Presentacion: texto


This program aims to train experts in topics related to the integration of new technologies, concepts and developments in the various fields of architecture. The purpose of the same is not to give a generalist training to the doctoral students but, on the contrary, to provide the specialization in different areas of the technical knowledge within the field of architecture with a strong interdisciplinary ingredient.

To this end, doctoral program offers two lines of research:

  • design and management Environmental Architecture: With the goal to reduce the impacts produced by buildings and their urban environment. Acting in the reduction of energy consumption, materials and water, as well as discharges, emissions, noise, waste, land occupation, ecosystem modification, fire, etc. And from a global concept of sustainability: environmental, economic and social.

  • design Technological for Architecture: development of new criteria and techniques of design that make it possible to construct buildings with technologies that respond to the actions that buildings receive and to the current regulatory requirements, together with the optimized management of the Building process. New methods of design of Structures of steel, wood and mixed materials, as well as digital tools that favor the saving of resources, the transfer and integration of new technologies to the productive sector. New materials and construction systems for the design of building envelopes, both exterior and interior, both for installations and cladding.

The doctoral program is implemented within the framework established by RD99/2011.

Presentacion: desplegable

The doctoral program in design Environmental and Technological in Architecture, is a program coordinated by the department of Construction, Installations and Structures (CIE). It aims to train experts in topics related to the integration of new technologies, concepts and developments in the various fields of architecture.

The purpose of the same is not to give a generalist training to the doctoral students but, on the contrary, to provide the specialization in different areas of the architectural knowledge with a strong interdisciplinary ingredient.

The following Departments of the University of Navarra participate in the development of doctoral program :

  • Department of Building Construction, Services and Structures

In the same way, professors from other Departments of the University of Navarra can participate in the development of the Programme, mainly in the co-direction of thesis doctoral theses.

Likewise, professors and doctors from other national and foreign institutions can participate in the Programme, as they have been doing, either in the co-direction of doctoral theses, giving seminars, mobility actions (both of doctoral students and of the professors themselves), participation in thesis tribunals convened to obtain the European/International Mention in the doctoral degree, etc.

Extincion: interiores

Programme in extinction

Applications are not accepted for the 2020/21 academic year, interested parties may contact doctoradoarq@unav.esfrom the new doctoral program in Architecture.

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31009 Pamplona, Spain

+34 948 42 56 00

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