subject 1. Socio-Political and Media Context(More information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Carlos Barrera
Critical analysis of the concept of public opinion and the interrelation between the power of the media and other powers in public life, the different resulting information systems, and the challenges presented by the new media.
2.- Keys for the political analysis and main systems of operation of the institutions in their different levels: local, national, European, supranational and international.
3.- Analysis of the social reality and the dominant collective behaviors from a sociological perspective.
4.- framework normative of communication campaigns: right to information, right to honor and privacy, issues related to electoral legislation. Regulation and self-regulation.
5.- Truth and disinformation
subject/subject 2. business Reputation and Sustainability(More information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Mónica Recalde
1.- management of intangibles and their measurement.
2.- To analyze and evaluate the main purposes and interests of the companies in themselves and in relation to their environments.
3.- Business organization: characteristics and functioning of markets.
4.- Principles and objectives of development sustainable
5.- Ethical conflicts and good practice of the profession.
6.- Requirements in subject of information transparency and consistency of companies (especially in listed companies) and institutions.
subject/subject 3. Fundamentals of Organizational Communication(More information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Mónica Recalde
1.- Fundamental concepts to understand the principles of institutional communication and the relationship between institution and public.
Rhetorical resources in the design of messages and speeches, both oral and written, because communication involves personal relationships, so it is essential the knowledge of rhetorical tools that facilitate understanding and the sharing of ideas, either through meetings or public speeches.
3.- Ethical dilemmas of communication through practical cases such as conflicts of interest, persuasion and manipulation or trust in communicative relationships.
Truth and disinformation
5.- Fundamental techniques of writing and storytelling as a narrative tool within institutional communication
To understand human behavior in organizations through the study of psychology.
subject/subject 4. Methods of social research (More information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Mónica Recalde
1.- Available methodological techniques, both quantitative and qualitative, to investigate the environment, to know the attitudes and opinions of the people to whom our communication is addressed.
2.- Main characteristics of the social research in the field of Communication
3.- Elaboration of plans for research
Techniques and tactics of digital analytics and big data.
The second module, Management and Planning, deals with core topic aspects of strategic communication management, and provides knowledge on how to organise certain areas such as internal communication and how to handle crisis situations. In addition, all the aspects covered are studied and applied in terms of sectors: public and international institutions, companies, political parties, etc.
subject/subject 1. Strategies(More information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Mónica Recalde
1.- Contributions of the different schools and authors to the vision of the concept of strategy.
2.- Elements involved in the management of organizations, especially the figure of director of communication in the general management structure and its tasks of management.
Elaboration of a communication strategy, both internal and external: definition of goals and objectives, audiences and messages, the management of the times and of the budget...
4.- design, selection and distribution of a paid media campaign.
5.-Crisis and risk prevention and communication management ; instruments to manage crises of confidence or negative public perceptions.
subject/subject 2. Communication by Sectors(More Information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Carlos Barrera
1.- Main communication strategies and tools in electoral processes. Local, national and international campaigns.
2.- Strategies used by public administrations in communicating with citizens.
3.- Specific communication of the institutions of the European Union and the political, economic and social lobbying that takes place in them.
4.- Main corporate and financial communication strategies.
5.- Deontology of the political and corporate communication professional.
subject/subject 3. Public Affairs
coordinator Academic: Dr. Carlos Barrera
1.- Steps followed in the legislative processes for the approval of legal norms at state, autonomous community or local level.
2.- Lobbying in the different institutions of the European Union: peculiar characteristics and influence on the legislation of the member states.
3.- Fundamental principles present in the public affairs management function for any organization.
4.- design of campaigns for social mobilization and awareness-raising on specific issues and causes.
5. Deontology of the Public Affairs professional
6.- Ethical conflicts and good practice of the profession.
The third module, Execution, offers two common ways in which messages are conveyed: informative and persuasive tools. The design of messages and actions is only useful when they are disseminated to our audiences through multiple and diverse channels.
subject/subject 1. Information Tactics(More information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Carlos Barrera
1.- training of spokespersons. In addition to explaining the main elements to effectively prepare debates and speeches, real examples from the political and business world are analyzed.
2.- Relations with the media and the basic rules to make the information provided to journalists effective and credible. News styles, news creation and strategies to deal with negative information.
3.- New technologies, social networks and their role in the design of projects or campaigns in the fields of political communication, corporate communication and public affairs.
4.- Principles of protocol and the organization of different events and acts.
5.- Freedom of expression and professional responsibility.
subject/subject 2. Persuasive Tactics(More information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Mónica Recalde
1.- programs of study Market, segmentation of audiences and study of their profiles for a more effective and targeted planning.
2.- Main methods and systems to organize the creative process and the role of creativity in the implementation of communication plans in internship .
3.- Advertising campaigns: creativity, reach, effectiveness, etc.
4.- New perspectives in the marketing field with the use of online media.
5.- Fundamental principles and techniques for the creation of an effective visual language.
6.- Truth and disinformation.
The fourth module is the name of the programme that students take at the Graduate School of Political Management (GSPM) at George Washington University in the US capital for four weeks. There, they receive theoretical and practical training in subjects related to political communication and lobbying from GSPM professors and other professionals.
subject/subject: GSPM Four Week Program(More information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Carlos Barrera
1.- Political communication in the United States: context, strategies and tools for electoral campaigns and government communication.
Lobbying in the United States: differential characteristics and strategies for its efficient internship
3.- Analysis of electoral, government and lobbying campaigns.
4.- Practical strategy simulation workshops
The fifth module corresponds to the Professional Internships that each student carries out, during the last three months of the programme, at Departments in communication or public affairs in companies and organisations of various kinds, political parties, communication consultancies, public institutions, etc. This is a real immersion in the professional fields for which the Master's prepares students.
subject/subject: Internships(More information)
coordinator Academic: Dr. Carlos Barrera
Professional internships in communication companies (agencies, consultancies and others dedicated to political, corporate and public affairs communication) or in Departments communication companies, organizations and institutions.
The Master's Thesis module appears as a transversal module. Groups of five or six students form a consultancy firm that designs a communication project for specific real clients with specific needs. In this way, students have the opportunity to integrate the knowledge they acquire throughout the Master's degree in a professional project that reproduces the usual working conditions.
subject/subject: work End of Master's Degree(More info)
coordinator Academic: Dra. Elena Gutiérrez
- Resolution internship of a political, corporate or public affairs communication case with a real client in which all the knowledge acquired in the program modules must be applied.
- design of a plan of assessment in its different stages: research, planning, execution and assessment.
During this 10-month programme, students undertake two international placements:
At the end of autumn, students will spend a week in Brussels to study subject speech and Lobbying in the European Union.
Then, during the month of March, the teachings of Master's Degree take place in Washington, where the module Four Week Program is held.
From April onwards, students begin their curricular internships in companies. At the end of June in Madrid, the defences of the TFM are held and the graduation is celebrated.
The main characteristics of the MCPC are as follows:
- Joint training and multidisciplinary in political and corporate communication and institutional relations.
- The importance given to the phases of analysis and planning of communication strategies, considered as elements core topic.
- Methods based on interactivity and prior preparation of the topics by the students through cases, readings, public presentations, etc.
- University rigour in the fundamentals together with its purely professional and practical orientation.
- Requirement of exclusive dedication in person.
- International dimension in its program, faculty, activities and student body.
Regular class sessions are held from Monday to Thursday, from September to February, in the postgraduate program building at Campus in Madrid.
Every Friday morning, special sessions are held in the form of talks -colloquium- with professionals from the sector who share their work experiences in many different areas of the profession.
The variety of profiles and perspectives provided by the special sessions as a whole is a highly enriching complement to the learning in the regular sessions.
Development of communication campaigns or strategies throughout the period professor in Madrid, following the dynamics of the first three modules of analysis, planning and execution. They are based on real cases or situations and each group is regularly advised by a Master's lecturer.
In this subject the instruments, techniques and tools taught in the subjects are put into practice. At the end of June, the projects are presented publicly before a panel of Master's lecturers and professionals from the sector, to which the clients for whom they have worked are also invited.
Students are assessed by the teachers in the different subjects of Study program that they teach.
The overall evaluation of the Master's Degree is obtained through the weightedaverage resulting from the grades of each subject, proportionally to the number of credits they have.
The attendance and participation in the Master's activities is compulsory (classes and sessions with guests), and in order not to be penalised in the grade of the subjects, only those absences that are governed by professional criteria or the usual rules and regulations (e.g. illness) will be justified.
attend Regardless of the reasons, student must attend 80% of the total number of classes and sessions of the master's degree in order to obtain the degree. Likewise, 80% of the attendance to the activities of the Madrid period (September to February) is also required to be able to take the modules at George Washington University and the internship.
The projects constitute the Master's Final Project and aim to reproduce the professional dynamics of communication consultancy.
With the development of the different projects, students put into practice the knowledge, skills, competences and techniques that they have been studying throughout the different modules and subjects. Working as consultants for a real client, they devise and design a project for specific organisations.
As these are real communication plans, previously specified by the Master's management of agreement with the institutions, companies or organisations involved, the aim is for the students to adopt a professional behaviour in reflection, research, elaboration and decision making.
In addition to some previous theoretical sessions on Project Management, each group is advised by a professional of the sector who follows the whole process of elaboration of the project.
Finally, in June, the projects are publicly presented before a panel of Master's lecturers and professionals from the sector.
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Degree
- Rules and regulations of permanence in the programs of study of Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Degree
- Rules and regulations of credit recognition for Master's Degree
- Rules and regulations of Credit Recognition for Technician of training Profesional
- Rules and regulations University Basics
- Rules and regulations general about assessment