Actividades formativas: texto

Training activities

Calendar of general training activities for the 18-19 academic year organized by the School of doctorate.

Actividades formativas: desplegable


Content: presentation of the Library Service, with the goal that attendees learn how to effectively use the services available to them. The Subject Librarian and the subject resource guides. Introduction to basic concepts of scientific documentation: the cycle of scientific communication, the different types of information sources, the need for information, the search strategy and the assessment of the results. UNIKA The course is available at tool of finding of the UNAV.

Activity recommended for first year doctoral students.




Content: Ethical use of information. Concepts associated with copyright. Relationship between documents from their association as citing and cited. Necessity of using bibliographic managers. Use of RefWorks.

Activity recommended for first and second year doctoral students.




Content: Explanation of the publication process of a article, from the preparation of the manuscript to the dissemination strategies in social networks to increase its visibility. In addition, this session will teach how to identify the highest quality journals in each scientific area .

Activity recommended for students from second grade onwards.


Taught by the Research Management Service

Content: Technology Transfer: Innovation system. Intellectual Property. Industrial Property. Patents. Negotiation techniques in the field of technology transfer. Technology Transfer and the European Space research. Technology Transfer case studies. Creation of EBTs. Technology Transfer and the European Space research. Valorization of results of research.

Activity recommended for third and fourth year doctoral students.


Taught by the high school of Anthropology and Ethics

Content: The Course aims to provide a basic training around the foundations of the University of Navarra's project educational , in line with some of the most relevant issues in the current scientific and cultural context. It consists of a series of 12 or 15 sessions given by different professors of the University, coming from very diverse areas, who try to open among students the reflection and interdisciplinary dialogue on the issues they address.

educational activity mandatory for staff researcher at training (PIF), optional for the rest.

training didactic courses offered by the University through the Service of innovation in education.

The innovation in education Service carries out activities aimed at the training of the University's faculty and PIFs, trying to cover the different areas involved in the development their professor work. These are short, practical sessions that try to teach things that can help in their daily work . They are voluntary activities that are directed especially to those PIF who participate in the teaching internship of the subjects or who have a vocation towards teaching.


The different groups of research of department CIE organize seminars where internationally relevant papers are presented on topics related to their field of specialization.

As learning outcomes, doctoral students are expected to learn how to present and discuss the latest advances in the various specialized fields. It is also intended that students have points of reference letter to expose research work in public and answer questions from specialists.

Doctoral students will be able to attend the conference related to their field of specialization during all years of the doctorate CIE.

Mandatory nature.

As the PhD student is developing its thesis , its Director will indicate the most relevant congresses of the area where the PhD student will be able to present its work in front of specialists and students of doctorate from other universities.

As learning outcomes, the PhD student will learn how to prepare presentations of their research in public. He/she will also learn how to present in public the work of the thesis and face questions from colleagues or professors specialized in the subject.

This activity will take place from the 2nd year onwards.

In the case of doctoral students part-time, the Director of the thesis may advise the PhD student the attendance to one of these congresses to present their work of research.

Mandatory nature.

Both the School of doctorate and Academic Committee encourage their doctoral students to publish the results of the thesis in international scientific journals. To this end, the rules and regulations of the department CIE establishes that doctoral students must have, in order to deposit their thesis doctoral thesis, at least one accepted publication in journals indexed in ISI-JCR, or another equivalent scientific contribution evaluated by the Coordinating Committee of the doctoral program.

The Director of thesis will, as the PhD student goes through its research, guide and advise the PhD student on the most appropriate specialized journals for the publication of the articles of the thesis . In fact, normally the PhD student will have sent at least one article to these journals.

Mandatory nature.

The doctoral program is aware of the importance of providing doctoral students with an international training , so as to facilitate their incorporation into the scientific, business and industrial world. As stated in the Spanish Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation 2013-2020, the mobility is a critical factor in favoring knowledge transfer, improving knowledge and technology absorption capacities, and fostering dialogue and partnership.

In particular, the mobility associated with doctoral program is a factor core topic to improve the skills of the research team and the PhD student, and constitutes a fundamental vehicle for: establishing partnership links, facilitating learning processes, increasing the use of scientific and technological knowledge and the generation of new knowledge, new applications and the development of products and services.

Stays at research will usually be for one semester and will normally take place during the second and/or third year of doctorate. It is important that the PhD student comes to the research stay with the work of the thesis at least somewhat advanced in order to get the most out of this activity.

The PhD student will apply for grants through public and private calls for proposals and/or through the travel grants of the association of Friends of the University of Navarra. The Director of thesis will try to obtain funds for this stay based on projects from research, scholarships or grants.


Extincion: interiores

Programme in extinction

Applications are not accepted for the 2020/21 academic year, interested parties may contact doctoradoarq@unav.esfrom the new doctoral program in Architecture.

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