30 ECTS credit credit (750 hours)
9 months
6.000 €
When you reach Degree as a PhD, all researcher are empowered to undertake research autonomously, lead projects and apply for competitive calls. However, in reality, their training process continues and they need to gain experience. To this end, he undertakes temporary research stays at prestigious research and development centres, which help him to develop skills and knowledge. Experienced doctors also periodically need time to update and boost their research. To this end, they seek to join well-established research teams, where they can familiarise themselves with new research methodologies.
To cater for these two profiles, the University of Navarra is launching this pioneering programme in Spain: the first Postdoctoral Programme at speech. It is a degree scroll of the School of speech aimed at PhDs from any background. Its programme consists of 30 ECTS credit credit (750 hours) for a period of 9 months, with a total cost of 6,000 €.
The Postdoctoral Programme at speech can be fill in at one time, or spread over a maximum of three years, up to fill in the 9 months of activities (e.g. through three periods of three months or other formulas to be agreed upon). During the programme, the postdoctoral researcher is supervised and supported by a senior researcher from School of speech, assigned according to his/her thematic specialization program . Under the guidance of this mentor researcher carries out one or more research projects, aimed at producing contributions to conferences and high-level scientific publications. At the end of the programme, the postdoctoral researcher presents his or her record of activities and results to a commission made up of senior researchers from the School of speech, who certify the awarding of the degree scroll to the candidate.
Ana Azurmendi Adarraga
Vice-Dean of research of the School de speech
aazur@unav.esCampus university
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 Ext. 802094
Postdoctoral activities
issue of sessions: 35
Duration: 35 hours (1h/session)
Description: Meetings of the researcher postdoctoral fellow with his or her mentor which normally take place once a week during the nine months of the programme. Their content focuses on:
1) to guide the postdoctoral researcher in the choice of their research activities during the programme;
2) in agreement agreement with the mentordefine a plan of research for the postdoctoral researcher during the period of the programme;
3) to support and guide the researcher postdoctoral in the resolution of logistical issues, for the good development of the programme;
4) to plan, guide and monitor the work of research carried out by researcher postdoctoral;
5) receive supervision, monitoring and certification of the fulfilment of the activities contemplated in the programme, for the final recognition of degree scroll by the postdoctoral researcher .
6. after the end of the programme period, provide advice and guidance to researcher postdoctoral for the publication of results.
issue of sessions: 5
Duration: 5 hours (1h/session)
Description: With the guidance and support of the researcher mentorthe postdoctoral researcher will hold at least 5 meetings throughout the period of the programme with researchers from the School of speech or, if the area of research justifies it, with researchers from other centres of the University of Navarra. The purpose of these meetings will be to provide access to knowledge on specialised subjects by the postdoctoral researcher .
issue of sessions: 18
Duration: 18 hours (1h/session)
Description: Under the guidance of the researcher mentor researcher postdoctoral will select and have access to the research seminars organised regularly (usually every fortnight) by the four Departments of the School of speech (department of speech Public; department of Culture and speech Audiovisual; department of Marketing and Business of speech; and department of average Projects), as well as by @digitalunav - Center for Internet Studies and Digital Life and School itself. attend Of all these conferences and seminars, the postdoctoral researcher must attend at least 18 (or their equivalent in hours) over the course of the programme.
At least two of the seminars will be held at position by researcher and will consist of the presentation of project of research -at the beginning of the programme- and of the results obtained -at the end of the programme-.
issue of sessions: 4
Duration: 4 hours (1h/session)
Description: The researcher postdoctoral will conduct the following 4 sessions of training for researchers: 1) Introduction to Library Services; 2) Unika, Catalog, electronic journals and instructions of data; 3) Specific sessions on instructions of data: Scopus, Web of Science, SciFinder, Pubmed, Dialnet. 4) Mendeley bibliographic manager.
issue of sessions: 9
Duration: 9 hours (1h/session)
Description: Under the guidance of the researcher mentor research , the postdoctoral researcher will select and have access to the open seminars of organised by any centre of the University of Navarra. These activities are intended to be congruent and enriching for the general framework of the programme. attend Of all the conferences and seminars offered by the University, the researcher postdoctoral fellow must attend at least 9 (or their equivalent in hours) throughout the programme.
issue of sessions: Not defined
Duration: 675 hours (75h/month)
Description: Under the guidance of the researcher mentor researcher postdoctoral researcher, the research project(s), aimed at obtaining results from research basic and/or applied research. This activity constitutes the bulk of the dedication of the postdoctoral researcher during the programme and translates into an individual work , aimed at obtaining quality academic publications. This work is usually carried out at the area for researchers at Library Services of the University of Navarra, or at one of the department of the School at speech. This activity also includes any attendance at conferences and participation in academic forums that the postdoctoral researcher may attend during the programme.