The Animal Phenotyping Unit is a platform of the research center in Nutrition (CIN) that serves both the groups of research of the University of Navarra and external groups. It performs metabolic characterization, determination of locomotor activity and body composition of murine models in vivo.
This platform allows the study and continuous monitoring under controlled conditions of metabolic disease models, transgenic animals or programs of study pharmacological assays. Not only are the experimental procedures carried out, but it also provides support in the design of the programs of study and interpretation of the results obtained.
The PhenoMaster System from TSE Systems is a modular system that allows the determination of metabolic parameters in mice by indirect calorimetry, the monitoring of food and drink intake, as well as the animal's weight and physical activity. In addition, the system has an air-conditioning cabinet that allows the control of temperature, humidity and light/dark cycles in the experiments. For the determination of body composition the unit is equipped with an Echo Medical Systems EchoMRI ™ whole body composition analyzer Pass for mouse and rat.
In the evaluation of physical activity, the PhenoMaster System allows the assessment locomotor activity in the three axesX, Y and Z) and the determination of voluntary exercise by means of an activity wheel integrated in the housing. In addition, the unit is also equipped with a Panlab LE8710M treadmill system for compulsory exercise programs for mice.
C/ Irunlarrea, 1
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425600
Ext. 806615
TSE Systems PhenoMaster System
EchoMRI ™ body composition equipment from Echo Medical Systems