Admission Service
The Admissions Office Service works to meet the needs of prospective students and their families in matters related to academic programs of Degree and postgraduate studies. This work is carried out in coordination with the University's Schools and schools. It also has a Funding Office that studies, on a case-by-case basis, the cases presented to help them obtain the necessary resources for enrollment. In addition, information is provided on accommodation.
Functions and services
The Admissions Service offers information about the studies offered at the University of Navarra, the admission processes and the necessary orientation for new students. This information is not only provided at the University of Navarra's headquarters, but also at the various fairs attended by the service, events organised in different cities around the world, information visits to schools, etc.
Who we are
César Ciáurriz Fernández
Deputy Director Master Promotion
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 803169
Study Funding Office
Maribel Unzué Álvarez
Coordinator. Financing Office of the programs of study
+34 948 425 600 Ext. 802983
Marketing Area
Promotion Area
Isabel Béjar Castán
Delegate for Catalonia, Balearic Islands and Andorra
+34 618 169 157
Margarita Pérez de Eulate Vargas
Delegate for Western Andalusia and Extremadura
+34 629 35 93 83
Mery Juarros Reglero
Delegate for La Rioja, Álava, Burgos and Soria
+34 636 13 71 04
admision@unav.esUniversity of Navarra
Campus Universitario
31009 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 425 614