
Visiting fellows

Visiting Professors

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Navarra offers the possibility of carrying out stays at research to people from other national and international centres.

To accommodate the needs of each researcher, three different profiles have been established:

  • researcher Visiting scholar: a lecturer from another institution who stays at School in order to fill in his or her training or to develop a programme of research under the supervision or at partnership of a lecturer from the centre.

  • researcher Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher: doctor with few years of experience (less than 5 years since the reading of his thesis ) and who carries out programs of study or research tasks under the supervision of a professor of the centre, with the intention of fill in his training as researcher.

  • researcher Visiting Student Researcher: a student from doctorate who carries out programs of study or research tasks under the supervision of a lecturer from the centre.

Relevant documentation

Download the documents required for a stay.


CRISTINA GADALETA (2 May - 26 June 2022)

The scope of his research is skill pragmatics of non-native speakers of Italian, Spanish and English.

Her professional experience is mainly related to the teaching of Italian as a second language language in Italy and as a foreign language abroad (Ireland, Chile, Spain and England), both in language schools and universities.

She has worked as a translator, both for companies and on the publishing house team of a scientific journal (E-JournALL, EuroAmerican Journal of Applied Linguistics and Languages).

In the last two years he has been putting his linguistic knowledge in the field of computational linguistics on internship , collaborating in projects on phonetics, syntax and semantics applied to artificial intelligence.

MARCIA ARBUSTI (4-18 May 2022)

Professor of Arts since 2003 and PhD with accredited specialization in Linguistics since 2015. She currently works in two public universities in the province of Santa Fe.

She is also the director of the Academic Writing Centre, where she coordinates with great enthusiasm and commitment teachers and multiple student groups.

MARÍA PAZ MADRID SAN MARTÍN (28 February 2022 - 1 April 2022)

Lawyer, Law Degree from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. She is a professor at Schoolof Law at the University of Santiago de Chile. María Paz is a Master of Laws (LL.M.) and a Doctor of Laws (S.J.D.) candidate at the University of Notre Dame. Her projectof thesis focuses on the protection of neural information. Additionally, she is interested in the philosophical underpinnings of Education law.


Chilean, MA with accredited specializationin Fundamental Theology (2011). She has an international postgraduate degree in Art Business Coaching from the Universidad San Sebastián-Chile and a diploma in teachingfrom the UC (2018). She is a PhD(Philosophiae Doctor) candidate at doctoral programin Theology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Her projectof thesis is entitled: "Mysticism as knowledge, communication and meetingin Edith Stein's thought. Three keys of theological understanding for the dialogue between faith and culture". She has been an adjunct instructor at Schoolof Theology UC, since 2012 in various courses of traininggeneral. She is the creator and teacher of the courses "women and mysticism" and "conscious corporeality". She has also practised teachingand has been an examiner in the Postgraduate Programme in Religion at the Alberto Hurtado University. She is a founding member of the interdisciplinary UC Centre of programs of studyon Edith Stein (2009), of which she is still a member. In managementshe was editor of the journal Steiniana (2018-2020) and is currently part of its team publishing houseas a consultant. 

His field of specializationis the study of mysticism from the perspective of the dialogue between faith and culture. Due to her interest in spirituality and integral human development, she complements her work in academia as a professional ontological coach and is part of the Humaniza coaching Chile team. His approachis the developmentof leadership through generic communicational competences.


(Pontifical University of St. Thomas, Italy)

department of Philosophy

Born in Santiago de Chile in 1985. graduate in Philosophy (2010), by the Universidad de los Andes (Santiago, Chile), graduate in Theology by the high school Theological San Ildefonso de Toledo of the Universidad San Dámaso de Madrid (2015), graduate in Theology by the Catholic University of Toulouse in France (2019) and currently PhD student at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome in Italy (present). During the process of training I have participated in several congresses of Philosophy and Theology. My lines of research are the theory of knowledge, philosophical and theological anthropology, and mainly natural theology. In these fields I have specialised mainly in the work of Thomas Aquinas and the medieval tradition, drawing from the so-called "Thomistic School of Barcelona" and the renewed French Thomism. 

Stay: 1 July 2020 - 30 July 2021

Maria del Carmen Herrando CugotaMARÍA DEL CARMEN HERRANDO CUGOTA
(University of San Jorge, Zaragoza)

department of Philosophy

Graduate and doctorate in Philosophy (UNED). She has been working at the San Jorge University in Villanueva de Gállego (Zaragoza) for ten years, teaching Ethics and other subjects of high school Humanism and Society.

Her main focus of interest at research is the French philosopher Simone Weil (1909-1943), whom she has been studying for twenty years (she belongs to the "Association pour l'Étude de la Pensée de Simone Weil"); she is also a reader and great admirer of the writer José Jiménez Lozano, a truly valuable author. Simone Weil belongs to the group of what Jiménez Lozano calls his "spiritual family"; hence the interest in linking these two authors.

Stay: 10 June 2020 - 20 July 2020

Luciano Garófalo Rodríguez

(Universidad de los Andes, Chile)

department of Philosophy

Born in Caracas, Venezuela in 1990, he is graduate in Philosophy Summa cum laude (2013) and Magister in Philosophy and Human Sciences (2016) by the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). Ex-professor trainer full-time for two years of the department of History of the Philosophy of the same House of programs of study, after receiving a scholarship of the committee of development Scientific and Humanistic (CDCH-UCV). He is currently studying his programs of study of doctorate in Philosophy at the Universidad de los Andes in Chile under the auspices of a scholarship of doctorate Nacional-2017 of the Comisión Nacional de research Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT) of the aforementioned country.

Stay: 4 November 2019 - 4 September 2020

Raúl Martínez de Santos Gorostiaga

(University of the Basque Country)

(department from Philosophy)

Semiotricity, the specific semiotics of play-motor situations, was proposal and developed by Pierre Parlebas from the French semiotics of the Sorbonne in the middle of the last century.

Peirce's semiotics seems to offer more fertile avenues worth exploring in detail: a triadic model of praxema, more complex in appearance, allows the processes of praxical speech to be modelled more efficiently, both in their typology and in their functioning.

This stay, the results of which will be presented at the seminar of the GEP at the end of April, will allow me to take up again one of the topics of my doctoral thesis , with the hope of update and deepening my knowledge, and with the intention of implementing programs of study empirical and applied to the Education physics.

Stay: 31 January - 30 April 2020

Franco César Puricelli

(National University of Cordoba)

department of Philosophy

Born in the city of San Francisco, Argentina, on October 22, 1989. graduate in Philosophy by the National University of Cordoba (UNC), graduate on July 27, 2016, with the presentation of the final work graduate "Intentionality and object in the phenomenological perspective". She is currently doing her doctoral research on Philosophy of language and phenomenology at the UNC, with the attendance of a doctoral scholarship of the committee Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Conicet). Member of the project of research "Experience and language" of the administrative assistant of Science and Technology of the UNC. 

Stay: 3 February - 3 March 202


department of Philology

He is Professor of Spanish and Education at the University of Rhode Island (Assistant Professor of Spanish and Teacher Education). His ties with the University go back a long way. At this institution he completed his programs of study from licentiate degree (1999) and doctorate (2004). He completed the doctoral dissertation, under the direction of Dr. Ignacio Arellano. He has published 4 editions of plays from the Siglo de Oro (one of them appeared in Eunsa, two others in the collection Autos sacramentalesde Calderón Reichemberger Universidad de Navarra). His research focuses on Hispanic Golden Age theatre and the use of literature as a medium for teaching languages.

Stay: 15 June - 20 August 2019


Claudia Carbonell

(University of La Sabana, Colombia)

department of Philosophy

BA (1999) and PhD in Philosophy (2006) from the University of Navarra. Currently Research Professor at department of Philosophy at the University of La Sabana, Colombia. Her area of specialization is Metaphysics and Ancient Philosophy , especially Aristotle, Plato and Origen of Alexandria. She directs the group of research Rationality and Culture at the Universidad de La Sabana, recognised by Colciencias. She is also an External Collaborator of project of research Emotional culture and identity of the ICS of the University of Navarra.

Stay: 8 January - 8 July 2019

Charles A. JhonsonCHARLES A. JHONSON
(Brigham Young University Provo, USA)

laboratory of ILCE Speech

He comes from California and is pursuing a Master's Degree in computer science. His undergraduate studies were in mathematics. In his short academic career, he has received two grants, a number of scholarships and has published in two prestigious control theory conferences. His interests are varied including mathematics, health, social and biological sciences as well as his staff hobbies: reading and cooking. Charles is currently researching mathematical notions of influence in networks, the correlations between the stock market and internet outages, phonetics as dynamic systems and analyzing phonetic features of children with cochlear implants.

Stay: 21 September 2018-22 June 2019

Mª del Rosario Leal BonmatiMª del ROSARIO LEAL BONMATI
(University of Seville)

department from Philology / group from research TriviUN

The research he is carrying out on Spanish theatre between the 17th and 18th centuries, focusing on the figure of José de Cañizares (1676-1750), has shed new light on the stage of these years (critical edition of a mythological zarzuela and various articles). He has tackled other aspects such as para-theatre; and has collaborated in the reconstruction of the Patio de Comedias la Montería in the Alcázar of Seville (group HUM 123) and has disseminated the plans of the corral de comedias of Medina Sidonia (Cádiz). Since 2016, his production has delved deeper into these themes: he has located in the Library Services Nacional a complete theatrical fiesta and the research on the Spanish opera of the 18th century.

Stay: 7 March - 5 June 2019

(Catholic University of Valencia)

department of Philosophy

graduate in Philosophy by the University of Valencia (2015), Master's Degree in Human Rights, Peace and Sustainable development by the same University (2016). Since November 2016, student of the Doctoral School of the Catholic University of Valencia, where, with a scholarship from research of the UCV, she is doing the doctoral dissertation at Philosophy. Specifically, she is researching the implicit Philosophy of History in the transhumanist current. The research is directed by Ginés framework and Enrique Moros.

Stay: 1 March - 1 July 2019

Mª Jesús Peréx Agorreta


department of History, History of Art and Geography

Graduate in Geography and History, specialization program Ancient History, Complutense University of Madrid. PhD in Ancient History from the Complutense University of Madrid (1985). Lecturer at the University (1987). Director of department of Ancient History (since 2004). She has also held various academic posts at the School of Geography and History at the UNED. She is currently a member of the Senate of the UNED and Dean of the School of Geography and History of the UNED (since January 2011). Her main lines of research: Settlement in the territory of the Vascones in Roman times and Mineral-medicinal and/or thermal waters and the cult of waters in the Iberian Peninsula in Antiquity.

Stay: 1 January - 30 September 2019

Kalle Pihlainen

(University of Turku, Finland)

department of History, History of Art and Geography

  • publisher, Rethinking History: The Journal of Theory and Practice (Routledge, Taylor &Francis Group), acting publisher 1/6/2017

  • Senior research fellow, School of Humanities, University of Tallinn/Estonian

  • Research Council Exploratory Research Grant, 1/1/2016-31/12/2019

  • Adjunct professor of philosophy and cultural theory, Department of Philosophy, Åbo Akademi University, 14/12/2015-

  • Adjunct professor of political history and philosophy of history, Contemporary History, University of Turku, 28/6/2006

Stay: 1 February - 31 March 2019


Uriel Ulises Bernal Madrigal

(Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico)

department of Philosophy

Student of the programme "Maestría en Philosophy de Cultura" of the School de Philosophy "Dr. Samuel Ramos Magaña" of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, starting on 4 September 2017 and finishing on 31 August 2019.

licentiate degree at Philosophy in School of Philosophy "Dr. Samuel Ramos Magaña" of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Mexico; 2011-2015. She did the doctoral dissertation: El giro filosófico de la retórica en Platón y Aristóteles, on 27 January 2017 with unanimous approval.

Stay: 1 October - 1 December 2018

Alberto Vílchez Veleda

(Pompeu Fabra University)


  • doctorate in translation and language sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (present)

  • Master's Degree en lingüística aplicada a la teaching of Spanish as a foreign language language , Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid (2014).

  • licentiate degree in Linguistics, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona (2011)

  • Technical Computer Engineering of management, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona (2008)

Stay: 24 September - 30 November 2018


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31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 425 600