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Cabecera: Información adicional 2023

  • Title degree scroll official
  • 240 credits 240 credits
  • 4 years 4 years
  • On-site On-site
  • Spanish Spanish
  • Pamplona Pamplona
  • 60 places 60 places
  • Centre School of Humanities and Social Sciences

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Knowing the past, interpreting the present and building the future

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The Degree in History is geared towards students with an interest in people, societies and cultures. You will study History, Art and Geography and you will go through all the historical periods from a political, diplomatic, cultural, social and geographical perspective to understand why and how the great milestones of History have occurred and how human beings have behaved. From analyzing major international political movements, to knowing the daily life of a Roman woman or what a peasant could think about the witch hunts in the sixteenth century. 


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Upcoming events

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27 mar. 2025


UNAV in Sao Paulo

Hotel Melia Ibirapuera (Av. Ibirapuera, 2534 - Indianópolis, São Paulo - SP, 04028-002, Brazil- conference room Caju

27 mar. 2025

6:30 p.m.

UNAV in Sao Paulo

Hotel Melia Ibirapuera (Av. Ibirapuera, 2534 - Indianópolis, São Paulo - SP, 04028-002, Brazil- conference room Caju)

01 abr. 2025


UNAV in Porto Alegre

Porto Belo Cultural Center Rua Barão de Ubá, 447 - Bairro Bela Vista - Porto Alegre/RS - Cep : 90450-090 Brazil

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Looking to expand and enrich your training in History? You can fill in and differentiate your profile with one of the following Double Degrees or Diplomas.

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History + Journalism

You will acquire a solid knowledge and the necessary tools to contextualize what is happening today and connect it with past events. You will be able to analyze, evaluate and disseminate information with criteria and make informed decisions.


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Double Degree in History and Journalism

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Understands the current challenges

History + International Relations

In an increasingly global, complex and interconnected society, it is core topic to understand current challenges and project the future. An in-depth training in historical, legal, economic and political issues will enable you to develop the sensitivity and vision to build bridges between people, raise major questions, launch initiatives and seek solutions at a global level.


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Double Degree of history + International Office

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The importance of rescuing the past

Diploma in Archeology

A theoretical training internship , unique in Spain, which will take you to the "History to be discovered and that is not written". The historical basis will allow you to contextualize and disseminate archaeological discoveries and research.


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Diploma in archeology

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Write us and we will try to help you

You can ask us anything you want, we are not bots, shall we chat?

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Isabelle Murray

Head of Admissions for Degree

Write me a Whatsapp

Book me an online interview

Write me an email

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Do you want more reasons?

"History is a kind of public official document ; it is the voice of the report". Simon Schama.
If you are curious about knowledge, about real stories, about reliving and reconstructing events from different times, countries and cultures. If you like to understand processes, listen to others, contemplate and make connections between events and people, this Degree is for you.

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We are the most international School of Philosophy and Letters in Spain: more than 650 students of 40 nationalities.

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partnership in projects of research, training and advice in the search for internships and employment.

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80% of the students of the School of Philosophy and Letters have a scholarship or financial aid.

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We offer you:

Your knowledge of history and cultural exchange will begin as soon as you set foot on classroom. You will share your day-to-day life with colleagues from all over the world.

management You will have at your disposal techniques and tools from specialization: historiographic, bibliographic, cartographic, heritage resources (archaeological and documentary) as well as resources on network.

You will be able to collaborate in research with professors from department, Institute for Culture and Society and the University of Navarra Museum.

An attractive internship opportunities from the first course. We will help you enter the professional world. We have agreements with partnership for internships in museums, archives, libraries, cultural institutions, as well as in companies and organizations at national and international level.

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Let nothing hold you back from your future

From the beginning of the University of Navarra, we have worked to ensure that no student with the ability to study with us is left without fulfilling his or her dream for financial reasons.

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If you are a student of high school program who likes to think, debate, read, listen, if you don't give up, reconsider and develop an opinion of your own, #BeBrave may be your space.

It is an initiative of the School of Philosophy and Letters that aims to connect the students and teachers of the School with students of high school diploma who are interested in Humanities and with all those who are attracted by the content of this project.

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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

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Program in Innovation & Entrepreneurship

The first university Entrepreneurship program that blends in seamlessly with your degree program

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Impact of our teaching, research and transfer of knowledge

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The University, second best in Spain according to the CYD 2024 ranking. +

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The University, among the top 100 universities in the world in 7 subjects of the QS 2025 ranking . +

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5 teaching areas of the University, among the best in the world according to the Times Higher Education 2023 ranking . +

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The University obtains the HR Excellence in Research seal that accredits it as an entity committed to quality in the management of human resources at research (2020). +

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