Keep growing hand in hand with your University with articles on employment and development professional.
- What to do after an interview at work?
- Interview at work: make an impact on your interviewer
- work interview: don't improvise, be prepared.
- How to face current and future changes in the labor market?
- 3 strategies to work your Linkedin
- What role do talent and leadership play in the development professional?
- 10 keys to position your profile on Linkedin
- 10 keys to get the most out of a virtual trade show employment
- How to manage your professional degree program to be a good leader?
- What do young people need today to find a career opportunity?
The Internship Service and employment has prepared a series of training resources to help you in your new stage.
Learn how to elaborate your CV, prepare your LinkedIn profile or get to know yourself better to face a selection process.
visit the website
Access internship offers and employment for graduates of the latest promotions or publish offers to hire others alumni. Log in with your alumni email (Username@alumni.unav.es) and your password. If you do not remember your credentials, write to practicasyempleo@unav.es or call us at 948 425 689 and we will assist you as soon as possible.