Equality training
Focused online course
100% online
Friendly and flexible environment.
24/7 access, at your own pace
From May 5th to 30th.
Registration from
March 31 to April 28.
4 weeks
50 hours (2 ECTS credit)
This course joins the educational initiatives developed by the University of Navarra to continue advancing on the road to equality.
The University of Navarra is fully committed to this value, which is why we have developed a course that seeks to develop awareness-raising and training actions in this area subject.
Based on experience, the rigour of research and an interdisciplinary vision, a programme has been designed that allows access to questions core topic in equality training.
It also provides the basis for training in this field for the elaboration of the equality plan in organisations.
Get your certificate University of Navarra of training in Equality
Why do an equality training course?
Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution enshrines the principle of equality of all Spanish citizens before the law, without any discrimination on the grounds, among others, of sex. Equality - and therefore non-discrimination on grounds of sex - is a fundamental principle enshrined in our Constitution and in European Union law.
But formal equality (as established by rules and regulations) is one thing; real or effective equality is another. It cannot be denied that much has been achieved, but there is still a long way to go. Equality training provides many keys to detecting discriminatory situations in different areas and raising awareness of the lack of effective equality of opportunities between women and men. It is also a prerequisite for achieving the goals at subject of sustainable growth, competitiveness, employment and social cohesion (SDGs 8 and 10).
Equality training and Equality Plans
Royal Decree-Law 6/2019, of 1 March, incorporates very significant changes in subject of equality plans: among them, it makes it compulsory for all companies with fifty or more employees to draw up and implement an equality plan.
Equality plans must have an ordered set of measures. The first phase, the diagnosis phase, requires, among other things, equality training. This training is divided into:
training The initial training in equality that must be acquired by all persons participating in the elaboration of the equality plan.
training in raising awareness of equality between women and men. This training must be received, first and foremost, by the managers and middle management of business.
training in equality addressed to all the workers of a business.
Equality training is a prerequisite for obtaining the equality label in companies.
In addition, accreditation of this training will be progressively required for access to certain public contracts, tenders and public subsidies.
Why a course on Equality given by the University of Navarra?
The University of Navarra is committed to the promotion of equal opportunities between women and men as a means to build a more just and democratic society. In this context, the group from research in Recent History of the School of Philosophy and Letters of the University of Navarra (GIHRE) has been developing for several years a line of research at programs of study on Women. More than twelve researchers work for promote the visibility of the female contribution in all scientific fields.
A large part of this research is transferred to society through publications and courses at training. In 2021, the III edition of the online course programs of study on women was held.
In addition, at partnership with the network WINNIn addition, at , it seeks to reward works that provide original knowledge on relevant female figures of the contemporary world or that delve into the contributions made by women to current civilization and culture through the call for papers. award International ERNESTINA DE CHAMPOURCINwhich celebrated its VIII edition in 2021.