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Why study Degree in History

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What are you going to learn?


Training in History at the University of Navarra began in 1955, with the aim of providing students with an interdisciplinary education that would enable them to learn about the past, interpret the present and thus build the future, goal . The School of Humanities and Social Sciences trains the humanists of the future and offers quality teaching applied to the specific needs of our time.

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What makes us different?

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A clear goal

To train professionals capable of understanding today's world with a broad historical perspective, making History and Culture present in society.


A high specialization in techniques for historians

management Historiographic, bibliographic, cartographic, heritage resources (archaeological and documentary) as well as resources at network.


An attractive internship opportunities as a means of early entry into the labor market.

The department of History maintains agreements with partnership for internships in museums, archives and state libraries, as well as in national and international companies and organizations.

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You will acquire skills such as:

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To understand history in all its aspects (political, economic, social, cultural), and the major processes of change and continuity of the periods or epochs in which it is sequenced: Prehistory, Ancient, Medieval, Modern and Contemporary.


Knowing the geographical, historical, social, cultural and artistic environment.

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To have a comparative perspective of local, national, own and European history.


Use the specific techniques necessary to study original historical documents.

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Systematic and integrated knowledge of artistic manifestations, theory and aesthetic thought.


Knowing cultural heritage as a socio-economic resource for the sustained development of contemporary societies.

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To know the cultural and thought keys throughout history.


To know the main periods, movements and authors of Western world literature.


You will be able to work in...

One of the strengths of the different Departments of School is the quantity and quality of internships offered to its students, both national and international. These internships often lead to employment contracts.

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  • Our graduates have this professional projection:

  • Teaching (secondary and higher education)

  • Libraries and Archives

  • Documentation Centres of public and private institutions

  • State Institutions, in particular the Diplomatic Corps

  • Cultural management: museum management and administration, Art restoration


  • High historical dissemination: press and other media

  • Research (University and companies)

  • Historical advice in film and television

  • Heritage Protection (State Security Forces and Corps)

  • Archaeological excavation management companies

  • Valuation of works of art: auction houses

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We help you
And also...

The Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of Navarrathe first Spanish museum integrated into a university institution that, on a permanent basis, houses works by prominent contemporary artists, while simultaneously carrying out activities at research and knowledge dissemination.

Possibility to specialise during the Degree, taking 4 years of study History + Diploma in Archaeology.

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