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Study and good luck

May is the month of exams at the University. Daniel Jesús Orbaiz, studentof 3rd year of the Double Degree Degreein History and Journalism, presents his experience as studentin one of the seasons. core topic


May is coming and with it, the final exams at the University of Navarra. These are intensive days of Library Servicesand revision until the early hours of the morning. These are days when two different types of students face each other: a minority, who have planned their studies and arrive at the exam calmly, and the majority, who push themselves to the very last minute. Whatever the case, we all share a common goal: goal: the Cof subjectand the best possible grade. 

The satisfaction of an exam well done, of good study (either before or after) and of seeing a good resultin the UNAV application, with an egg-shaped icon, are the pleasant feelings shared by the vast majority of students. And the fact is that grades are much more than a issue, they are the reflection of a workdone (or not done).

A Failsignifies the need to take a subjectmore seriously. All of us who have taken something to June know how angry it is, but it is precisely because there is a Failthat a enrollmentof honour gives so much satisfaction. 

Since the French Revolution, countries have been modernising economically, politically and socially. Constitutions with more rights, fairer laws and access to Educationas a basic guarantee to be able to live with dignity and freedom. We would all like to be good lawyers, economists, teachers, doctors and journalists in the future, and we all know that in order to do so we have to make an effort. And we all know that something that is achieved without effort lasts between little and nothing. 

As I said at the beginning, these are exam days at the UNAV. The days when the university seems like a real intellectual temple and when the students give everything "for a free June", as they say in the corridors. I end by paraphrasing a student's bulletinfrom a few weeks ago: "Study, crack". And good luck, I add.

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