
The team of development

The mission statement of the development Team is the management of the external relations of the School. From this area we work on speech (relations with the media, social networks, etc.), relations with alumni and prospective students (both Degree and postgraduate program), practices in business and relations with them, as well as internationalization.

Visor de contenido web (Global)



Cristhian Mestre

Director of development


Ext. 802981

Maria Saldias

Join Us


Admission and Promotion

Cristina Mancebo

manager from Admissions Office of Degree and Master's Degree


Ext. 802782

Regina Sheerin

International Foundation Program Admissions


Ext. 802982

Carmen Bassy

Coordinator and manager of Admissions Office of MCCC


Carmen Baleztena

scholarship PIE, area de Admissions Office


Professional careers

Cristina Terroba

manager of Internships and employment

Ext. 803465

International Office and Exchanges

Regina Sheerin

Coordinator of International Office and Exchanges


Ext. 802982


María Martínez

Head of Communication