Nutrition and Sports
1. Yes, chef: plan your menu.
a. STARTERS: Start celebratory lunches/dinners with a good salad or vegetables. This way you ensure the intake of essential nutrients and keep your appetite at bay which will reduce the possibility of subsequent excesses (especially at dessert time!). Reduce or avoid those starters rich in unhealthy fats (sausages, cured cheeses or pates).
b. MAIN DISH: Avoid foods high in saturated fats (unhealthy) such as red meat (beef, lamb, sausages). Choose foods with less fat chicken, turkey, rabbit and fish. Avoid sauces based on butter and cream.
c. DESSERT: It doesn't always have to be a bomb of refined sugars and empty calories. A little bit of nougat... OK! But there are other ways
to end a celebratory meal in a top way: innovate! Fruit well cut and arranged on a plate and even topped with dark chocolate (85% or higher) and nuts.
Drink more water: a glass of wine, a beer or a soft drink will give you between 100 and 150 calories that are not essential. Water, not only does not give you those calories but it is essential and your body needs it for its proper functioning.
More and less: Portions and quantities: more, in the context of portions, does not mean better! However, more, in the context of nutrients, is better: eat less but more nutritiously.
nutrients, is better: eat less but more nutritiously. The simplicity of the dishes and the nutritious quality of the ingredients will help you take care of yourself and stay healthier.
help you take care of yourself and stay healthier this holiday season.
4. Festive is not synonymous with "sofa and blanket" as if "there is no tomorrow": yes to family evenings with our favorite Christmas movie, yes to being at home if we are tired of the routines of everyday life and need to "recharge batteries". But the day is long and there is time for everything. Get moving! Go for a walk with family and friends, dispense with the car to run "errands" or if you need to, don't try to park at the door of your destination. And why not, dance, you can lose up to 900 calories if you do it right.
Mónica Arias, professor at department of Nursing Care for Adult Patients.