
group for Research in Recent History (GIHRE)

group for Research in Recent History (GIHRE)

© Bogdan Jankowski

The University of Navarra's group de investigación en historia reciente (GIHRE) is an interdisciplinary platform created by researchers interested in the 20th and 21st centuries.

Born out of the conviction that sharing and contrasting opinions and results is the way to improve research in humanistic disciplines and social sciences, it aims to promote them through collaboration and discussion between researchers at the University of Navarra and other universities.

The main researcher is Dr. Pablo Pérez López, Full Professor of contemporary history.


Lines of research

We work on the processes that led from dictatorship to democracy in Spain, to its new international role, and also on aspects of comparative history. It has hosted the project funded research project "The government of Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo" and is currently hosting the project "Profiles of the political centre (1976-1986)".


  • Dr. Carolina Cerrano. University of Montevideo

  • Dr. Jaime Cosgaya García. University of Valladolid

  • Dr. Onésimo Díaz Hernández. University of Navarra

  • Dr. Anna Dulska. University of Navarra

  • Dr. Rafael Escobedo Romero. University of Navarra

  • Dr. Álvaro Ferrary Ojeda. University of Navarra

  • Dr. Mariano González Clavero. International University of La Rioja

  • Dr. Carlos González Martínez. University of Valladolid

  • Dr. Pablo Hispán Iglesias de Ussel. CEU San Pablo University

  • Dr. Jorge Lafuente del Cano. University of Valladolid

  • Dr. Santiago Martínez Sánchez. University of Navarra(CV)

  • Dr. Javier Marrodán Ciordia. University of Navarra

  • Dr. Pedro Pablo Ortúñez Goicolea. University of Valladolid

  • Dr. José-Vidal Pelaz López. University of Valladolid

  • Dr. Gema Pérez Herrera

  • Dr. Pablo Pérez López. University of Navarra(CV)

  • Dr. Ignacio Uría Rodríguez. University of Navarra 

  • Dr. Jesús María Zaratiegui. University of Navarra

In training:

  • Alfonso Aparicio. University of Navarra.

  • Darío Díaz Miguel. University of Valladolid

  • María Jiménez Ramos. University of Navarra

  • Santiago de Navascués. University of Navarra

  • Itziar Reguero Sanz. University of Valladolid

  • Salvador Sánchez Tapia. University of Navarra

  • Ana María Velasco Molpeceres. University of Valladolid

We work on women as protagonists of history, from very different angles: history (of labour, politics, science, medicine), literature, law, education, economics and geography.

The project Genovifem is currently underway, dedicated to promote the visibility of women's contribution in all scientific fields through:

  • Interdisciplinary research and teaching;

  • Participation in national and European research and teaching networks;

  • The promotion of studies in this field, through the award Ernestina de Champourcin.


  • Dr. Inmaculada Alva Rodríguez. University of Navarra                       

  • Dr. María Blanco Fernández. University of Navarra

  • Dr. Silvia Carrascal. Complutense University.

  • Dr. Marta Carrasco. Camilo José Cela University.

  • Dr. Ana Choperena. University of Navarra.

  • Dr. María Crespo Garrido. University of Alcalá de Henares

  • Dr. María Cruz Díaz de Terán Velasco. University of Navarra (IP)   

  • Dr. Ana Paz Garibo Peyro. University of Valencia.

  • Dr. María Hernández-Sampelayo. King Juan Carlos University.

  • Dr. María López Vallecillo. University of Valladolid    

  • Dr. Mercedes Montero Díaz. University of Navarra     

  • Dr. Julia Pavón. University of Navarra             

  • Dr. Mª Helena Vales-Villamarín Navarro. International University of La Rioja.

We work on the history of the University of Navarra and on the conservation and study of the documentary collections deposited in its general file , a rich collection that continues to grow.

  • Dr. Yolanda Cagigas Ocejo. University of Navarra

  • Dr. Pablo Pérez López. University of Navarra(CV)

  • Dr. Enrique Reina. University of Navarra


Women's Studies

certificate of the ruling of award Ernestina de Champourcin 2024


1. The group of research in recent history of the University of Navarra (GIHRE) and the Redwinn (ICS) announce theErnestina de Champourcin award to promote programs of study on women.

2. This award is intended to:

a) To award works that provide original knowledge on relevant female figures of the contemporary world.

b) To reward works that deepen the contributions made by women to current civilization and culture.

3. Papers will always be of academic and scientific content, rigorous in method and sources. They must be unpublished and have a length of more than 15,000 words. Master's Degree theses or doctoral thesis defended in the same year or the year prior to the call for the award are accepted.

4. The presentation period will begin on March 8, 2025 and will end on May 15 of the same year.

5. In the first pages of the original, or annexed to it, the author's personal data and a brief curriculum of no more than one page in length shall be included.

6. The originals shall be submitted typed or printed and also in a single copy in electronic version. Printed originals should be delivered by hand or sent by mail to:

group of research in recent history (GIHRE)
Ismael Sánchez Bella Building
University of Navarra
31009 Pamplona (Spain)

The copy in electronic format (pdf, rtf, doc or compatible) will be sent to

7. The jury will be composed of 4 university professors, at least 3 of them members of the GIHRE and Redwinn, chaired by its director or the person he/she delegates. Its composition will be made public at the time of the award. Their decisions will be final.

8. The jury may choose to select a single work as the winner, declare two winners ex-aequo, select a winner and one or two runners-up, or declare it void.

9. The jury will decide on the awards within three months after the deadline for presentation of works. The decision will be made public on the GIHRE website.

10. Non-awarded works will not be returned to their authors; they will be destroyed after the jury's decision.

11. The financial award is 1.000 €. The possible publication of the work is contemplated once it has been reviewed by the specialists designated by the GIHRE and the publishing house that receives it.




Aplicaciones anidadas


Democratisation processes in recent history


Pablo Pérez López (coord.). transcript: "El centro político en la Transición", in Historia del Presente 36 (2020), with articles by members of the GIHRE:

  • Pablo Pérez López and José Vidal Pelaz. "UCD y la Ley de Autonomía Universitaria: una misión imposible (1977-1982)" ;

  • Jorge Lafuente Cano "La cuestión europea en los gobiernos de UCD: la negociación económica y política con Italia";

  • Gema Pérez Herrera "Los meses core topic del Estatuto de Cataluña: su negociación y tramitación en 1979";

  • Jaime Cosgaya. "Antonio Fontán and the Autonomous State. A failed political gamble". 

Andrés Sánchez Padilla The "friends" of the United States: the transformation of U.S. cultural diplomacy in Spain (1865-1900). American Nineteenth Century History 21(3): 283-300. DOI:

María Jiménez Ramos:

Anna Katarzyna Dulska (2020) Urban Jewish heritage and its (in)visibility: perspectives from Navarre, Spain, Journal of Heritage Tourism.


GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, C., "Instituciones históricas y cambio político: el restablecimiento de la Generalitat de Cataluña (1977)", in Historia Contemporánea 53 (2016).


JIMÉNEZ RAMOS, M. (2019). Victims of terrorism in Spain and Northern Ireland: selection dynamics during the "years of lead" and reparation policies.. Arbor, 195 (792): a511.

MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, S.,"¿Canes mudos? Los obispos españoles ante la represión franquista durante la Guerra Civil española", Historia y Política, 33 (January-June 2015), pp. 241-273.

DE NAVASCUÉS, S., (2019) A discussion on Spain's regions in Franco's times: the Spanish federal council of the European movement through Salvador de Madariaga's correspondence, History of European Ideas, DOI.


  • The pontificate of John Paul II and his time Scripta Theologica 2019-04 | journal-article DOI: 10.15581/

  • Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo y la Transición exterior la prioridad europea Pablo Pérez López [1] ; Jorge Lafuente del Cano [2] [1] University of Navarra [2] University of Valladolid Location: Arbor: Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura, ISSN 0210-1963, Nº 769 (September-October 2014), 2014


  • "Indicative planning in Spain (1964-1975)", International Journal of Business Administration, vol. 25 (2) (2015), pp. 33-43.

  • "Political and business pressures in the framework of the negotiation process for Spain's entrance into the EEC (c. 1962-1968)", Research in Economic History, vol. 12 (3), (2016), pp. 181-190. Ranking

  • "Recepción en España de la declaración Dignitatis Humanae (del concilio Vaticano II)", in Diacronie, 2016, vol. 26 (2), 24 pp.

  • "Reception in Spain of the deliberations on the declaration of religious freedom, Dignitatis Humane", yearbook de Historia de la Iglesia, vol. 25, (2016), pp. 207-237. ICRC classification: A

  • "Ethics to the rescue of the economy?", Journal Market Processes, vol. 15 (2015), pp. 231-251.



GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ, C., Salvador Sánchez-Terán, un político de la Transición, Visionnetm 2017


  • In the struggle for Basque autonomy. La situación política y económico-management assistant de la Diputación de Álava (1900-1923), Instituto Vasco de Administración Pública, Oñati, 2016, 273 pages.

  • La revista Arbor (1944-2014): estudio y antología de una publicación del committee Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, CSIC, Madrid, 2015, 153 pages.

MARRODÁN, J; ARALUCE, G; ELIZARI, R; GARCÍA DE LÉANIZ, R; JIMÉNEZ, M; and LABIANO, R.: Relatos de plomo. History of ETA terrorism in Navarre. Society against ETA. Published by: Government of Navarre. Pamplona, 2015, 567 pages.

URÍA RODRÍGUEZ, I. Bajo dos banderas. Religión y política en Cuba durante la primera ocupación americana (1899-1902), coedición EUNSA-University of Miami, 2016, 206 pages.

DÍAZ HERNÁNDEZ, O., "El project cultural de Rafael Calvo Serer: Arbor (1944-1953)", in Montero, F. and Louzao, J. (coords.), La restauración social católica en el primer franquismo (1939-1953), Alcalá de Henares, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 2015, pp. 21-43.

FERRARY, A., "Las relaciones hispano-británicas: de la Dictadura a la Democracia", in Mizerska-W., Marlgorzata and Orella Martínez, J.L. (eds.), De las fronteras hacia fuera: Polonia y España y sus aliados estratégicos y secundarios en el siglo XX, Schedas, Madrid, 2016, pp. 273-306.

MARTÍNEZ SÁNCHEZ, S., "A por los 'rojos'. Los párrocos de Jaén ante la depuración de maestros, funcionarios, vecinos y masones, 1939-1942", in Montero, F. and Louzao, J. (coords.), La restauración social católica en el primer franquismo (1939-1953), Alcalá de Henares, Publicaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá, 2015, pp. 251-284.

PÉREZ HERRERA, GEMA. Friend or foe? Spain, the United States and NATO after the arrival of the Socialist Party in Government in Spain, 1982-1983", in North America and Spain: Transversal Perspectives, (J. Cañero, ed.), New York, Escribana Books, 2017, pp. 123-137.
Language: English/Spanish
ISBN-10: 1940075483
ISBN-13: 978-1940075488


  • "International Contacts in the First Years of the Spanish CSIC (1940-1945)", in Nazi Germany and Southern Europe, 1933-1945: Science, Culture and Politics, Palgrave MacMillan, London, 2016, pp. 68-83.

  • "José María Albareda en los comienzos del committee Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (1936-1949)", in Jesús Longares Alonso: el maestro que sabía escuchar, Eunsa, Pamplona, 2016, pp. 203 - 229.

  • "Las persecuciones religiosas en el siglo XX", in Los arreglos del presidente Portes Gil con la jerarquía católica y el fin de la guerra cristera. Aspectos jurídicos e históricos. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México-Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, Mexico, 2015, pp. 179-205.

  • "Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo y 25 argumentos contra la OTAN". In Estudios en homenaje al profesor Celso Almuiña Fernández. Historia, periodismo y comunicación, Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid, Valladolid, 2016. pp. 485-502.

ZARATIEGUI, J.M. Los orígenes ideológicos de la tecnocracia española", in Cañellas, A. (coord.), La tecnocracia hispánica: ideas y project político, Trea, Gijón, 2016 pp.49-79.


Women's Studies. project The Hidden Genius.


María Blanco Fernández "Women in the Church". Ius canonicum 40 (2020): 695-739. ORDID. 0000-0002-0217-4069. 



  • "Piedad de la Cierva, A surprising trajectory between the second republic and Francoism", Arbor, 192, no. 779 (2016).

  • "Commercial networks and marriage strategies. Las mujeres en el comercio del Galeón de Manila (siglos XVII-XVIII)", Revista Complutense de Historia de América, 42 (2016), pp. 203-220.

DÍAZ DE TERÁN, M.C., "La incidencia de los avances biomédicos en la mujer. Some reflections on the Spanish rules and regulations ", Cuadernos de Bioética XXVI/2ª (2015), pp. 311-323.

MONTERO, M., "Las carreras profesionales de las primeras universitarias españolas (1910-1936)", Arbor, Vol 192, Nº 778 (2016), pp. 1-16.


Nieves Gómez, Dolores Franco de Marías. Una vida desde la razón vital, EUNSA, 2021. Ernestina de Champourcin Collection.

MªCruz Díaz de Terán, Women and Law. Pioneers in the United States and Spain, EUNSA. 2021. Women Collection

Inmaculada Alva and Mercedes Montero, El hecho inesperado. Mujeres en el Opus Dei (1930-1950), Rialp. 2021.

María Jiménez Ramos, Ana María Vidal Abarca. El coraje frente al terror, La Catarata, 2020.


BLANCO FERNÁNDEZ, M., MARTÍN, M.M., La Abadesa de las Huelgas (critical-historical edition), Rialp, Madrid, 2016, 867 pages. ISBN 978-84-321-4687-9.

CHOPERENA, A., Memorias de enfermeras en la Guerra Civil Americana, Ediciones San Juan de Dios, Barcelona, 2016.


  • "El desafío de la corresponsabilidad en la conciliación de la vida familiar y laboral", in A. Aparisi (coord.), Estudios sobre Género y Derecho. Hacia un model de la igualdad en la diferencia, Thomson-Reuters Aranzadi, Pamplona, 2016.

  • "Mujer y nuevos derechos", in J. A. Santos, Bioética y nuevos derechos, Comares, Granada, 2016, pp. 175-185.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Publicador de contenidos


14 | 12 | 2023

Everyday life in turbulent times


14 | 03 | 2023

The University announces a new edition of the award Ernestina de Champourcin for promote programs of study on women.


17 | 01 | 2023

"The university was a pioneer of civic resistance to ETA."



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