The Medicine and Bioethics Seminars aim to address different aspects of medicine from a medical, ethical and legal perspective, taking as a starting point therapies or diagnostic procedures of recent implementation, and taking as a point of reference the consideration of the inherent dignity of the person and the respect that this entails.
Organised jointly by the School of Medicine of the University of Navarra and the Jérôme Lejeune Foundationthe activity aims to establish a meeting point meeting for professionals from all over the world to discuss the anthropological dimension and ethical impact of these therapies or procedures, and to evaluate possible alternatives.
In addition, we hope that the training received and the discussions held will contribute to facilitating the resolution of situations with ethical undertones in the professional practice of the participating doctors. In response to the needs expressed by the professionals, the different training areas of this course have been proposed.
Carmen Cañabate
School of Medicine
University of Navarra
Telephone: 948 425 600 Ext. 806643
Regina Lapetra
Jérôme Lejeune Foundation
Phone: 913 459 318